Wasteland 2

Discuss anything from Age of Empires to Wasteland. Any gaming talk that isn't Fallout-related goes here.
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Elite Wanderer
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Wasteland 2

Post by Psychoul »

i somewhat am looking forward at a Wasteland 2 by Brian Fargo.. in my opinion, he made A Bard's Tale thinking he would get back in the "game" with a bunch of mmorg fantasy shit. (Not that theres anything wrong with that, but i dislike most of them.) He was the man that helped produce some of my favorite games in the past.. and so i am looking forward to a good Wasteland 2... (more than i am looking forward to a fallout 3 by bethesda and it being as good as the classics) (though Fallout 3 still sounds like a fun game that i WILL play.)

EDIT: THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A REPLY- for a topic i forgot :(
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