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Post by Mori »

If you check out the gamespy preview it seems to disprove the wiki dialogue worry, as in it is an actual sentence with a reaction from an NPC :P.
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Post by King of Creation »

Link plz.
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

So what?
I was playing cRPGs in 1985 that would do that.

Why is the fact that they're improving on Oblivion a good thing? This is Fallout, and every peice of news that's come out is about something that's been stripped away.

Now there adding shit that's been in RPGs since Bard's Tale and this is supposed to be innovative?
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Post by Apache-VE »

I'm just curious, are people who actually liked what they read afraid to post anything positive?
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Post by Killzig »

No. I'm actually not feeling like hating the world today so I'm holding onto the bit of info Kathode divulged in the GT video interview saying that your actions in quest resolution would actually result in new areas/quest lines opening and others closing down. I'll depress myself with the rest of the stuff, particularly all the invocation of the word 'shooter', tomorrow.
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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Post by King of Creation »

Apache-VE wrote:I'm just curious, are people who actually liked what they read afraid to post anything positive?
I'd say we had a lot of good news today. For example, we have the ability to go thirdperson in a perspective similar to the original games, we have the Megaton/Ten Penny news with it's branching quest lines, and we have the news that they're ignoring the canonical errors of Tactics and BOS. We've already got SPECIAL in there, as Todd promised back in our interview with him in 2005. I guess the only "community demand," as it were, that hasn't been at least "technically" fulfilled is turnbased combat.

Oh...and you can't call shots to the groin anymore. WTF. Clearly that was what made Fallout the game it was.
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Post by Apache-VE »

I think people are discounting the ability to modify the game. Bethesda has a long history of releasing powerful editing tools to mod its products. Changing the camera PoV isn't that hard. I don't think adding stuff like groin shots would be too difficult either with sufficient code samples.

Just look at how many Oblivion mods there are. You can literally change anything.
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Post by King of Creation »

Well if what a lot of the previews are saying is right, we won't even need to mod the game to get the isometric style viewpoint. It's just a matter of zooming the camera out far enough.
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Post by Apache-VE »

If the camera controls are anything like Oblivion, you can zoom out the camera with the mouse wheel, and hold the right button down to change the angle, but I don't think you can get a workable top/down view from it.
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Post by King of Creation »

From IGN: "There are also options for a Resident Evil-style shoulder camera, or a more traditional isometric view."

Shacknews: "Now, third person mode can operate with a Resident Evil 4-like over-the-shoulder perspective, a pulled back camera in line with the old games, or anywhere in between."

Critical Hits: "Everything that is visual about this game looks stunning in motion, so much so to the point that it looked natural to be playing the game from over-the-shoulder, and at one point Todd zoomed all the way out and up to an isometric view while running and it still looked beautiful."

I believe there were a few more mentions of it in various previews. You're the one that saw the game, though, Apache. Did Todd actually do this during the demo? Did it look like the original viewpoint?
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

The only shitty part is, as mentioned, that you don't have the option for a REAL turn based experience. It's all real time with a kinda sorta pause feature.
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Post by Apache-VE »

There's a screenshot of the third person camera in the previews already. It looks just like that. Hit whatever button, it zooms out, etc. The PC controls are much more precise. Mouse wheels, adjustable angles, etc.
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Post by Apache-VE »

Apache-VE wrote:There's a screenshot of the third person camera in the previews already. It looks just like that. Hit whatever button, it zooms out, etc. The PC controls are much more precise. Mouse wheels, adjustable angles, etc.
I think if you play the game using VATS exclusively, you can do just that.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

I'm GUESSING that was a reply to me and you accidently somehow quoted yourself. From what I read, you think wrong because as soon as you run out of AP the game reverts into being entirely real time. The way I like to think of it as the AP being like your "Special Move" bar rather then anything that gives you ACTUAL turn based combat.
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Post by Apache-VE »

odd, but yes. I don't think there will be a huge deficit on APs.
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Post by Ausir »

The only thing you can do in VATS is targeted shots. How is it similar to turn-based if you can only move in real time?
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Post by Apache-VE »

Are you familiar with "bullet-time" inspired gameplay mechanics?
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Post by Ausir »

Yes, but it's still nowhere near turn-based.
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Post by Brother None »

Apache-VE wrote:Are you familiar with "bullet-time" inspired gameplay mechanics?
Are you familiar with this quote from Tim Cain, about Fallout's combat "It also showed how popular and fun turn-based combat could be, when everyone else was going with real-time or pause-based combat."

Being the visionary he is, Todd Howard took a step back from Fallout's original "not doing what everyone else is doing" and yes, makes it pause-based. A true patriot :salute:
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