Confessions of a Pirate

Talk about music, movies, TV, books, other types of entertainment and what your vices are. Also, if you're addicted to the high you get off Aspirin, this is the place to talk about it.

DO you feel guilty about pirating?

yes, i stand in line when there is no line :honour:
Total votes: 14

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Wolfman Walt
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Megatron wrote:Not personally.
You still pay though, wether you do so personally or not. That's irrelevent.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

I will pay to go see a movie, because I enjoy a movie on a gigantic screen more than on my computer screen, but rarely will I buy music, except when I'm trying to collect all the CDs from an artsit(Bowie) or if I really really like the artist's personality : engrossing some asshole's pockets doesn't really appeal to me.

As for games, I download them, except if the cracked version doesn't work for me and the game looks really awesome, or if it's a game I really want to play online(like WC3, which I play a lot on bnet). Though i will also buy a game from a small company.
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Post by Megatron »

Wolfman Walt wrote:That's irrelevent.
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St. Toxic
Haha you're still not there yet
Haha you're still not there yet
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Post by St. Toxic »

Stuntmen of the world unite!

Anyways, I don't make any money with the virtual possessions that I happen to own without having paid for them, as I don't release any products made with said possessions, neither do I sell the possessions themselves. Isn't that what pirating really refers to?

I don't have to pay a fee, if I walk by someone's open window and happen to hear the new Madonna thing or some shit, or if some sad fuck bought Saw 2 and invited me to watch, out of loneliness. That's not pirating, so neither is downloading games, music or flicks, seeing as down the line some bastard actually bought the product, and you, the interweb buddies, came over to check it out.
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