<strong>[ Game -> Preview ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Fallout 3">Game: Fallout 3</a> | More info on <a href="#Todd Howard">Person: Todd Howard</a>
<p>The name says it all. Originally posted at <strong>NMA.</strong></p><p><a href="http://vodpod.com/watch/884985-no-mutan ... sa">Direct link to vodpod.com</a></p><p>Some neat things there - like Todd's Captain America shirt.</p><p>Otherwise, you find out you don't "make your character" - that comes from playing for the first half hour, kind of like Oblivion, eh?</p><p>Also, Todd is playing with a character that's been a bit hacked...</p><p>Your character won't lose or gain karma based on dialogue per se, it has to be through "an action." So telling someone you wont' give them something they want will lower your karma, or giving them something they do will raise it, etc - but just "being a dick" won't affect how people view you. :tard:</p><p>The bald guy with the glasses is just a bs'er - he makes it almost all the way through Fallout 1 before deciding he's about out of time, and so pops in Fallout 2 (all this in preparation for this preview) - then makes a comment about how it seemed the first two games were all about rushing straight to the power armor, and Todd agrees so they tweaked Fallout 3. </p><p>If that wasn't scripted, it was darn close. Maybe I'm alone, but the "first time" I played Fallout 1 and 2, I didn't even know there was such a thing as power armor (until Horrigan kills the farmer's family, of course!) and even then, I had no idea how to get to it. Please Mr. Bald Glasses-Wearing-Guy, don't insult my intelligence.</p><p>There's a perk called Power Armor Training, which you can get by watching the new Iron Man movie, apparently. (Kidding.) You can't use Power Armor until you get the perk.</p><p>Real quick - the guy with the Slimer shirt is mildly retarded, so please go easy on him.</p><p>Todd looks kind of bored the whole time, except when he's playing the game, and even then it's sort of "meh" - but you can't blame him, he's answered the questions these guys are asking about 500 times already.</p><p>Spotted @ <a href="http://www.nma-fallout.com">No Mutants Allowed</a></p>
1UP's Gameplay Video and Interview of Fallout 3
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Duck and Cover: THE site for all your Fallout needs
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