Part Three of RPGVault's Lionheart interviews

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Part Three of RPGVault's Lionheart interviews

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

<a href="" target="_blank">RPGVault</a> have slapped up their third and final <a href="" target="_blank">Lionheart interview</a>, this time with the interestingly named lead designer, Ion Hardie. Ion. Ion... Anyway, here's a slice where they talk about the Velocity engine.<blockquote><em><b>Jonric: Since you just referred to it, let's cover the game engine. What are its notable features, and which ones are especially suited to the design of Lionheart?</b><br><br><b>Ion Hardie:</b> The proprietary Velocity Engine created by Reflexive has a bunch of tricks and features that make it a great development and gaming engine. It delivers cutting edge quality art and special effects without requiring high-end hardware, as well as a cool "plasma ground" feature that allows for real-time ground texture changes in response to game effects. In one of our previous games, Zax, it was used to make lava chase you around the level. In Lionheart, we currently have water puzzles and enemies that use lava against you that use this feature. <br><br>The engine is also non-tile based, and is script-oriented, which means that more command over gameplay is given to level designers to implement cool AI and complex game interactions. The Velocity Engine as a whole is a collection of technologies that together form the major components of all the games that we have created to date, including Zax: the Alien Hunter and Star Trek: Away Team. The editor and scripting engine are tightly integrated and form the tool that our artists and level designers, myself included, use to make our games come to life.</em></blockquote>Ion. Ion. Spotted this one over at the always excellent <a href="" target="_blank">HomeLanFed</a>.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

I wish I were named after an atom or molecule that carried a charge.
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Post by Araanor »

Like, a free radical? :lol:
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Post by 4too »

How about a quantum level name!

Ripped some riffs here dude!

....""blurred clouds of probabilities around the nucleus""....
....""quantum probabilities and organized chaos"".............
.....""asymptotic rates of entanglement"".........................
......""transformations for bipartite mixed states""............


'flavor', (beef, chicken,and pork? or is that Ramen Noodles?)


Color, three 'colors' !

gluons (Always knew Super Glue was fundamental to universal stickiness!)

Zeno subspaces

anddddd.............. Strangeness!

The cat in a box!
Will they ever rescue Schroedinger's Cat?
Perhaps it'll be a sub quest in L-H!!!

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Post by James »

Lets hope we do get to rescue The cat.

This alone would make the game worth buying...

Did you forget charm?

My stupid pedantry follows, beware!


A free radical does not have to have (formal!) charge.

For example, a certain population of dioxygen molecules are present in the air as diradiacals, but have no charge.

A large number of free radical species are uncharged, including the infamous hydroxyl radicals (*not* the same as hydroxide ions) which cause part of ageing and ultimately death.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

He's lucky he wasn't part of a twin birth.. Cation and Anion. :)
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Post by James »

He's lucky he wasn't part of a twin birth.. Cation and Anion.

A scary prospect. Almost worse than hippy names like Tree or Moonbeam.
"Ancient Greece was ahead of its time, and before our time. They had no TV, but they had lots of philosophers.
I, personally, would not want to sit all evening watching a philosopher."
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