My mom and her significant other (lawl) smoked the entire time I was growing up, and I was on the swim team, ran track, and played plenty of basketball games with my buds - with no problems whatsoever. You're telling me that even while I was developing physically as a youth that it somehow affected me? Fuck that.johnnygothisgun wrote: and if one more cazsim-esque moron tries to call second hand smoke dangers a load of bs in my presence i will most definitely ram my automobile through their front door. are you truly that dumb? were you bred to be a moron for some specific purpose?
The day will come, johnny, that there will be some activity that you enjoy, maybe even video games, where some damn politican or some (insert direction here)-wing nutjob is going to say "video games are destroying our childrens minds and causing them to grow up to be violent, debased, etc etc etc - and there will be enough of the general population out there who will believe it, and they'll ban it.
I seriously doubt gaming will ever be banned, but I'm just using it as a hypothetical situation. You start to erode the basic rights of the individual and it'll always bite you in the ass.
Remember Waco? Just another push against religious freedom in the good ol' FREE United States of America. Guantanamo? Yeah, I'm actually all for letting those assholes get panties put on their head, but it's another push against the rights of the Accused, and the Innocent until proven Guilty crowd.
We're only shooting ourselves in the foot. It just happens to be the toe, which bleeds slowly, gets infected, then the whole damn leg needs to be cut off lest we die.
Sounds crazy? Talk to me in 20 years.