The new orc pic looks more like Warhammer orcs should look. Oh and also those 2 pics looks to be on two diffrent kinds of orcs... the new one looks to be a regular Orc Boyz unit, where the old pic looks to be one of the bigger kind of orc called Black Orcs.
I am totaly looking forward to W.A.R, but am not expecting the choices in how your character looks will be that big. In general I suspect Games Workshop wants the game to look as much as Warhammer Fantasybattles as it can. I would not be surpriced if that was the reason the last online version was canceled becouse it might not have looked Warhammerish enough, who knows.
As for the Warhammer Warcraft thing.
Warcraft came out in 1994...
Warhammer Fantasy Battle came out in 1983, 3rd edition in 1987, in 1992 the 4th edition came out.
Starcraft came out in 1998
Warhammer 40.000 came out in 1987, and second edition came out in 1993.
Scroll down to trivia.
The games Starcraft and Warcraft are rumored to be based on the tabletop wargames Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000; it is rumored that Warcraft was supposed to be a Warhammer PC game in development but a fall out between UK-based Games Workshop, the creators of the two tabletop games, and Blizzard occured. One link to this rumor can be found in Warcraft III; if a griffon rider is repeatedly clicked, he would eventually say "This Warhammer cost me 40K."
So I would think that Warcraft and Starcraft are very much so based on Games Work-shops games.
Although... I wont argue with anybody that GW can sometimes be a bunch of down right bastards... after all they are not sometimes caller "Sleaz Workshop" for no reason at all. lol