Fallout d20 Updates

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King of Creation
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Fallout d20 Updates

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[ Game -> Update ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Fallout d20">Game: Fallout d20</a>

<p><strong>Gluttoncreeper</strong> has <a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx/forums/viewtopic.php?t=15241" target="_self">posted</a> some <em>Fallout d20</em> updates to the <a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx" target="_self">Duck and Cover</a> <a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx/forums" target="_self">forums</a>. He clears up a little bit about what we can expect regarding races and classes in the PnP game:
</p><blockquote><p><em>Fallout PnP: d20 Guide details Humans, Ghouls, and Mutants for starting
races with background options. We will be using a dual classless
system. There will be two classless option to choose from (aggressive
and non-aggressive) that determines Base Attack, Save bonuses, Hit Die,
and so on. Backgrounds, Occupations, Race and Tag! determines class
skills. All characters get a background and may choose to take a
occupation. Traits are present with all of the classics from Fallout,
as well as many more new options.</em></p></blockquote><p>In addition the <em>Fallout d20 </em>team appears to be moving along at a quick pace. <a href="http://www.gluttoncreeper.com/page3.html" target="_self">Glutton Creeper Games</a> is already calling for playtesters:</p><blockquote><p><em>Week 5 and the developers have produced nearly 100 pages of unedited text, just in the first four chapters (Character Creation, Skills, Feats, and Equipment). Once these four chapters are reviewed, test playing will begin. This will likely start in late August/September and end roughly 4 weeks later. If you have a group interesting in test playing the Fallout PnP d20 submit your group interest to gluttoncreeper@gluttoncreeper.com </em></p></blockquote><p>Count me in. </p>
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Post by Speed_demon »

The Fallout series lends itself more to a d100, AKA percentile system, on top of d20 games being ruthlessly bastardized and exploited. D&D being a prime example of this, as well as Star Wars, and many others. Why are people screwing up a great game by making it a bullshit d20? I've played all the major games out there and it doesn't make sense to me. Most d20 games get out of control before too long with combat being ridiculously unbalanced.

My 2cents
Adventuring in the wasteland on a daily basis
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