Why is it? With more money you can make more dialogues, it doesn`t take some special abilitys to write dialogue, you just grab a piece of paper and start, that`s the cheapest thing ever, but Bethesda is investing in the hype, not in the game, they hire Liam Neelsen, instead of 10 different people with better voices. The world is also smaller then Oblivion, not really understandable, because they`ve already experience with that engine.Popper wrote:It's perfectly understandable with the big budgets and shit.
The real dev`s behind FO3 don`t even have control over the budget, if the PR department says, Liam Neeson is in, then he is in, it`s like somebody gives you all pieces of a toy, and then says, there put them together. That`s why it looks like shit and things come together, which make no sense.