Thought I'd share this cleaned up, picture-enchanced version with you guys.
There was once a time when gods and people walked the earth together. Our clan’s history begins when we joined forces with the young, rebellious storm god Orlanth. During the marriage of our father god Orlanth and Ernalda, the Earth Mother, our women learned secrets from Ernalda, making her our main deity. Most clans whooped with Orlanth and drank the Eight Known Drinks. This marriage established great harmony in the world and allowed Orlanth to remake it. Thus began the golden age known as the Storm Age.
We also valued Uralda the Cow Mother, because our clan’s earliest famous event was the Procession of the Animals, when goddess Uralda led the sacred herds into Orlanth’s stead. Our worst enemies in those days were Orlanth’s unruly winter kin, the Ice Lords.
The Storm Age Ended when gods and creatures of Chaos came and destroyed almost everything. Orlanth and his allies fought hard, but Chaos almost always won and terrible catastrophes shook the world. Many gods died and many new ones rose to prominence when the Darkness came and our world stagnated and died. Our clan diminished into a handful of hardy survivors.
Heort the King was a leader who emerged in the turmoil of the Darkness. Heort and his companions set the world in order again. He created laws that we follow to this day. We were originally a clan that valued peace and, during the Storm Age, took strangers, vagabonds and wanderers into clan as adopted family.
Finally the sun rose again. While others were rebuilding the world our priests began re-establishing links to ancient deities. This new harmony between people and gods helped improving the world. At the Dawn, we first awakened Ernalda, the Mother Goddess, for we needed her to yield our crops and to bless our cows to be healthy.
Thirteen hundred years after the Dawn the gods retreated from the world, leaving it in the hands of the mortals. We settled in fine lands, which me named Heortland after the great mortal king Heort, not after a god as was the tradition, because Heort taught us how to survive during the Darkness.
Before the time of Dragon Wars our attitude toward dragons, dragonewts and their ilk was positive; we sought understanding between the two peoples and entered into their dragon knowledge. Many of our kin moved to live in the Dragon Pass for several generations until the dragons came and ate everyone. For hundreds of years no Orlanthi dared to enter the Dragon Pass again.
Then the Pharaoh came. A great magician and a powerful warrior who divided the Orlanthi people of Heortland in two. At the brink of civil war, fearing kinstrife, our clan decided to leave Heortland and move to Dragon Pass. Kinstrife, the murder of your own flesh and blood, is the foulest sin an Orlanthi is capable of. We did not want to anger the gods and unbalance the harmony of our people. We started a new clan in the southern quadrant of Dragon Pass, along with other Orlanthi who left Heortland. We were called “Six Brothers�.
When we arrived in Dragon Pass, we claimed huge tracts of land, far more than we could imagine ever needing. We built a clan hall, some steads, and a temple to Ernalda. But when we left Heortland, we lost much of our connection with the gods.
Carls and cottars argued over grazing land. Orlkensor composed a poem about harmony between carls and cottars. Both groups agreed that the poem was a fine one, and did them honor. They agreed to live up to its ideals in the future.
Someone killed some of our horses. The spirits of our ancestors said that this crime was committed by the Brown Boars. We made the claim before their clan ring. They denied that they had slain our horses. Gustand, who argued our case with them, thought they were telling the truth.
A new clan came to Dragon Pass; they were called the Jerendings. They sought permission to travel through our lands on their trek northwards. We proposed an alliance with them. Their clan ring agreed that it would be good to have friends in a new land. To seal the arrangement, we exchanged gifts of equal value. Then we let them pass through our tula. By doing so we were also able to attract new cottars to the clan from the surrounding area.
One of our exploration parties found gems in a cliff on our tula and turned up a cave with green-colored clay that we can use for making high-quality pottery. Our scouts also found a strange clan of beast folk who were like ducks. Tempering mercy with shrewdness, we exacted payment from the ducks, or Rune Ducks as we called them, whose larders were heavy.
Harvest was poor and starvation hit our clan.
Orendal sought the support of the ring in a boundary dispute with his neighbor, Maniski of clan Boskovi. We told Maniski and Orendal to arm-wrestle for the disputed land. They did so. After an epic day of matches and rematches, the two became inseparable friends, and ended their dispute.
Korol and his family came from distant Esrolia, to ask for membership in our clan. We accepted them, and on that day they became one of the Six Brother.
