Fallout 3 Makes Another "Wanted" List

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Fallout 3 Makes Another "Wanted" List

Post by cazsim83 »

<strong>[ Game -> Article ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Fallout 3">Game: Fallout 3</a>

<p><strong>Tom Chick</strong>, editor of <a href="http://fidgit.com/about.php">Fidget.com</a>, has put up his 5 most-wanted games yet to be released in 2008. The list doesn't seem to be numbered in order of importance, but <strong>Fallout 3</strong> is first on the list, with <a href="http://www.l4d.com/"><strong>Left4Dead</strong></a> (a personal favorite), occupying the second spot.</p><p>Here's what <strong>Tom</strong> has to say about <strong>Fallout 3</strong>:</p><blockquote dir="ltr" style="margin-right: 0px"><p><em>For ten years, the vault has been closed on this grim and funny post-apocalyptic saga, which presented moral choices that would make GTA blanch. Soon you can open the doors again and plunge into your own personal post-apocalypse, with the faithful Dogmeat by your side. Think S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but more polished and less Russian.</em></p><p><em>As anyone who played one of the earliest Elder Scrolls games can tell you, Bethesda has been doing open worlds before they were even possible. Now the developer is marrying the beautiful expanse of Oblivion with the refreshingly unique setting of Fallout. Detractors &ndash; and there are entire websites teeming with them &ndash; dismiss Fallout 3 as Oblivion with guns. But the joke's on them. Who in his right mind wouldn't think that Oblivion with guns would be frickin' awesome?</em></p></blockquote><p>Much thanks to <strong>briosafreak</strong> for the information!</p><p>Spotted @ <a href="http://fallout3.wordpress.com/">Briosafreak's Fallout 3 Blog</a></p>
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Post by Smiley »

Moved the useless comments to the wasteland.
Just because postcount is back, it doesn't mean you're allowed to inflate it anyway you can.

I have to flinch when I red things like this...
Think S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but more polished and less Russian.
If that's how people are thinking today, it's a sad world in the gaming community.
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Codependent Relationship

Post by 4too »

Codependent Relationship

This writer evokes a comment on commercial relationships.
No patience for the hype today.
The patter of the sideshow / midway barkers does not entertain today.
The FO3 content means nothing today.
The real strip tease today?
The predatory relationship is now hilariously naked. This day.

No absolutes here, just my solitary antidotal commiserations.
If this does not apply to your life's experience, good for you, play through.

Game corporations do what they think they have to do to make money.

Game reviewers do what they think they have to do to 'earn' the exclusive info from game corporations.
Go along to get along, the old boy network.
Some might even believe their own rhetorical fantasy about nex gen immersion.
Nex gen immersion, a self induced coma while we are fed what to think, see, hear, experience.

In this cycle of victimization, the consumer is misinformed and dunned down by jargon and bandwagon propaganda.

At some point in this abusive relationship one runs out of -- words --.

When does the RIGHT to make money, justify dishonesty?
When one doesn't get caught.

At times I just run out of words.

Game corporations lie.

Game reviewers --> game industry journalists lie.

Money justifies all acts.
Even when caught.

They win, we lose.

These people are not our friends.

They are social and financial predators.

We are the prey.

Don't wear the 'rose colored glasses' that are forever pushed on our faces.

You and I are responsible for our life's experience, don't buy the third party market-eering.

As eternal as Latin " sine cera ", " without wax", a.k.a. not cheating.
Let the buyer, the reader , beware.

And as Dante, 'Abandon All' *Expectations* 'Ye Who Enter Here'.


[Will post this spurious editorial @ similar NMA thread , but you my DAC darlings got in first, thanks for nurturing my 'go to hell attitude. This day.;)]

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Post by Smiley »


Don't you think though, that some developers, artists and coders still believe in what they do?

Peter Molyneux isn't the best developer out there, but he really wants to bring new sides of gaming, to the community.

I don't think Bethesda has the best intentions by releasing this game, especially not for the fan group.
However, I do think they take a measure of pride in this release, and that they think their take on this setting is a good one.

While they aren't out to make friends, they also don't owe anyone anything.
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Professional journalism at it's best.
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Probably No Absolutes

Post by 4too »

Probably No Absolutes

... Don't you think though, that some developers, artists and coders still believe in what they do? ...
Yes, must be some utilitarian merit for honest toil, but it's this continual pretense, this eternal wink of the eye.
Fatigued by the smart ass con men pushing their predatory conspiracy.
Let's have a game that is just a game, and not a media convergent market value enhancer.

Certainly possible, honest weavers of games and spinners of marketing, why I title this "Probably No Absolutes".


As a whole, life experience witnesses ... lies.

Any particular lie, that call is .. ah ... you know ... viewer discretionary.

Bethesda could be very well be creating a game to sell in the box,
and not just playing 'the game' (out side the box) to sell the box.

