Sorry for late response etc.
atoga wrote:rather naive of you to extrapolate that notion to all aspects of personal life, rather than just drug reform laws? arguments which equate drug use with sex abuse, murder etc. are completely silly, i don't see why a reasonably minded young fascist like yourself would bother entertaining them. be less of a sensationalist cocksucker please
No, sensationalistic cocksuckery is to entertain that kind of normative cant when everyone here are equally liberally minded when it comes to the state, but all of those whose opinions do matter do not agree other than principally. It serves no other use than possibly inspiring the already like-minded. They (the French) would agree on the state if not else to not come off like fascists in public but simply do not like cigarettes and therefore would
draw the line (this is where all arguments based on principles tend to fail) of state intervention at passive smoking where you probably would at murder.
So if an anarchist or whatever came to you and told you the state should not stop him from murdering you because it is entirely an affair of yours, then your defence would either have to be made from the existing notion of durable state building or your morality, both of which he would ignore because he isn't interested in order nor your morals, just like you aren't interested in the order where passive smoking is forbidden and any such arguments therefore are wasted on you - or that his opinion is
absurd, which is exactly what those who want to prohibit would say about being as liberal as you are, no? The anarchist would be able to use the same argument with as much success as you.
Thus as the reasonably minded young fascist I am my advice to you and all other idealists is to end all ridiculous cocksuckery and "act on instinct" 1933 style if you want to see real results.
:cheers mate:
Edit: Also, I didn't "equate" anything with anything, I'm not concerned with such tired concepts like "ethics". I simply meant that an argument which bases itself in that it may be
theoretically applied to your cause would have to bear with that it might be to other causes as well.