Priestesses of Chalana Arroy said they would heal our sick and wounded in exchange for a future favor. They did so, and the people rejoiced. The priestesses departed, reminding us that they would one day return to ask for a favor in return.
Outlaws attacked our exploration party in the tula. Heorl blustered and shouted at the outlaws, but they just laughed. Heorl and his forces killed and scattered them.
Acting as our emissary, Aslandar sought an alliance with the Brown Boars and the Oak Trees. Aslandar said to them, “It would be generous of you to help us in a time of need and you shall also profit greatly from it.� Brown Boar chief, Orngerin, and Oak Tree chief Baranthos agreed that our clans should be allies. “I can only conclude that we all would benefit by it,� Orngerin said. “I embark on this alliance because I believe it will be good for both of us.�
The alynx spirits chased off the vermin spirits; there would be few rats this year.
An exploratory mission came home early to report that one of them had been taken by Tusk Riders, and could now be presumed dead. Clan leaders said, “There will be no funeral until Thadart is proven dead.� The people shook their heads. It was clear from the grim expression on their faces that they thought the ring members were fooling themselves.
While exploring in Prax, we found a group of bird-riding nomads willing to help us raid a neighboring clan. We took them up on their offer. We raided the Antorlings. We drove the Antorlings from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula and seize land from them. The people were glad, and spread out to occupy this land, ours by right of conquest. With Praxian help, our raid was a success, but the Antorlings swore an oath to become our enemies until the end of days.
A man with the face of a Tusk Rider came to our tula and claimed to be Thadart. He said his disfigurement was a grim joke of the Tusk Riders’ god. Our clan leaders sought to convince the people that he should be allowed to return. Enastarra’s eloquent words persuaded them that this was indeed Thadart returned, and not some terrible monster. After all, the clan ring had predicted his eventual return. The people welcomed him back, and there was much rejoicing.
We were raided by the Trolls. Trolls tried to smash Heorl, our Clan Chief, with huge lead clubs. They sent weird buzzing spirits against him. Finally they forgot about our other warriors and just tried to kill Heorl. Nothing they did could hurt our champion. We drove the Trolls off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula.
Acting as our emissary, Aslandar sought alliances with several clans of Dragon Pass. He began his mission in 1334, ending in early 1337. As a result we allied with the Bayberries, the Jenestni, the Orlmarthi, the Herani, the Torkani, the Peluski, the Karandoli and the Blackrocks. Aslandar earned a seat in the Clan Ring and became a well-known spokesman of all followers of Issaries, the god of bargain and diplomacy.
Explorers from our clan found the body of a dragonewt warrior lying in a stream bed. We decided to make magical armor from its hide. It was difficult to skin the dragonewt corpse without destroying the hide, but our tanners and magicians managed the task. We attuned the armor to Heorl.
Women found a talking fox in our woods. It wanted us to make an agreement not to hunt foxes or clear any more forest. We agreed to both conditions. The fox said that we would never know the full measure of disaster we had avoided.
One of our carls, Harvar, was killed by the Antorling warriors Hend and Janerra, who said they were avenging kinfolk. We sent warriors against the Antorlings. They killed both Hend and Janerra and got away.
While plowing the fields, the carls found something strange. It was the enormous skull of some kind of dragon creature. We used it to decorate our clan hall.
The god-talkers said any children born this year would have great destinies.
Randalyar, a warrior of the Brown Boar clan, returned the young girl Insterid, who had run away from us, claiming to be an orphan, and seeking adoption into their clan. We told Insterid that our clan produced great warriors, also. The girl cried and wailed, and said that everyone knew that the Brown Boars produced the greatest warriors in all of Dragon Pass. The stubborn child could not be moved from her opinions, and the people were greatly disconcerted.
A squabble broke out between those who claimed descent from the founders of the tribe, and those whose ancestors were the remnant people adopted into the tribe during the Storm Age. We scolded the people for dividing into factions. Both sides praised us for our strong words. “We have forgotten that our first loyalty is to the clan, and that we prosper together or suffer together.� They pledged to forget their old jealousies and work together.
We predicted a bitterly cold Dark season.
The warriors warned the clan ring that many of the great and ancient families of the clan were not getting their due representation in the clan hall. We sought volunteers to split off. Most were reluctant to step forward, but everyone knew that a split in the clan was necessary for survival. Eventually a quarter of our families stepped forward. We split off our own tula, giving them some of our land. They chose to call themselves the Stag Hearths, and said that they would be good neighbors to us.
