Fallout 3 plot

Since Bethesda decided to make Fallout 3, we figured we might as well have a forum about it.
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Post by Nicolai »

Sounds like the best idea ever. B)
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Post by Koki »

Sounds like I've heard it before :nah-nah-nah:
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Re: FO3 plot

Post by VasikkA »

Thilicynweb wrote:If the game started out with a whole bunch of power factions that would evolve over the course of the game in a set way based on the assumpution that your char is not invoving themself in any thing of importance. However, if your char gives aid to one faction, there is a realistic fallout from the events you partake in.
Example: There is a town that is split into 3 fighting factions because of a food shortage, you arrange for caravans of food to arrive at one of the factions, that faction's people survive better or fight better or simply convert people from the other factions now take over the town and start spreading thier own idea's to ther towns, which if you play a long enough might become a threat that you have stop, i.e. helping a Nazi-like faction. Thus the game need not actually ever end, which is in keeping with FO2.
It sounds like a really interesting idea and fits to the open gameplay in Fallout. Letting the player(intendedly or not) form its own story of all the elements featured in the game... It would be, however, extremely to difficult to achieve in a dynamic fashion which you described; A balancing nightmare, to be exact. If I've understood correctly, this is something what STALKER tried to achieve and proved to be too challenging for them. It would probably have to be scripted events triggered by quests/time limits/etc, more similar to how it actually was done in Fallout(the mutant invasion in Necropolis, for example). Each faction getting their own ending is a must, though.
One idea that someone already thought of and implimented in a mod for Morrowind is multiple starting points. What if your baskstory was created by the 2 maybe 3 highest stats you gave your char during char creation? Each backstory could give you a major quest and a minor one or two to start out with.
Hmm, I think ToEE had multiple starting points, but I can't say how it worked since I never played the game. Anyway, I don't see how this is beneficial to the gaming experience. I'd rather make those choices in-game and not while creating my character.
ApTyp wrote:What if instead of time going forward, it actually went... BACKWARD?! :aiee:
Or what if after you finish the game, they'd show you how you played the game in a really fast backward replay. Sort of like a Civ-type recap, but BACKWARDS?! :aiee:
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Post by vx trauma »

Radiation sickness/illnesses/malnutrition/poisoning eats slowly away stats and skills. The player tries to delay the inevitable. Would be a neat game for the whole family on Sundays.
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Post by Carib »

VX trauma, indeed, I agree, a real fun game for all ages and for everyone, especially on a quite sunday. And more use for the rope. Perhaps you could hang people with the rope.
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Post by ApTyp »

you stole my idea! >:(
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Post by vx trauma »

hanging oder the upcoming death thingy?
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Post by OrphanBoy »

How about playing as a fetus in the womb of a tribal woman during the timespan of the sequel.

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Post by baby arm »

It's all fun and games until someone aborts you with a sharp pointy stick.
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Post by vx trauma »

f3 plot: bombing abortion clinic / killing the angry pro-life scum. then drive to the sunset with a foetus in your lap.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Rather, "Drive to the sunset smoking a foetus".
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Post by vx trauma »

that would require a huge rizzla, not to mention tremendous sucking power.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

I've got the sucking power.
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Post by baby arm »

I believe it. We need results, not excuses. The community is depending on you. Where there's a will, there's a way etc.
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fallout 3

Post by the demon »

it wold relly suck if thay made it first person. anay ways thay shold do it in the entire U.S but giv a car in the begining of the game :chainsaw: :flamed:
Last edited by the demon on Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: fallout 3

Post by Redeye »

the demon wrote:it wold relly suck if thay made it first person. anay ways thay shold do it in the entire us but giv a car in the begining of the game :chainsaw: :flamed:
50-cd game, 1 for each state.

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Re: fallout 3

Post by Blargh »

[color=red]eye[/color] wrote:Ready by 2030.
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Post by Redeye »

eyeamnotan opatamus!

an octaroon opatamus, maybe... but that dalliance was the result of an inbred
great-great-great-great grandfather of the olde British sort, the sort who
is forgiven his eccentricities due to his genial nature and impeccable breeding.

and it was a quite pretty opatamus, it was.

and 'e was in 'is cups he was.
and sampled the "zotto" as well.

can't be blamed, really.

being in a strange country and all.

strange customs.

one must

the local chiefs called him "opatamus man".
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Re: fallout 3

Post by the demon »

50-cd game, 1 for each state.

no thay should only have 1 dvd or 2 dvds but not 50 cd's
anayways it would be 51 states becuase we anexed canada in 2076 :chainsaw: :flamed:
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Re: fallout 3

Post by Redeye »

the demon wrote:50-cd game, 1 for each state.

no thay should only have 1 dvd or 2 dvds but not 50 cd's
anayways it would be 51 states becuase we anexed canada in 2076 :chainsaw: :flamed:
2 DVDs?
With the blue laser maybe.
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