Beat Women

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Beat Women

Post by Aonaran »

Yeah so I have this female friend who occaisionally will ask me to punch her in the face. I think this is because she wants to be viewed as an equal and not as a girl. I personally repect this and think it beats the shit out of fence straddling feminism where women don't pay for dates and expect equal pay and treatment but dress like whores and then bitch about chivalry being dead. Thoughts?
my vocabulary skills is above you.
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Post by airsoft guy »

Cram your balls in her has while shocking her with a taser.
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Post by baby arm »

Your friend is a retard, just as any guy who wants you to punch him in the face is a retard. It sounds like she is trying way too hard to prove something and those kind of people are usually a major pain in the ass. Over time, you'll probably find that she is one of the weakest and neediest individuals you have ever met. On the other hand, if you're looking for someone to take advantage of, I bet she'll fit the bill quite nicely.
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Post by Blargh »

Continue to punch the harpy.

Though, use a knife.

And don't wait for invitations. :drunk:
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Post by Devil_Starr666 »

"...It IS hard to speak with six inches of knife sticking out of your face. They mostly just gurgle. And bleed."
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Post by Megatron »

so do you do fully-powered rocky IV style haymakers that send fractures zig-zagging across her skull or do you just give her a tap?

I don't see it as that important really. Why does she think, as a female, that she must strive to be accepted as an equal among males by showing she's just as tuff? Wouldn't it make more sense just to be her own person? Would it be the same if one of your male friends started wearing a skirt or whatever? Why can't people just accept that other people are different instead of trying to impose a bunch of rights upon another. And stuff. :chainsaw:
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Post by VasikkA »

Aonaran wrote:Yeah so I have this female friend who occaisionally will ask me to punch her in the face. I think this is because she wants to be viewed as an equal and not as a girl. I personally repect this and think it beats the shit out of fence straddling feminism where women don't pay for dates and expect equal pay and treatment but dress like whores and then bitch about chivalry being dead. Thoughts?
So if you want to abuse her, you stop punching her in the face?

In my country, we have long traditions in this field of relationship management. Every day, hundeds of thousands of women partake in this sacred ritual of wifebeating. There's even a wise saying stating 'A womans place is between the stove and the fist'. I could not agree more. This may seem exhausting to some, but let me assure this has a positive effect on the female productiveness level. I admire the many women who voluntarily sacrifice their physical form in this procedure. That is what I call true patriotism. :salute:

Post by Kashluk »

Honestly, the number of proud participants has been greatly overestimated. In reality the lines of patriots are getting thinner day by day and I doubt if you can find a thousand good old timers from this whole country anymore. *sniff* I am sad to see the state in which Fatherland has sunken.
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Post by Aonaran »

baby arm wrote:Your friend is a retard, just as any guy who wants you to punch him in the face is a retard. It sounds like she is trying way too hard to prove something and those kind of people are usually a major pain in the ass. Over time, you'll probably find that she is one of the weakest and neediest individuals you have ever met. On the other hand, if you're looking for someone to take advantage of, I bet she'll fit the bill quite nicely.
She is actually one of if not the only female I personally respect. I think she just wants to feel pain like a man as she is something of a tom boy and has always grown up around male friends but has never felt completely as though she was "one of the guys." Maybe by punching her in the face I would be showing her the completeness of my acceptance and she could fully trust that I don't consider her a "girly girl." I've known her for quite some time and she certainly isn't weak, and the last thing she'll let anyone do is take advantage of her.
my vocabulary skills is above you.

Post by Naked_Lunch »

is she hot?
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Post by Aonaran »

Actually yes, she is probrably the most attractive girl I know.

It's a shame the only girl I respect is the one to ask me to punch her in the face. Had it been any other girl I would have done it without hesitation and with great joy and pleasure. One of those Catch 22 situations I suppose.
my vocabulary skills is above you.

Post by Naked_Lunch »

Well, if you punch her in the face will it lead to you doing her? C'mon man put 2 and 2 together here.

Post by Kashluk »

What a magnificent combination that would be! A woman who gets turned on when you *beat* her! That means there's finally foreplay that suits both men and women, equally! Yippee.
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Post by ApTyp »

She's a tomboy and likes to get hit in the face? Probably also has rape fantasies involving her dressed up as a housewife on a dog leash D;
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Post by atoga »

Oh my god. This is an opportunity that cannot be passed up. Give the harlot a beatdown she'll never forget.

It's good that this is an exclusively male forum.
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Post by vendetta »

Bedtime with her must be really fun, to say the least.
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Re: Beat Women

Post by Antimeasure »

Aonaran wrote:Yeah so I have this female friend who occaisionally will ask me to punch her in the face. I think this is because she wants to be viewed as an equal and not as a girl. I personally repect this and think it beats the shit out of fence straddling feminism where women don't pay for dates and expect equal pay and treatment but dress like whores and then bitch about chivalry being dead. Thoughts?
A very interesting matter to say the least, but if i were you i would try to hit her over the nose so that she could experience what she is seeking for, a nosebleeding. Doing this, hold a lighter in you fist to get a straight line over the knuckles, that'll do the trick. And when you hit her, use the power of the whole arm and follow it through so the maximum force of the punch is given.

Ta ta
I like my women as i like my whiskey. Twelve years old and mixed up with coke.
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Post by VasikkA »

Sounds like you're talking from experience.

I'd aim for the lower part of the nose and go for the crunch effect. Or a lip-shredding jab aimed at the oral opening should give her the pleasure she is seeking. Also, is she a sledgehammer person?
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Re: Beat Women

Post by Bukkake »

Aonaran wrote:Yeah so I have this female friend who occaisionally will ask me to punch her in the face. I think this is because she wants to be viewed as an equal and not as a girl. I personally repect this and think it beats the shit out of fence straddling feminism where women don't pay for dates and expect equal pay and treatment but dress like whores and then bitch about chivalry being dead. Thoughts?

You sir, are a barbarian and should be eternally tormented in the depths of Hell for even contemplating such violence against the weaker sex. I am disgusted by these violent ideas. Women are to be treated as equals, if not superiors. We men should be grateful that they grace us with their presence in our lives.
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Post by RawonaM »

You sir, are a barbarian and should be eternally tormented in the depths of Hell for even contemplating such violence against the weaker sex. I am disgusted by these violent ideas. Women are to be treated as equals, if not superiors. We men should be grateful that they grace us with their presence in our lives.
Says a person "called" Bukkake... ;)
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