Our explorers found a Horse-Spawn encampment and a great horse they said was magical. Some people wanted to send a party to capture the steed. We sought the blessings of the gods. The god-talkers said the signs were unclear. It could not be said that Ernalda favored our quest. We decided to recruit warriors from other clans to join a war party against him. We sent a war party to capture the steed, led by Heorl. Heorl found the camp of the cursed Horse-Spawn, and motioned the warriors to creep up upon it. He leapt upon the horse before the Horse-Spawn could react. Although the horse leaped and bucked at first, Heorl managed to control it, and we escaped from the Horse-Spawn encampment with their arrows and curses falling all around us. One of our warriors was killed, and two more were wounded. But we gained this great magical horse.
A terrible plague struck our tula. We propitiated Malia, goddess of disease. The god-talkers said that the sacrifice was a success; the dread goddess had received our gifts. Now that we had given to her once, she would expect us to keep doing it, they added. However costly our choice, it worked; soon the people were recovering from the plague.
Heorl’s combat skill was acknowledged to be of heroic level.
Factions appeared among the weaponthanes, who squabbled over the division of loot from a raid. We let them resolve the matter themselves. Weaponthanes on both sides of the dispute were ashamed that their squabble had reached the ears of the ring. They pledged to behave properly in the future.
Elmalandti was caught with trade goods that he did not buy through the clan ring. We stood him up before his fellows, and held him out as an example of disobedience towards chosen leaders.
The leaves of the oak trees fell off early, but the god-talkers couldn’t agree what this signified.
Humakti warriors sought our help in a war party against walking corpses. We sent warriors to fight alongside them. They said we were honorable, and then departed with our warriors in tow. They returned several seasons later, some wounded, but none killed. The undead creatures they’d slain had no valuable treasures in their lairs, for such is the way with the undead.
We were raided by the Boskovi. Boskovi warriors running ahead of their companions tried to break into our stead to plunder. They were trying to cross our ditch when Korol, the young carl who had joined our clan with his family, had a chance to cut them off. Korol called for help and several of our women helped him throw rocks and javelins down upon the enemy before they could climb the ditch. He personally slew four spearmen with his flail. We drove the Boskovi off, and Korol became a well-respected carl for his skills in the battlefield, even among the proud weaponthanes.
Harran spoke for the warriors when he said that they were stretched too thin, and that more fighters were needed. We kept our eyes open for qualified warriors. We took on a number of them, including Korol, who had proved his worth earlier.
Odayla cultists offered to perform a ritual to make the hunting better in our area.
Thadart, the warrior whose visage was made monstrous by the alien god of the Tusk Riders, said that other members of the clan had dishonored him, and demanded that the clan ring reproach them. Heorl reproached the people for dishonoring him. They hung their heads in contrition, and said that they had not acted properly. They promised to mend their ways, and Thadart said he had much ale for them to drink, if they would do him the honor of accepting his hospitality. The people drank long into the night, and the matter was settled.
Rastoron, a simple carl from northern parts of our tula, complained that his wife Enothea dishonored him by interrupting a duel with Kallai of the Antorlings. The clan ring encouraged Rastoron to duel Kallai again. They fought, but the duel was inconclusive. Both became winded before hurting the other. Eventually they decided that each man’s honor had been satisfied.
Thadart, the warrior with the Tusk Rider face, implored us to find him a bride. Clan leaders promised to find him a bride. After long discussions with a number of friendly clans, we found a prospect for him: Kistrald of the Osgosi clan. She was neither lovely nor clever, but when Thadart’s set eyes upon her, both were filled with love. The people, who had embraced Thadart and his cause, rejoiced. They set about making a wedding celebration that would be remembered in Dragon Pass for generations to come.
Heorl began the Storm Tribe heroquest. Heorl returned to the land of mortals, his quest successful, but his body badly wounded and his mind altered by the strong magics. After that day, whenever the names of great clans of Dragon Pass were mentioned, our clan was always one of the first named. Heorl also brought with him valuable treasures and knowledge of ancient mysteries from the realm of the gods. Our god-talkers praised Heorl, for he had brought us much closer to the gods for good.
Einarth Milk-Eyes came to us with a prophecy. It seemed to mean that we should start a tribe. We decided to act on his words, but not in haste.
