<strong>[ Literature -> Preview ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Fallout 3">Game: Fallout 3</a>
<p>It seems a UK reader of PCZone magazine gave <strong>briosafreak</strong> the scoop on a 10-page preview of Fallout 3! Here are some excerpts from <a href="http://fallout3.wordpress.com/">The Wordpress</a>:</p><blockquote><p><em>I’ve just got my issue of PCZone here in the UK and there’s a TEN page FO3 preview. It’s written by their resident Fallout fan Will Porter and he seems generally happy with the build he’s got. I thought I’d give you a few quotes from the mag if you fancy using them (I can post scans up at some point if you’d be interested in those):</em></p><p><em>“Is Fallout 3 Oblivion with guns? No, not really. While it’s true that when you enter houses and watch people go about their business it instantly smacks of the last rendition of The Elder Scrolls, it seems that the old Fallout sensibilities and mannerisms are here as foundation and not lip gloss.” </em></p><p><em>“Having played the game for only five hours, and with many of the hang-ups people had with Oblivion only becoming apparent after 50, I can’t be definitive about this – but in terms of building a modern game on the systems of one that’s now 10 years old, it’s hard to think of how Fallout 3 could have been tied closer to what has gone before.”</em></p><p><em>He goes on to say it’s the best implemented FPRPG he’s played before; better than Vampire: Bloodlines, Oblivion, and (potentially) better than Deus Ex (which is big news in PCZ, as it’s one of their favourite games ever). He also mentions ‘The Family’ but describes them as Brahmin killers; there’s no talk of Vampires. He says the dialogue and voice acting, while not up there with Fallout, is “a bazillion” times better than Oblivion (he even name checks NMA at this point).</em></p><p><em>The biggest concern he raises is the house you get in Megaton:</em></p><p><em>“To me, this seems incongruous to the post-apocalyptic setting – it may have worked in the prosperous boroughs of Cyrodiil, but you honestly feel in Fallout you shouldn’t be able to order in much more than a rusty bucket and a blanket.”</em></p><p><em>Finally, he says what really stands out in the game is the exploration aspect, you really feel like you’re wandering a desolate, bombed out America.</em></p></blockquote><p>Much thanks to <strong>briosafreak</strong>!</p><p>Spotted @ <a href="http://fallout3.wordpress.com/">Briosafreak's Fallout 3 Blog</a></p>