Time and marketing will tell.

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Post by VasikkA »

Smiley wrote:However, I do think they take a measure of pride in this release, and that they think their take on this setting is a good one.
On the other hand, they tend to think that their(wow, 6 consecutive t's) way of making RPGs represents the zenith of the genre. What makes me flinch is that the majority of developers don't even seem to have played many of the classic CRPG's. I find it depressing that I've played more CRPGs than some of the people working on the game and I'm not even that old. Some haven't even played the originals; how's that for disrespecting the series?

cazsim83 wrote:Left4Dead (a personal favorite)
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Re: Probably No Absolutes

Post by Smiley »

4too wrote: Bethesda could be very well be creating a game to sell in the box,
and not just playing 'the game' (out side the box) to sell the box.
First off I have to ask... are you using a translator?


I get what you're saying.
It would be nice to see some developers just going for what they think is fun, and basing a game on that.

On the other hand, they tend to think that their(wow, 6 consecutive t's)

you get a cookie (::). And a waffle (#)
way of making RPGs represents the zenith of the genre. What makes me flinch is that the majority of developers don't even seem to have played many of the classic CRPG's. I find it depressing that I've played more CRPGs than some of the people working on the game and I'm not even that old. Some haven't even played the originals; how's that for disrespecting the series?
Most new developers today are ones with education.
They don't have to have prior experience or a broad perspective on games. They have to be efficient and obedient.

My friend who's studying to be a programmer and some sort of team leader, lent me some of his books, and I'm telling you, a lot of that shit is down right scary.
They have theories and certain cookiecutter presumptions about how games have to be. The pace of the game, the rewards, the length of it, etc...

You basically cook up a game, sprinkle some FX and storyline on it, and voila; You have your next EA games market special, produced an masse.

Whatever the fuck happened to "Hey, wouldn't it be cool to be this character and have these possibilities?"...
Games aren't made out of honest ideas and fun concepts..

I don't think they're intentionally disrespecting the series.
Thinking that they're out to get us and piss off fallout fans is kinda far out..

Like I said, they don't owe anyone, anything.
They want to make their own take on the Fallout world, which is fine with me because I liked morrowind to a degree, and I liked *SOME* things in Oblivion.

What pisses me off is that they're calling it Fallout 3(which I kinda think you think as well?), when in fact it has little to do with a followup. It's just their take on it, so call it something else.
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Intellectual Constructs

Post by 4too »

Intellectual Constructs

... are you using a translator? ...
Have heaps of verbiage, no need for thesaurus!
Out side of spell check, haven't tried one, maybe it will help. :)

Smiley your description about how academic this game schooling has become reminds me of all the structuring formulas concocted for undergraduates in the soft sciences, naturally sociology and psychology, and including doctrinaire teaching of economics, history, and business.
These are disciplines that get too deep with out incremental structuring. A non major taking the entry level course for liberal arts credits, can have a deceptively shallow view.
We expect a ramping up to senior thesis level, building on basics, and interdisciplinary study.
Unless of course the whole construct of game-o-logy is just appropriate axioms, rolled into neat little balls and piled in pyramidal stacks to impress ... somebody.

Have a sense that these intellectual constructs will not provide the hands on experience that VasikkA refers to.

Think of the lost experience that these Doctors Of Video Game Theory can never draw on because they haven't table topped or pencil and papered.
Where is the cross platform disciple if these game makers only study one media, and entirely electronic.

Do they play with people, to learn how people play?
Play with others, face to face, to learn dialogue?
Even a pop psych class in communications might give then a meaningful repertory of hand gestures.

Consider, without the full spectrum of games to draw from, they won't know what a RPG *could* be.

Only know what they are spoon fed.

Great, more 'should' apples to litter the road.

'Should' apples, as in: don't 'should' on me and I won't 'should' on you -- those apples! ;)

Watch your step.

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Re: Fallout 3 Makes Another

Post by Frater Perdurabo »

cazsim83's newspost wrote: Detractors – and there are entire websites teeming with them – dismiss Fallout 3 as Oblivion with guns. But the joke's on them. Who in his right mind wouldn't think that Oblivion with guns would be frickin' awesome?
Damn right. Oblivion got loads of 90%+ ratings and GOTY nominations, there it MUST be good, right?
Adding in guns will make it just so much more awesome, because guns = awesome.
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Post by Dreadnought »

:free journalism:

Ehue. :chuckel:
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

4too - closet genius extraordinaire :salute:
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

I can't wait for Fallout 3. I think it will def be one of the greatest shooters ever! I'm a big fan of the originals, but they were so boring and confusing. Fallout 3 looks like alot of fun with meaningful choices and of course Dogmeat ;) LOLOLOLOL!!!
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

do you want to choke on some dogmeat? :wink:
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