Interview with Hines at Eurogamer

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Interview with Hines at Eurogamer

Post by JHMN »

<strong>[ Game -> Interview ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Pete Hines">Person: Pete Hines</a> | More info on <a href="#Fallout 3">Game: Fallout 3</a>

<p>Another text from Games Convention, Leipzig. Here's the end of it:</p><blockquote dir="ltr" style="margin-right: 0px"><p class="interviewQuestion"><em><span class="whoistalking">Eurogamer</span>: So how have the infamous Fallout fans reacted so far to what you've shown of the game?</em></p><p class="interviewAnswer"><em><span class="whoistalking">Pete Hines</span>: Well, the fan community is actually rather large so it depends what segment we're talking about [laughs]. Obviously we're fans - that was, like I said, the impetus to go in and get it in the first place. You know, I think if you're really interested in playing another Fallout game in that sort of world, then hopefully you'll give it a chance, but there is a segment of our fanbase - I say 'our', I mean the Fallout fanbase - that has basically decided back in 1994 that we're doing it all wrong and that they're going to hate our game whatever we do. I mean if you have made up your mind and said 'Here's my specific list of things that my game must have', and we're not meeting your list, then you're probably not going to like the game. But you know, we're OK with it, we're used to it by now - the Elder Scrolls fanbase is a very global and very large community that has very strong opinions about what they want, so we appreciate that folks are very passionate about certain franchises, certain series. They like what they like and that's what they want. But for everybody else who doesn't fall into that category, who are willing to judge with their own eyes and figure out whether or not they like what it is we're doing, it's been really good.</em></p><p class="interviewQuestion"><em><span class="whoistalking">Eurogamer</span>: Why do you think that people are so obsessive about Fallout?</em></p><div class="illustrationPreview"><em><span class="whoistalking">Pete Hines</span>: More than anything, it was really different. If I had to guess, I'd say that a big part of the draw was the darkness of it. It was pretty... brutal isn't the right word, but it was pretty dark in contrast to everything else out there - I mean, it had a dipswitch in the settings allowing you to turn the violence up. I think that's a big part of it, it was so much more adult and mature than everything else in terms of its content. A lot of folks are still very loyal to that, to that kind of experience, and very much want to play another one.</em></div><p class="interviewQuestion"><em><span class="whoistalking">Eurogamer</span>: So do you see Fallout as a continuing franchise for Bethedsa?</em></p><p class="interviewAnswer"><em><span class="whoistalking">Pete Hines</span>: Absolutely. We didn't go acquire the rights just to make one game. We fully intend for this to be a success, and as long as we don't fuck it up and we make a good game, we think it will be.</em></p><p class="interviewAnswer"> </p><hr /><p> </p><div class="endnote"><p><em>Fallout 3 isn't out until next Autumn (which feels like about seventy-three years away), but we'll apparently get something playable in the new year - although Pete informs us that this is the last we'll see of Fallout 3 for a good few months. In the meantime you can read up on the game so far in Eurogamer's </em><a href=" ... em></a><em>, and perhaps hand-fashion a countdown clock to help pass the time.</em></p></div></blockquote><p class="illustrationPreview">Read: <a href="" target="_blank">Eurogamer's interview with Pete Hines</a></p><p>Spotted @ <a href="">No Mutants Allowed</a></p>
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Please stop with these news posts. This is madness!
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Post by fallout ranger »

JHMN=News king
does this work
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Post by [HpA]SniperPotato »

Pete Hines: Absolutely. We didn't go acquire the rights just to make one game. We fully intend.. to..fuck it up.
You read it here folks.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

I mean, it had a dipswitch in the settings allowing you to turn the violence up. I think that's a big part of it
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Post by PiP »

fallout ranger wrote:JHMN=News pasting king
fixed D;

nothing wrong with that tho :drunk:

Actually I think I should do some news pa.. posting too, but I don't want to sacrifice my time devoted to reading and posting (not news) at DAC B)
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Post by JHMN »

Lack of time and different time zone often cause my news to appear later than on other sites. But it is not true what PiP and DaC-Sniper (commenting another news) wrote about it - I don't just copy it, I usually choose different parts of articles as teasers (probably it's because in my opinion something else is worth stressing - take a look at Inside the Vault news for example). I also did my own translation from German, etc, but it doesn't matter. The problem is that the other newsposters vanished and I am going to move to London in September so the news will suffer even more. Hopefully the rest will return on time so that there will be someone to write.
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Post by jetbaby »

Thor Kaufman wrote:This is madness!


Also that's almost sad. Fans love the violence, lawl, that's what made it so awesome for me, ja!
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by popscythe »

The Asshole of Satan wrote:Absolutely. We didn't go acquire the rights just to make one game. We fully intend for this to be a success, and as long as we don't fuck it up and we make a good game, we think it will be.

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Post by jetbaby »

So this thread is now about explaining to me who in the unholy fuck JHMN is and why he can post news.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by PiP »

JHMN wrote:I don't just copy it, I usually choose different parts of articles as teasers (probably it's because in my opinion something else is worth stressing - take a look at Inside the Vault news for example). I also did my own translation from German, etc,
well in that case :salute: carry on soldier. I had the impression that the news items, as of late, are like "2 words + a big copy-paste from NMA/etc", but it might've been just a wrong impression.
jetbaby wrote:So this thread is now about explaining to me who in the unholy fuck JHMN is and why he can post news.
mmmkay here it goes. Since we got nothing better to write here, it might be actually FUN yay :dance:

JHMN joined Sierra Army Depot, a Polish fallout site, somewhere around the time when VanBuren was in production. Your average site noob, like every virigin. He had this extra long pompous funny-looking nick, which some people made fun of. Some time later he became a news poster for SAD. IIRC, his nick wouldn't fit in the 'news poster' slot :D
Less and less was going on on the Fallout scene, less and less people visited SAD and posted on it.
Then SAD became :dance:
At first Ausir posted most stuff IIRC; I became newsman some time later. With time, Ausir stopped posting almost totally, and I was gradually losing enthusiasm, too: SAD was not the place it used to in VBuren's times. JHMN, now with an abbreviated dandy nick, did his posting too, from time to time.
Now with Fo3 offical site news hitting the Internet, he's back with vengeance, posting Polish news like mad.
As you all know, recently the English part of DAC has been largely deserted by news posters, so JHMN boldly takes over (he was granted poster status for English DAC some time ago), and I gotta say he improved a dam lot in the quality of his posts (it happened in the pasts that I thought his comments in Polish news weren't very DACish, but that belongs to history now).
So there you have it: poster of the month!

now, correct me if I was wrong somewhere JHMN :drunk:
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Post by Mechanurgist »

And JHMN stands for...?
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

Mechanurgist wrote:And JHMN stands for...?
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Post by JHMN »

As far as I can remember I joined SAD about 7 years ago. The long nick was just a cluster of four other nicks from various forums. Ausir added me to the team because I used to provide news ready to be posted regularly. Then there was this move to polish DAC and recently Ausir gave me rights to post on the 'original' DAC as well. If anyone cares I have been reading the forums for years but never had enough time to participate. Hopefully I will manage to stay for a while posting news at least.
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Post by Goretheglowingone »

they intend to make more than one?

that just makes me ... annoyed.. im grinding my teeth right now ...
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Post by Amis »

Pete hines is a robot
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

He speaks suprisingly well considering he has Satan's cock in his mouth.
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Post by Killzig »

Satan's cock is tiny, don't be so impressed.
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