Add Text To Debrief Window

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Add Text To Debrief Window

Post by Amaru »

I have some problem adding text to debrief text window when completing secondary objectives inside a mission. Nothing seems to work so far... Tried using CVAR triggers or simple triggers by only using triggers suchs as "player has less then 1 alive at anywhere" but so far it won't work and no text is added to the debrief window.

Is there a trick or something in the trigger work that needs to be added first or something else that I might have overlooked?

I'm also wondering what position I should select.
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Post by xkcon »

I had problems with the condition 'player has exactly 0 alive NOT at zone' too, it wont fire if your squaddies are killed. In my scenario, I want an escape sequence to begin if all the squaddies outside a specific zone (Cell Zone) were killed, but the trigger wouldn't fire. But if I had no deaths and moved everybody into the cell then it would fire. Also if i had any casualties and moved all the survivors into the cell, it still wouldn't fire. It seems the deaths dont register and the trigger won't work.

After a lot of thought (3-4 days!) it occured to me to try all the other states a player can have will being 'alive'. I tried something like this...

Player has more than 0 'deaths' at anywhere
Player has exactly 0 'standing' Not at Cell Zone
Player has exactly 0 'crouching' Not at Cell Zone
Player has exactly 0 'Prone' Not at Cell Zone
Player has exactly 0 'sneaking' Not at Cell Zone
Player has exactly 0 'moving' Not at Cell Zone
Player has exactly 0 'running' Not at Cell Zone

Set Variable 'Escape' to 'on'

and lo and behold, it worked!

I'm not sure if this will help your scenario, do you want the text brief to fire when your whole squad is killed? I'm not sure but the game might default to the automatic death text.
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Post by Amaru »

Hmm... I've always been claiming mapping was the one thing taking up the most time... now I've completed all the maps and the triggers ain't working as they should :?

I've figured out what went wrong though... I used display window and text but that should have been Debrief Window.

So, I had one trigger fire that gave me the secondary mission debrief that I made... but then the main mission debrief wouldn't show.

I'm just gonna delete all the triggers that I made for the Debrief and test them one at the time. It strikes me that simple trigger conditions won't fire.

Thanks for the reply m8 !
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

xkcon wrote:I had problems with the condition 'player has exactly 0 alive NOT at zone' too, it wont fire if your squaddies are killed.
That's the wrong condition. How to put this without sounding malicious, the 'alive' condition is just that for counting how many are alive or to put it another way how many are on a player index. It doesn't count deaths because if you look at the gui bar the other squaddies are still part of your unit, even though they are dead. If you want to count how many are dead use the deaths condition.

Something like, 'player has exactly 5 deaths not at Cell Zone' ought to be sufficient as long as you know or can arrange the number of squaddies the player has.
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Post by xkcon »

I'm not counting the deaths. I needed something similar to 'player has all alive at Exit grid' so that when individual squaddies were killed trying to escape (outside of the mainline of scripting), the last remaining squaddies (being held in the cell) will get thier chance to escape. (kinda like a default subroutine if the player dies before he can free the others locked in the cell) anyways it worked perfectly fine with the method I detailed above, but thanks for the insights, if I knew the editor half as well as you, i could save days in play-testing time... LOL. ;)
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Post by xkcon »

Amaru sometimes it's better to separate your conditions into more than one trigger eg;

instead of...

Speech XXXX occurred
Player has more than 0 at XXX zone

Set Var YYY to 'on'

try putting it into 2 separate triggers like this:

trigger 1

Speech XXXX occurred

Set variable XYZ to 'on'

then trigger 2:

Variable XYZ is 'on'
player has more than 0 at XXX zone

Set Var YYY to 'on'

I've found out the hard way that this will be the only way certain conditions will work together. trust me...
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

xkcon wrote:I'm not counting the deaths.
It's not so much counting deaths as use the alive condition to tell how many people are in the party not their condition. The 'Alive' is a bit of a misnomer.
xkcon wrote:if I knew the editor half as well as you, i could save days in play-testing time... LOL. ;)
If you need help with play testing just let me know. Or post at NMA, I visit there a lot more often.
xkcon wrote:Amaru sometimes it's better to separate your conditions into more than one trigger eg;
Most likely in your first example it would only work if the speech occured whilst in the zone. The speech occured condition is like a button that you press by clicking on an actor. It doesn't cause a change of state like flicking a switch on/off. It only exists at the moment you click on someone to talk, so if the other conditions aren't met then the trigger will not fire. By adding in the variable you've made the game record the fact you have spoken to someone creating a condition that can have later consequences.
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Post by Amaru »

I've figured out how to apply "Add Text To Debrief Text List".

I've put a couple conditions into a trigger and and make the action become a Campaign Variable.

Then I put up a trigger with the Campaign Variable being the condition and make the action "Add Text To Debrief Text List"

Very much like this:


Human has more then 1 alive at anywhere

Set campaign variable "debrief_text_mis02" to TRUE


If campaign variable "debrief_text_mis02" is TRUE

Add DEBRIEF_MIS02_A01 to debrief list at position:3

I noticed that this was the only way to add extra additional text to the original debrief window, I've tried everything else and suddenly this came to me and it worked like a charm.

Still bugs me why nothing else worked... Anyways, working with Campaign Variables works a lot better anyways because the engine keeps those conditions active through out the entire campaign, maybe that's the reason why they work better then other conditions.

Now I gotta rebuild all the triggers that I intended to use to add additional debrief text... but atleast I've figured it out.
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Post by PiP »

requiem_for_a_starfury wrote:stuff
hey mate, good to see you still stick around
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

Amaru wrote:Very much like this:
That's a bad example, I hope that's just an example, because that trigger would get fired on just entering a map with a follower.
Amaru wrote:I noticed that this was the only way to add extra additional text to the original debrief window,
It's not the only way, just look at the original maps, the debrief triggers don't use campaign variables, OTB's tutorial doesn't use campaign variables. If you are using variables you need to have a set up trigger to define the starting value of the variable. Not that you need a variable to add text to the debrief anyway.
PiP wrote:hey mate, good to see you still stick around
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Post by Amaru »

Ohh well, It's working anyways, thats what counts I guess.

The example was just an example :) It's not a copy of the triggers I used.
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