Lionheart timeline.

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Righteous Subjugator
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Lionheart timeline.

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

Also in the <a href="">Lionheart</a> front, those wacky guys at <a href="">RPGVault</a> have posted a <a href=" ... ">Historic Timeline</a> for what happened up to the point where the game takes place. Here's a bit of it:<br><br><blockquote><b>1241 - Invasion of the Golden Horde</b><br>

The Great Khan Ogedei cheats death by binding with the fell spirit Weichi. Since Ogedei did not die, Batu Khan would not be recalled from his European campaign as in normal history. For an entire year, Batu's forces surged west, destroying enemy armies ill-equipped against the lightning fast Mongol cavalry.<br><br>While continuing west, Batu gathered a vanguard force of monstrous warriors - hideously cruel goblins formed from the union of dark spirits and humans. These creatures adapted to the Mongol style of warfare quickly, mastering the use of crafted short bows while riding swift beast-mounts into battle. Batu's Golden Horde swelled with goblinoid forces as he cut a wide swath through the territories of Eastern Europe. Batu's progress alarmed the nations of the west, already weary from their war against the Storm Dragons. In 1243, the Fourth Crusade against the Storm Dragons ended, allowing the Knights Templar and the forces of the west to join the eastern forces against the Mongol horde.<br><br></blockquote>Thanks to <b>Exitium</b> of <a href="">The Inquisition</a> for the word on this.
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