FRM info?

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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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FRM info?

Post by Red »

Well, I guess this is addressed to ABel mostly, in hopes he can contact however worked on the FRM format... And maybe Dims, but I don't think he's got it all figured out :P, but anyone with information regarding the FRM format would be appreciated.

I took the info from TeamX's old site, and this was interesting, but a lot of it was wrong, though the basics to get the first frame rendered is right once you figure out that the first header doesn't work as described. I looked at the available source of GRV and tha gave me more hints which is where is mysteriously skipped 52 bytes - the "missing header information". This is what I'm looking information for.

I've already figured out the first 12 integers, and the last long, so I'm missing (probably) 12 more integers. I can already render every sprite appropriatly, but the goal would be to fill the extra integers with appropriate data...

You can see my work/research in the FO:T forum with the latest release of Red!Viewer. Note that is currently offline as I overwrote it with .16, but found a bug in it before anyone donwloaded it so I took the link down. I'll fix that up in a short while...

Obviously you won't get this last statement unless you looked at the format yourself and actually tried to impliment it (or if there's some proper documentation somewhere).
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FRM format

Post by Anchorite »

Sorry my bad english, but my native language is Russian.

I found good info about FRM on,
but document about it is incomplite (some unknown fields).
I know info about this unknown fields.
If it interesting - mail to me. (
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

Neat, albeit disapointing, as this is all the info I found myself (based on my own work after looking at the GRV source and TeamX (english) frm format... What I wanted now are exactly those unknown values :P I'm guessing no one knows them though.

Well, seeing this doc at least makes me avoid writing my own doc :)

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Post by Anchorite »

I know what means those unknown values

WORD at 0x0004 and 0x0006 - Unused. Fallour 2 read this values, but don't use them.

DWORD from 0x0022 to 0x0036 - offset of first frame for direction 0-5 from begining of FrameArea (Frame area start from offset 0x003E).

DWORD at 0x003A - Size of frame area. It could be used to allocating memory for frames.

Other fields are documented by Noid.

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Ed the Monkey
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Post by Ed the Monkey »

does this mean you'll be putting in FRM suppor for some future version of Red!Viewer Red?

BTW, I think the above post disqualifies Anchorite as SDF... at least the D...
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

I'll do some tests... Although that data os useless for my viewer if I ever save it it'll need to be populated properly... And offset 6 IS used. It determines at which frame an action happens (ie, gun shot is fired (first shot on a burst), door is unlocked, item is picked up etc...)
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