Name a SINGLE new feature you want in FO3.

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Post by atoga »

agreed. if fallout tries too hard to become gritty the end result is boring ol' new reno, with prostitutes and drug dealers on every corner. aim for adult, but not too adult. :M
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by infirmaryblues »

atoga wrote:agreed. if fallout tries too hard to become gritty the end result is boring ol' new reno, with prostitutes and drug dealers on every corner. aim for adult, but not too adult. :M
Yeah, one hallmark of a great game is balance

See: Oblivion and FOBOS

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Post by DaC-Sniper »

i would like if the prostitutes would use the newest phsyik engine for their bouncing.

And i want a easter egg, where you can push on a red button, so the whole Fallout 3 worlds gets destroyed, not to mention, your savegames, too.
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Post by PiP »

atoga wrote:agreed. if fallout tries too hard to become gritty the end result is boring ol' new reno, with prostitutes and drug dealers on every corner. aim for adult, but not too adult. :M
sure, but point is if we are to have drug addiciotns with their downsides, there should be also some good things about it, otherwise you just won't go for it.
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Post by infirmaryblues »

How about drugs acting as temporary cheats? REAL cheats...not a temporary booster
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Post by Killzig »

Fallout is post apoc, it shouldn't have to work that hard to be "gritty". Slavery, abuse, the fundamental break down of civilization is all pretty "gritty" in and of itself.

As far as the drug thing, I agree that it could be improved on some dialog options, different quest branches becoming available to those who traverse the seedy underbelly of an already grim society would be pretty dope. I don't think you should get so hung up on the ZOMG U DID JET NOW UR LUNGZ TERN BLK AND U DIE LOL!

temporary cheats? no. Temporary booster, yes. Prolonged use/exposure should lead to some sort of permanent boost/negative effect. Like Mentats over a long period of time keep your perception sharp but the paranoia/frenzied demeanor offer a penalty on your charisma. Also checks with certain quests (like town sheriff quests will be shut off to you, an astute LEO will pin you for an addict and say, uhm... no thanks fella.) but on the other hand some dealer might decide you'd make a fine mule and open up avenues on that front to you.

Sure, it could be fun.
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Post by infirmaryblues »

Oh yeah, I think the FO3 drug lifestyle could definitely be fun; having quests exclusive to its use, and being shut off from other(squeaky-clean) quests.

Before, with temporary cheats, I was thinking along the lines of the cliched Scarface ending. Temporarily, comprehension and recognition of your HP level is gone; you can take as many hits(save for energy weapons and rockets) DURING combat, but if you don't get some help soon afterwards, you die.

What do you think?
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Post by DaC-Sniper »

infirmaryblues wrote: Before, with temporary cheats, I was thinking along the lines of the cliched Scarface ending. Temporarily, comprehension and recognition of your HP level is gone; you can take as many hits(save for energy weapons and rockets) DURING combat, but if you don't get some help soon afterwards, you die.

What do you think?
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Post by minigunwielder »

Stupid idea.
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Post by infirmaryblues »

Ok, just throwing it out there as an idea. I'm glad you didn't lie or anything. The "as many hits as you get" idea is probably ridiculous and I didn't fully think that through. Not a Scarface fanboy either. What else do you think could be done to better the drug implement though(if it's even included)?

Haven't seen this yet though- The FO font NEEDS to be used; I don't think it would be Fallout without this.
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Post by TelemachusSneezed »

I'd like to see an implementation of scarcity. It was too easy in FO 1 & 2 to accumulate massive amounts of ammo, money, etc. You should have to really work to gain these things, like doing jobs or making things yourself.
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Post by Killzig »

TelemachusSneezed wrote:I'd like to see an implementation of scarcity. It was too easy in FO 1 & 2 to accumulate massive amounts of ammo, money, etc. You should have to really work to gain these things, like doing jobs or making things yourself.
depends on how they cast the game world. it'd be kind of silly to run into a newly bustling NCR town and not be able to find basic commodities.
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Post by VasikkA »

One thing that generally bugs me in CRPGs is the role of healing potions(or stimpacks in Fallout). Consuming litres of such fluids in combat is a bit silly, especially if you get an instant HP increase. This makes you and your companions practically immortal in battle, unless you happen to run out of them potions(which is unlikely). The practical use of First Aid and Doctor skills, i.e. not quest related, was a bit lacking in Fallout. I'd like to see more importance on post-battle doctoring or limiting the use of stimpacks(for example becoming temporarily or gradually immune to them) in Fallout 3.
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Post by Killzig »

VasikkA wrote:One thing that generally bugs me in CRPGs is the role of healing potions(or stimpacks in Fallout). Consuming litres of such fluids in combat is a bit silly, especially if you get an instant HP increase. This makes you and your companions practically immortal in battle, unless you happen to run out of them potions(which is unlikely). The practical use of First Aid and Doctor skills, i.e. not quest related, was a bit lacking in Fallout. I'd like to see more importance on post-battle doctoring or limiting the use of stimpacks(for example becoming temporarily or gradually immune to them) in Fallout 3.
that's an interesting idea provided you keep it balanced and keep it fun. I like that you've done that a bit by throwing in the caveat that it be temporary. I actually prefer that than the permanent thing and I hope this is something that would apply to NPC enemies as well. Also throws in the RP wrinkle that should you choose to be an akshunman you at least keep a medic on hand.
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Post by PiP »

Killzig wrote: provided you keep it balanced and keep it fun.
that's the point.

