i liked irreversible, think my favourite bit is being bashed in the face. i like it when the bashing object has a bit of weight to it, doesnt stop. i also watched children of men last night and that was pretty good. but back to irreversable, i dunno. think after youve seen it once and the rapes done with you can switch it off.
:Subhuman: wrote:Indeed.
:Subhuman: wrote:Patently ridiculous. Alas, what amuses some is dogma to others, those deluded sycophants and semioticians of verbal gossamer. I pity them.
As dark and unresponsive as ever. Fortunately, I am accustomed to this particular disappointment, if not the dust strewn banality it has, by virtue of existence and reinforcement, adopted.
:Subhuman: wrote:Utter fallacy.
Markedly irrelevant.
:Subhuman: wrote:Ah, to have such profound impact as to raise your expectations and engender hope within your cold, dark soul ! My work here is complete.
Oh, if it were that simple . . .
:Subhuman: wrote:What is life if not banal repetition? You claim enlightenment and regurgitate redundancies.
:Subhuman: wrote:You're missing a hyphen.
You claim knowledge and write ignorance. icon_drunk