Storywise, this is one of the absolutely best games I have ever played. Combatwise, it is not The Worst but not far from it. Though the combat can be unbearable to some the story more than compensates for all the shortcomings of this title.
I am a bit puzzled in regards to why Black Isle made one series of games with great combat (Fallout series) and the rest with absolutely beyond-words-horrible combat (Baldur's Gate, Planescape, etc). Of course, Fallout combat engine had room for improvement aswell but it still outclassed Planescape's and Baldur's Gate combat. Why didnt they just use the Fallout combat system in all of them?
As for character building tips to get the most out of the story (which you should aim to do). As Atoga mentioned - concentrate on strengthening your Wisdom because of the xp bonuses it gives you and it will also open up some dialog options and help you recover more memories. Personally, I dont know about the mage class I did not choose it, but I can tell you this - being a fighter worked great.
Dan Simpson's FAQ/Walkthrough for more detailed help on character building. Just look at the character guide-part (top) if you want to avoid spoilers.
Oh, and read the biographies of your party members, there is some funny stuff there.
Dan Simpson wrote:Strength: In combat, strength influences both your ability to hit
(THAC0) and the damage that you can do, while outside of
combat it determines just how much stuff you can carry, your
ability to bash open doors and chests, etc. Also there are
some Dialogue options that can only be successfully completed
with a high (15+ usually) strength score. Strength is great
and all, but for a New Nameless One, it isn't that crucial.
But by the end of the game, be sure to have lots of it!
Most useful for: Fighters, Chaotic, and Evil characters
Dexterity: In combat, Dexterity influences your ability to avoid getting
hit by an enemy. Outside of combat, Dexterity is mainly used
for things like thievery. For example, there are some
pickpockets around, and if you are Dexterous enough (oh, 14+)
you can catch them in the act (although you also have to have
a good Wisdom to know to look for it).
Most useful for: Fighters, Thieves, and Chaotic characters
Constitution: Quickens your regeneration rate, adds more HP's per level, and
other fun things.
Most useful for: Anyone
Intelligence: No combat effects. Outside of combat the most notable thing
about Intelligence is how it effects Dialogues. Smart
characters can think their way out of situations (again a 15+
Int is usually required for this). However, some situations
are better solved by a high Wisdom than they are by a high
Intelligence. Intelligence also greatly influences your
mages, not only in the % to learn a spell successfully, but
also in the number of spells that they can learn per Casting
Level. Finally Intelligence increases your Lore skill.
Most useful for: Mages
Wisdom: The best stat in the game, bar none. Wisdom gives a great
bonus to experience, which in turn leads to the faster gaining
of levels. Also has an effect on Priests, by giving them
bonus spells the higher Wisdom they have. But since YOU can't
be a Priest, that doesn't help. The best effect, however, is
in the Dialogues where you will get the BEST options, as well
as the most Recovered Memories, and your "inner voice" will
even warn you of dangerous dialogue options. Also increases
your Lore skill.
Most useful for: Everyone
Charisma: Charisma is useful, but not on the scale of Wisdom. Charisma
has no benefits not in dialogues. It brings up new options,
but these options usually aren't any better than what Wisdom
would get you. Charming your way out of something works less
well than being Wise enough to get out of something. Also can
increase certain rewards.
Most useful for: Chaotic characters
Hmm... this thread has awoken in me a sudden desire to replay this fantastic game.