We're so used to these lil in-battle healing wonders (stimpacks/potions/charms whatever) it's gonna be hard to handle the issue differently (or it's not?).
I'm totally for making better use of first aid, but inasmuch as it's not totally impossible to imagine someone giving himself an injection with one hand during combat (esp ranged combat possibly with some cover involved), it is hard to imagine this guy putting a dressing over his wound in the same situation. Too sophisticated to do it in-combat.

After combat is another kettle of fish; in fact I (almost) never used stimpacks after fight (first aid or natural healing instead).
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Post by DaC-Sniper »

how about a nice motorbike or some oldschool cars. before you want to drive them you must collect or trade like oil in the wasteland and you can maybe have your own dog and your own horse and you can live with them like walking with them and stuff. and giving them food and they fight for you and like you and so. i always wanted my own dog in fallout3 :( this would totally like rock the shit out the shit.

:eyebrow: wanna more ideas, bethesda? just send me an job offer....
or something...
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Post by TelemachusSneezed »

Killzig wrote:... it'd be kind of silly to run into a newly bustling NCR town and not be able to find basic commodities.
Ja, sure. If the town is doing well, it can be expected that they have the best and brightest working on pumping out the goods. What I meant by scarcity though is how unbelievable it is to run into caches of stimpaks, medkits, ammo, etc. The existence of these things is not a problem; the frequency is. This happened often enough, so the player could pretty much just horde whatever he needed.

What I'm complaining about, I suppose, is the "already achieved everything" mode of playing: lots o' guns, lots o' ammo, lots o' money, and pretty much every item in the game. At that point, you are unstoppable, and I think that deep-down most players understand that. It's like playing a game with the cheats on: it's fun at first, but it just gets old after a while.

I know developers can't avoid this completely, because any virtual universe is finite in scale. However, I think Bethsoft should try to make it harder in Fallout 3 to "gain it all" before the main objectives of the entire game are completed. The player should always have a nagging sense of "this won't last forever" in the back of his head.
VasikkA wrote:The practical use of First Aid and Doctor skills... was a bit lacking in Fallout.
PiP's not totally impossible to imagine someone giving himself an injection with one hand during combat... it is hard to imagine this guy putting a dressing over his wound in the same situation.
This is where a more FO:T based game development might make FO:3 more interesting. In military units, people have medics for just the purpose of bandaging people up. I think it would be really interesting to see a more Tactics-based FO:3 game, especially if people could dodge behind cover and stuff like that.
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Post by PiP »

I think we should be able to travel on horseback in Fo3 - with the scarcity of fuel and all :elder-scrolls-fallout: :rofl:

NPCs could heal you in Fallout (2) (Sulik) and Myron could make you stimpacks and you could you firstaid and go to the doctor's.
I DON'T want direct. immediate control over each party member in Fo3; a "can you heal me pal?" dialogue line would be MUCH better.

overall, there should be only 1 PC and the rest of the party should be controlled indirectly.
In frequently used cases (eg. 'put your gun away') dialogue can be substituted by pressing a button - for a more useful and quicker interface, but then if you press such button you really ought to hear (or see the text of) that party member's response (eg. "OK boss" or "screw you!" if you insulted him lately :eyebrow: - as many options as possible to avoid boring repeitions), also perhaps see his face as he speaks (+ mood reflected by mimics)
- that (the response) would allow for keeping immersion in "I am the player interacting with the game-world" kind of experience, instead of chess-like controlling a bunch of pawns like in Tactics, where you could not identify yourself with the avatar.
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Post by Killzig »

TelemachusSneezed wrote:Ja, sure. If the town is doing well, it can be expected that they have the best and brightest working on pumping out the goods. What I meant by scarcity though is how unbelievable it is to run into caches of stimpaks, medkits, ammo, etc. The existence of these things is not a problem; the frequency is. This happened often enough, so the player could pretty much just horde whatever he needed.
I'd argue that most of the caches to be found in Fallout 1/2 were actually pretty reasonably placed. Old military bases protected by death bots, super radiated shelled out science facilities etc. The bigger problem was allowing the player to carry just about whatever he wanted either on his own person or via his mules.
RPGs just provide way more inventory space than what's actually necessary.
What I'm complaining about, I suppose, is the "already achieved everything" mode of playing: lots o' guns, lots o' ammo, lots o' money, and pretty much every item in the game. At that point, you are unstoppable, and I think that deep-down most players understand that. It's like playing a game with the cheats on: it's fun at first, but it just gets old after a while.
I agree, it's silly to allow a player to carry around 100,000 bottlecaps or any other sort of hard currency in addition to 500 rounds of ammo.
I know developers can't avoid this completely, because any virtual universe is finite in scale. However, I think Bethsoft should try to make it harder in Fallout 3 to "gain it all" before the main objectives of the entire game are completed. The player should always have a nagging sense of "this won't last forever" in the back of his head.
Or rather, he can't possibly use it all at once and not allow him to horde stuff on his person like his anus is a black hole compressing every bozar he comes across to a tiny dingleberry for him. Leave these caches of huge discovery in the glow for example isolated and make the player choose whether he wants to take what he just found or keep his current gear.
This is where a more FO:T based game development might make FO:3 more interesting. In military units, people have medics for just the purpose of bandaging people up. I think it would be really interesting to see a more Tactics-based FO:3 game, especially if people could dodge behind cover and stuff like that.
ja, I dig.
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Post by StEaLtH_BoY3000 »

Ya, the ability to aquire that much stuff did take from the feel, more so in F1 than F2, you have to admit, though. F2 you started on :censored: , and in F1 you had a good start and not to mention Shady Sands. Ya, the drugs is a good idea too. I would like to see the story line stay in California, and have a much larger area to travel in the game, such as all of California, or even half or all of the country.