Korlaman, a hunter of the Fire Quartz clan asked permission to hunt a great white stag on our land. We refused him and then hunted the stag ourselves. Our hunters crept into the bush, where they saw the stag. It was a magnificent beast indeed. They loosed arrows at it, and brought it down. We celebrated our great fortune.
The harvest was plentiful and the starving years seem to be in the past for now.
A son, Palagor, was born to Thadart and Kistrald. The people were concerned, because Palagor shared his father’s facial deformity. Clan leaders sought to quell the peoples’ fears. Heorl’s soothing words made them less apprehensive, and they gave many generous birth gifts to Thadart and Kistrald.
Robasart wanted vengeance against the men who had killed his father many years before. We sent a delegation to demand wergild for the slaying of Robasart’s father. The Mule Deer lawspeaker said that their clan should not be liable for actions taken so long ago, when Jarnandar and Dangmar belonged to another, faraway clan. Furthermore, the two men had changed since they burned Kangharl. “They have renounced their brutal ways, and are now as judicious and honorable as any Orlanthi thane.� “Yet,� said their chief, Orstanor, “in the interests of harmony between our clans, we will pay the wergild you ask.�
We were raided by the Horse-Spawn. We showed them the head of Markanth Margrainsson, a skull which belonged to a great ancestor of Storm Age, brought by Heorl from the realm of gods, and the Horse-Spawn pulled back in confusion. We took captives from the Horse-Spawn and captured their horses.
Tastanim, a trader from the northern kingdom of Tarsh, tried to convince some of our carls to leave us for farming opportunities in his homeland. Heorl said the clan would not stand in their way if they wanted to leave, but that they should stay. The carls were moved by Heorl’s words; they said they were pleased to have the freedom to decide, and that they would decide to stay with us.
The god-talkers saw many ravens, and suspected there would be battle later in the year.
Natalina of the Jenestni asked us to help slay a walktapus and other Chaos creatures that werestalking their tula. We did it in exchange for a treasure. We sent Darrold, along with 16 warriors. They found the walktapus hiding under some fallen trees. It made a weird screeching sound, then burst through the log’s rotten wood, hurling itself at the hunting party. Our warriors fell upon it, hacking furiously. We cut it to bits. Then Jenestni sages carefully burned each of the pieces, saying that the creatures were thought to be able to regrow themselves. The sages made sure that no one breathed in the oily smoke from the burning creature’s meat. They gave us a Bell of Uralda, which rang with the power of the Earth rune.
Dangmet, thane of the Isolting clan, invited us to accompany him on a raid against the Telmori wolf-folk. We offered to make peace between the Isoltings and Telmori. He smiled. “Your intentions are honorable; it is good to make peace. But let us bring peace to our own people by making war upon a common enemy — the drooling, chaos-tainted Telmori horde!� We accepted his invitation. He was pleased by this response, and said that his clan would not forget the aid we gave them this day. Together our clans laid waste to the Telmori encampment, slaying their warriors and driving their women and children deep into the woods.
The exploration mission to the northwest returned, having sighted many dragonewts there. Alirene, one of our weaponthanes, said we should go back to steal a silver statue of a dragon from them. We told the Boskovi about this opportunity. A few weeks later, we heard that many of their warriors had been slain by dragonewts while attempting to take the statue. Our people were glad that we had not risked doing so.
Dragonewts came and said that they wanted to take Voskandora away with them. We asked them why. They hissed and flared their head crests at us. We asked them for payment. “Yes, yes, we not undertake obligation. Payment if poems are correct,� they said. We allowed Voskandora to go with them. She left happily, promising to return with an epic of grand adventure among the dragon-kin.
A delegation of Beastfolk came to us and warned us that Ironhoof would come back if we offended them further. We offered them compensation. We paid them a handsome settlement.
Aslandar told us we should take in Orlkensor Bronzebones, a warrior outlawed by the Antorlings, our bitter enemies. We took him in, and he joined Aslandar’s household. The people were happy with the ring’s decision.
A creature we had not seen before came to talk to us. He called himself Mathrania the Magnificent, and requested a parley with the clan ring. He was sort of like a dragon, yet not a dragon, more of a plant-eating giant lizard. We invited him inside the clan hall. Mathrania politely declined to enter the hall, fearing that he would bump his head, but spoke with us in the market square. Mathrania knew of our customs, and asked us which of the Six Social Virtues was most important. We told him that justice was the most important virtue. He thanked us for our answer. He gave us an archaic form of the Parting Words, and left.
