And lsd and dxm are not labmade drugs? Nigga, you don't make any sense at all. It's all chemistry in the end, anyway, no matter how you put it.
It just depends how well it is synthesized, that is how much other shit is left in it. If you're into esoterics and believe that shrooms/mesca buttons/coca leaves etc have soul and other good stuff in the plants, sure, why not, but "labmade" drugs aren't better or worse than "natural" drugs or whatever your point was. Labmade drugs are safer to administer, though, because you can be sure about the dosage. If you try fly agaric, solanaceae like datura etc you might as well end up in a hospital if you didn't middle a big deal of plants beforehand so you can be halfway sure about the dosage.
As to PEG, ya, that's what I thought, basic galenics.
Usually you want to get rid of that effect, actually which is done by stomping the stuff to bits. That applies to opiates for pain patients for the most part or stuff like ritaline, though, because they are usually supposed to work over an extended period of time and are not meant for recreation.
DXM trips usually last about several hours, anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
Rectal application is only advised for better bioavailability since it circumvents the liver way and directly gets into the bloodstream. Similar to intravenous when it comes to bioavailability, usually. After that comes the nose, lungs and other mucous membranes. Results differ on the drug, though, ketamine is best used intramuscular for example.
One usually goes for intravenous/anal if the drug is expensive. Most drugs may as well be smoked or snorted or whatever for good results and that's a lot more convenient.
For some drugs intravenous application is ill-advised, anyway, afaik because either they are prodrugs or have about 80%+ bioavailability through stomach absorption already or are just not worth it because they are dirtcheap. DXM is such a case, I'm not even sure if it works anally. Apart from that it might hurt the anal mucous membranes in the long run I think and you probably wouldn't want that. Give it a try if you must perhaps. Better read up on erowid beforehand, though.