Rosh on what his Bethsoft sources say: RUMOURS

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Rosh on what his Bethsoft sources say: RUMOURS

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ Game -> Update ]</strong>

<p><a href=" ... 04e1f83847" target="_self">Saw this posted up on NMA</a>. <strong>Rosh </strong>has <a href=" ... &start=100" target="_self">written out on RPGCodex</a> a lot of what claims to know about Fallout 3, from discussion with undisclosed sources.</p><p>Here's some of what he has to say.</p><blockquote><p><span class="postbody"><em>
In a nutshell:

If you liked F:POS and think Oblivion is TEH GRATEST THING EVAR, then
Fallout 3 is the game for you. Same lack of attention to setting,
story, background elements, why the game was made the way it was, that
we've dealt with since Chuck Cuevas. Instead of being a P&P-styled
CRPG, you can fully expect Morrowind with Guns,
and even though Googie doesn't fit the setting quite right (was more
"art deco in ruins"), F:POS' use of Googie was described to me as "...
would be better than some of the concept art and assets already created
for Fallout 3". Much of the shit simply doesn't fit, including some
cheap scratch marks and rust brushing akin to FOT, and some stuff that
better belongs in Blade Runner. Which was good, but is by no means near

Again, as per Bethesda's crappy development, primary development is
for the X-Box, with PC as an afterthought. And if you thought the
inventory and general interface was bad for Oblivion... Think of what
Nival did to the panels and other functionality of HoM&M for Heroes
V, and you'll see nearly the same thing for Fallout 3. After all, a
status pane like the bottom of Fallout "gets in way of seeing the
action", as I've heard about excuses for removing it.

Unashamedly stupid RT combat that will make Bloodlines combat look
like genuine CRPG gameplay (as if we could expect anything else from
Bethesda as of recent), same kind of roam as Oblivion, except from what
I saw and was told, it's FP combat when firearms are brought into play
much like Bloodlines. In other words, they're giving Fallout a near
Dark Messiah treatment that Might and Magic enjoyed, but with a lot
less kicking, probably about the same writing quality, and with 90%
more industry newbies on the team. From what I was told up to November,
they were still having fun learning about how to script speech trees,
as those were considered to be "extra" from the start.

"We will do what we do best" indeed. Freaky Pete has spoken no truer words. </em>
</span></p></blockquote><p>If this turns out to be true, it's not good news for what we (the hardcore fanbase) generally want from Fallout 3.</p><p> Of course, it still is all unconfirmed, and there have been reports to the contrary (c.f. Desslock's post on QT3 forums which I can't find right now, basically saying that assuming TB combat and isometric view is out is too rash an assumption - and Desslock has actually seen the game firsthand at Bethesda's offices).</p><p>So, we'll see. I am still hesitant about predicting doom (or greatness, if you're that way inclined) before actually having some hard facts - though I'm also thinking it's time that that information was shared.</p><p> </p><p>Of course, the fact that there is no hard information is completely intentional; it's quite easy to suggest the reason for this is that the fanbase can't rant about something when they have no real facts to back it up with. That's the cynical viewpoint, anyway.
</p><p> </p>
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Re: Rosh on what his Bethsoft sources say: RUMOURS

Post by Brother None »

You guys already covered most of those as news. Still, reminder, good.
1554 wrote:Of course, it still is all unconfirmed, and there have been reports to the contrary (c.f. Desslock's post on QT3 forums which I can't find right now, basically saying that assuming TB combat and isometric view is out is too rash an assumption - and Desslock has actually seen the game firsthand at Bethesda's offices).
1554 wrote:Of course, the fact that there is no hard information is completely intentional; it's quite easy to suggest the reason for this is that the fanbase can't rant about something when they have no real facts to back it up with. That's the cynical viewpoint, anyway.
And if we do rant and rave as nutjobs, we marginalize ourselves.
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Post by VasikkA »

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Re: Rosh on what his Bethsoft sources say: RUMOURS

Post by S4ur0n27 »

TEATIME, WHY DO I GET 1554 WHEN I QUOTE YOU??? wrote:Of course, the fact that there is no hard information is completely intentional; it's quite easy to suggest the reason for this is that the fanbase can't rant about something when they have no real facts to back it up with.
That's what I thought as well, but it looks like Rosh is beyond that fact.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

The Fallout community has been on the money more times than I can count. I have no reason to believe Rosh or any of the vets are not telling what will soon become fact.

Post by PsychoSniper »

Word Max, word.

Rosh's is an ass, but hes a well connected ass.

I have no doubt that we'll be soon looking at POS as a good game.

Post by Dreadnought »

It's not important if Rosh predicted the right or wrong details, the overall concept stays the same:

Fallout 3 is gonna be lousy, disappoing, uninteresting, not fallouty and YOU ALL KNOW IT!

