Defining (The) Fallout(s): Part 2

Comment on events and happenings in the Fallout community.
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Post by Blargh »

Imperceptive muppets in possession of all the acuity of molasses exist and PsychoSniper is of their number. This, like certain other things posted here, is neither fresh nor informative. :drunk:
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Post by Dan_Wood »

I found myself re-reading the Fallout Bible and came to the stark realization that for all the hemming and hawing about the style and mechanics of Fallout, most folks are hitting the same few points.

The best parts of these posts are that they summarize (in a level that most Lamespy users can understand) most of the fandom's requirements for a decent Fallout game.

Suffice it to say, stylistically, Fallout is a pretty easy game to make. The problems come when you stop being faithful to the style (eg. most of the easter egg schmutz in FO2, a good portion FO:POS, some of FOT).

The fact that these abberations against the style of Fallout tend to emphasize the other failures in the game's design should give warning as to the quality of the game.

But given the fact that the game is balls-deep in production, I hope that they read these comments and take them as a honest and frank indication as to what the Fallout fans see as a good game.
Dan Wood

Nothing like a slow-moving localized apocalypse to really make you think about proper data backup procedures.

Post by PsychoSniper »

Yup. FO had flaws, but it was still the best in the genre simply because it stayed faithful.

That and it wasnt orcs and demons and faries and shit.
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Post by VasikkA »

PsychoSniper wrote:FO had flaws, but it was still the best in the genre simply because it stayed faithful.
Faithful to what? To me, Fallout was its own thang and not some PnP/GURPS simulator.
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