Nifty Fallout Bible Stuff

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Hero of the Desert
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Nifty Fallout Bible Stuff

Post by Killzig »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

The esteemed Mr. Carrot of #Fallout posted a rather interesting <a href=" ... ">topic</a> over at the BIS Forum opening up a discussion in regards to the role of radiation and FEV in the Fallout universe.


Along with that, Mr. C discusses some issues with the Fallout Bible and MCA (Chris Avellone, for the uninitiated) joins the discourse with some points of his own:


Well, then, if you're not sure, let me know when you find out. My responses from Senor Cain and Senor Taylor are as follows from the Bible, taken from statements they have written to me in email in the past few months:


Chris Taylor: "Ghouls are a type of mutant. Super Mutants are humans with no or minimal radiation damage who have been exposed to FEV. Ghouls are humans with significant radiation damage exposed to FEV."


Tim Cain: "I do know that radiation and FEV do not mix. Mutants are immune to radiation effects, but an irradiate human is killed by exposure to FEV. So one thing is sure: Harold is not a mix of radiation and FEV. He's got to be one or the other, and I think he's a ghoul."


In any event, let me know if Chris or Tim reversed their position or if you were referring to another prominent creator. If so, then I apologize.</blockquote></em>

Obviously, there's a lot of information to sort. Questions need to be asked. Chris needs our help so check out the <a href=" ... >thread</a> and do your part. <br><br>

On an unrelated note, GO SPAIN!
Mr Carrot
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Post by Mr Carrot »

"esteemed" eh?
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