Lionheart News...

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Hero of the Desert
Hero of the Desert
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Lionheart News...

Post by Killzig »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

<a href="">Rex</a> posted this:


European History: In real history, Byzantium was running on fumes anyway after the fourth crusade in 1204 - it was pretty much bait for the emerging Ottoman Empire. We just gave them a quick, dramatic ending with a nasty mongol siege of constantinople.


I've mentioned this before, but just wanted to reiterate, that it would be impossible for us to include all of the historical groups in the time periods of the game. We have to craft a backstory that allows us to build an alternate historical fantasy world that seems like it could be plausible, is interesting, and is something that we can create in the current schedule.


The Disjunction was a pretty nasty Earth shaking event. Some factions didn't survive, some factions eventually flourished, and new factions were created. I've been aiming for a mix of old and new, so that you will encounter people and factions that are familiar, but also many things that are new, so expect a blend of some history with new fictional elements.


And the disappearance of Marco Polo is a backstory element that helps to explain why the use of gunpowder emerged so late in Europe and why there are no guns in the game. He would've been pretty old anyway for 1588, but who knows whether you will be able to discover what happened to him.</blockquote></em>

This information brought to you by SpecialED (Eric Dallaire, Designer for Lionheart.)
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