So wait untill someone confirms the sad fact everyone already knows:

See above.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

The whole matter reminds me a bit about the future of Jagged Alliance 3. Although, even if it will be horrible, there is still JA2 1.13, whereas the fallout world is stuck with Wasteland Merc. D;
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Post by VasikkA »

I've been pessimistic ever since Bethsoft rejected Haris' application.
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

It is all really just common sense. When you take in to account all the factors, the only inevitable result is a crappy game. Morrowind and Oblivion sucked... the Star Trek games were royally screwed.. they were seeking inexperienced applicants on their website.. If they knew they had a great game, they would have released details already and start building the hype in the magazines while we bitch.

They know, however, that their game will not live up to any Fallout fans expectations so they are waiting till the last possible minute... and then the hype-machine will begin to churn. Before you know it, it won't matter what we think because the amount of Fallout 3 fans will outnumber the original fans. Parents will buy it for their kids this Christmas even if it has an M rating and there will be a whole new fan-base. The end is nigh! :flamed:
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Re: Rosh on what his Bethsoft sources say: RUMOURS

Post by DarkUnderlord »

S4ur0n27 wrote:
It's a bug in the news system. 1554 is his user_id.

Post by Dreadnought »

Who's got the ID 1337?
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Post by jetbaby »

off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by Mismatch »

Since most of us had already given up on FO3 the nnewspost doesn't chnge much I believe. Tho' it sure if fun to read them news.

Im at the point where FO3 is already on my not to buy list, and the opnly thing that can change it is somre real Fallouty features which wont be there.
I'll be buying the new Closecombat game instead.

Actually I've pretty much given up on cRPGs all together. After all there're all chit nowadays. Havent seen a half decent one since NWN1, and it was rather bad actually.

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Post by Mr. Teatime »

Well, I am curious about Desslock's post, because as I said, he's the only one who's actually seen the game, outside of Bethsoft employees. It genuinely might not be as bad as some might are predicting.

We just need some facts, and it's really high time we got them. Maybe I could get in contact with Desslock and find out what he has to say.
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Post by T-900 »

All I see in that is Rosh trying to cause trouble, getting upset and having a semi-fictional rant about his fears to make himself feel better O.o

Bethesda may fuck up... But it will hurt them. They'll go from respected RPG developers (already injured since Oblivion's consolification) to being regarded like Electronic Arts.. Crowd-pleasing, money grabbing filth without regard for depth or quality.

It will ruin their public image, aside from sales... And public image remains important. The majority will buy anything just like they'll watch anything just like they'll eat anything you slough into their trough... But the opinions of those with minds still matter.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Just checking, but doesn't EA still make buttloads of money with high numbers of sales while continuing to be crowd-pleasing, money grabbing filth without regard for depth or quality? Cause I'm pretty sure that's all they care about.
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

T-900 wrote:Bethesda may fuck up... But it will hurt them. They'll go from respected RPG developers (already injured since Oblivion's consolification) to being regarded like Electronic Arts.. Crowd-pleasing, money grabbing filth without regard for depth or quality.

It will ruin their public image, aside from sales... And public image remains important. The majority will buy anything just like they'll watch anything just like they'll eat anything you slough into their trough... But the opinions of those with minds still matter.
No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

FO3 will be an abomination of the first magnitude, and they'll still come out smelling like roses. It's a casual gamer's market, and they're who drive the market now, not us.
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Post by LoneGunman »

This might already have been said, but there is one essential thing to this:

We do not know anything, AT ALL!

And thats pretty much it. Even though all the previous predictions from the community has been correct, the fact of the matter is that we do not know anything specific about FO3. It is kinda hard to debate a topic when you do not have any cold hard facts on the table, and to be frank i belive its hard to percive this as more than a bunch of frustrated people that is hungry for actual information and in the mean time is experiencing a slight case of mass hysteria. All we really do is toss rumors around, that might be true or false.

This Ross character seems to be one of many sources to all of this, and even though his predictions might be correct he still bases them on rumors which IMO makes them at least partially invalid. I do not want to be tossing snotballs at the guy but i think he should be carefull with statements like that. All he does is throwing fuel on a fire that already is burning to fiersly.

Someday the game is gonna hit the shelves, and by then i sincerely hope that Rosh, and everybody that agrees with him, will look like a giant ass because the game turns out to be great.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

LoneGunman wrote:This might already have been said, but there is one essential thing to this:

We do not know anything, AT ALL!

And thats pretty much it. Even though all the previous predictions from the community has been correct, the fact of the matter is that we do not know anything specific about FO3. It is kinda hard to debate a topic when you do not have any cold hard facts on the table, and to be frank i belive its hard to percive this as more than a bunch of frustrated people that is hungry for actual information and in the mean time is experiencing a slight case of mass hysteria. All we really do is toss rumors around, that might be true or false.

This Ross character seems to be one of many sources to all of this, and even though his predictions might be correct he still bases them on rumors which IMO makes them at least partially invalid. I do not want to be tossing snotballs at the guy but i think he should be carefull with statements like that. All he does is throwing fuel on a fire that already is burning to fiersly.

Someday the game is gonna hit the shelves, and by then i sincerely hope that Rosh, and everybody that agrees with him, will look like a giant ass because the game turns out to be great.
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