Voodoo Extreme Previews Fallout 3

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Voodoo Extreme Previews Fallout 3

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[ Game -> Preview ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Fallout 3">Game: Fallout 3</a>

<p><a href="http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/800/800884p1.html" target="_self">VE3D</a> has posted their preview of <em>Fallout 3</em>. Highlights:</p><blockquote><p><em>Life after the apocalypse isn't pretty. Nor is the Wasteland population
particularly friendly. Radioactive free meat is hard to come by; and to
a Mutant, you look like an ultra-tasty, walking, and talking, 180-pound
chunk of prime rib. Combat in Fallout 3 is what I like to call
"Freeze-Based-Combat". It's not precisely real-time, nor is it truly
turned-based. After clicking on an enemy, the V.A.T.S. (Vault-Tec
Assisted Targeting System) comes on-screen, dividing the target into
what can best described as a butcher's chart. You have a percentage
chance to hit whatever zone of the body you're aiming for, each with a
different possible effect. For example, if you do X amount of damage to
a leg, there's a chance you could cripple or even blow it off. If you
try to shoot a weapon out of someone's hands, there's a chance to
disarm for opponent, or even break the item in question. I'm not 100%
sure if you can run around and play in all real-time, but they didn't
seem very keen on the idea of making Fallout 3 a run-and-gun, twitchy
first-person-shooter.</em></p></blockquote><p>We get an idea of game length:</p><blockquote><p><em>How long is the game? The main story will take about 20-hours of your
time. The side-quests tack on another 20. Can you play it longer? That
depends. Once you clear an area, it stays cleared.</em></p></blockquote><p>It won't require Vista!</p><blockquote><p><em>From a technological point of view, the lowest common denominator will
be lower to mid-end PCs. You won't need Vista to run the game on your
PC, and it's coming out on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 if consoles
are your cup of tea. </em>
</p></blockquote><p>Read the whole thing <a href="http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/800/800884p1.html" target="_self">here</a>. </p>
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Post by DaC-Sniper »

20 + 20 = 40 hours gameplay, mhh, it`s gonna be hyped up to 100 hours gameplay, anyways. It would be cool when you could still walk around in the wasteland after you have beat the game and some things have changed or like you get praised and pleased by bitches, that you saved their ass or something. i haven`t seen any female characters, so there is still a possibility they all wear thongs. Also you it should be possible to get married and to have girflriend and then to have kids. We are talking about Fable 3, right? Can`t wait to see the dog.
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Post by Apache-VE »

thats just for one run. there are a dozen different endings / ways to play.
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Post by VasikkA »

Apache-VE wrote:thats just for one run. there are a dozen different endings / ways to play.
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Post by Killzig »

why is Apache posting here all of a sudden? Is Toddy cutting him a check to act as liaison?

I'll have Vista anyways for Crysis. :chew:
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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Post by King of Creation »

Is Crysis vista only? I haven't paid much attention to it...not that my computer can even handle Vista.
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Post by Killzig »

no, I think there's a DX9c version but for the extra special ass fucking 3d particle effects glory version requires DX10 and it's a nice excuse for me to drop $1500 on pc upgrades.
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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Post by Maximous »

For the love of god....he said

"I know it's disconcerting to some that the game is going to be set in the first-person perspective, but that's just progress folks."

What the fuck progress is he talking about!?!?!?!?!?

Post by Kashluk »

VasikkA wrote:
Apache-VE wrote:thats just for one run. there are a dozen different endings / ways to play.
:aiee: OGM Alert :aiee:
DAC OGM ACRONYM RELATED Alert state set to blue :che: Continue.
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Post by Mechanurgist »

I'm not 100% sure if you can run around and play in all real-time, but they didn't seem very keen on the idea of making Fallout 3 a run-and-gun, twitchy first-person-shooter.
OK, but apart from the freeze button that's exactly what it looks like. How are they going to handle NPCs and VATS combined? Everybody except yourself will be acting in real-time, so how will the player be able to assess the situation or react to specific NPC/monster actions?
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Post by Apache-VE »

Killzig wrote:why is Apache posting here all of a sudden? Is Toddy cutting him a check to act as liaison?

I'll have Vista anyways for Crysis. :chew:
Seems like a safer place than NWA. :)

and no Crysis is XP and Vista, but if you want DX10 effects, you'll need Vista and a card that can run it.
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Post by Brother None »

NWA? I do hear that Hulk never liked people posting on his turf.
Ozrat wrote:I haven't been so oppressed since prom in 9th grade.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

That's NWO , NWA is straight from the underground where a young Nigga got it bad cause he's brown.

Post by Naked_Lunch »

What about that bitch who got shot? Fuck her! Think I give a damn about a ho, I ain't a sucker
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Post by Killzig »

NWA sucks. Wesley Willis is where it's at, ROCK N ROLL MAC DON-ALDS.

I thought I already answered the Crysis having xp capabilities question?
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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