johnnygothisgun wrote:
what? all of your points are completely irrelevant and stupid
that might be true
1. the baby isnt going to stop the harassment of immigrants, thats not what clive owen was attempting to achieve, he was simply trying to get her to the human project, if anything the immigrants were hampering his efforts. you did realize that the fish were bad guys here, right?
I've never said Owen was trying to use the baby for anything; it was Fishes who had some big mysterious plans. I thought it was fucking obvious I was talking about Fishes
Also, no, Fishes
aren't the bad guys here, Mr Bright. The bad guys are people in general (exemplified by government on te one side and fishes and islamists on the other side), the evil from within whom is brought out by particular conditions; in this respectthe film is very much like the famous
The Plague by Camus. There are few exceptions to this 'everyone's evil in a way' rule in the film(babies and protagonist - lol)
It was one of the major points of the film that there is
no one defined 'bad guys' group for crying out loud.
2. they want the baby and its mother so that they can find out how she had the child, so that some sort of solution to the problem of fertility can be found
thanks Sherlock. Point is this issue was not exploited to the extend it should - in my view of course.
3. why the fuck would immigrants be more welcome because of an 'imminent scarcity of manpower'? the world is ending, dipshit, the government is simply attempting to keep order in jolly old england because the rest of the world has collapsed
because in an ageing society you need some manpower (and there's less and less of it) to support the ruling class and 'keep order in jolly old england', 'dipshit'
4. how is the human project boat coming difficult to believe? as an audience we see and hear only what clive owen sees and hears, and as such we dont know much about it, because before the person who knew more about it could explain it to us, she was killed, and now our beautiful clive owen ass is on the run, and we've only got the few scraps of info we received at the beginning of the film. how very :seatofyourpants:
it's not "difficult to believe", it's just stupid. It's a deus-ex-machina that the author pulled out of his arse to batten the gigantic whole in the plot's motivation, but it's just pathetic.
are you retarded? i thought that was all fairly obvious
you're lucky this is the internet, retard.