We began the forming of a tribe. We met to decide which clans should get invitations to join us.
We asked the eccentrics of Clan Brown Boar to join our new tribe. We agreed that they could tutor the daughters of thanes in exchange of providing our trade routs with caravan guards. After a long debate, we finally agreed that one monarch in four should be a Vingan queen, a warrior woman. The Brown Boars said that they would come to a confederation moot.
We learned of the Oak Tree demands for joining the new tribe. We agreed that the other clans of the tribe should not trade with outsiders when they could trade with the Oak Trees instead. We demanded favorable trade terms for other clans of the tribe seeking Oak Tree grain. The Oak Tree ring saw opportunities in our proposal.
We asked the prosperous Clan Jenestni to join our new tribe. We told them that they would be asked to help others, but that it would be better than being raided all the time. We told them that the other clans would supply warriors to protect their herds. They acknowledged that there was strength in numbers. The Jenestni said that they would come to discuss the forming of a tribe.
We negotiated with Clan Boskovi, the first clan to settle in our immediate area and eternal enemies of the Beastfolk, to see if we could bring them into our clan. We told them we would make war on the Beastfolk. We also made certain that they understood just how high a price the tribe would be paying by prosecuting their war for them. The Boskovi said that they would come to a confederation moot.
We also talked to Peluski leaders to see if they wanted to join our new tribe. We agreed that the other clans would sacrifice to Elmal. They gratefully accepted the council seats we offered them. The Peluski said that they would be happy to come to a confederation moot.
When asked to join our new tribe, the aggressive traders of Clan Bayberry had many demands. We demanded that the king get a share of the proceeds from Bayberry trade. They agreed to our terms, but wanted us to make an oath against bandits part of the rites of kingship. Finally the Bayberries were persuaded to understand what benefits a tribe would provide.
We asked the Chaos fighters of Clan Karandoli to join our new tribe. We told them that more warriors were always good in the fight against Chaos. The Karandoli said that they would come to discuss the details with us. Some people whispered afterwards that you only need to mention the word “Chaos� to them to catch their attention. This time it was good for us.
The confederation moot started badly. Many of the clans were offended by the concessions granted to others. We bargained to get the satisfied clans to please the dissatisfied ones. We made progress. We spoke eloquently in praise of the agreement. Soon there were only minor objections to the terms we negotiated. The confederation moot was a success. We became a tribe, the Ded Rabiid.
The clans of the new tribe gathered to choose a king. We nominated Heorl to take the throne. Heorl spoke well, and was chosen to rule the Ded Rabiid tribe. Heorl completed the rites of kingship. The celebration lasted for days. Korol, the outlander who became a hero, took Heorl’s place in the Clan Ring as the Clan Chief.
Terasarin of the Rakstanti came seeking our help in a raid against the Antorlings. “The Antorling storehouses are like a tantalizing fruit, ripe for the picking,� said Terasarin. We sent a full complement of warriors to aid them. Thanks to our aid, the Rakstanti drove the Antorlings from the field. We were pleased with the loot we gained.
The carls warned the clan ring again that there were too many people, and they still could not produce enough food for everyone. Clan leaders decided to delay action by trading for more food. The carls complained that delay would accomplish nothing, but that we had better hurry and send the trading missions.
Orlkensor was found slain. We sought the killer among the Antorlings. Vingulf, the Uroxi warrior who once challenged Orlkensor to a duel, boldly admitted to the deed, and contemptuously tossed the wergild at our feet. We insisted that Vingulf apologize for his harsh words. But he merely insulted Orlkensor further. Darrold challenged him to a duel. They circled one another like wary alynxes. Darrold plunged his sword into Vingulf’s side. Vingulf fell to his knees and gave the sign of surrender; an Antorling healer tended to Vingulf’s wound. We departed with the wergild, our honor satisfied.
An ill-omen vexed us when a young, unmarried woman of our clan saw the shadow of a bird pass over her. A few days later we heard that the Antorlings had hired Vostangi warriors as mercenaries, preferring to pay for a chance to cause us harm than let us raid them freely.
A Uroxi warrior came to demand that Orlkensor Bronzebones fight him to the death. We suggest that they resolve their differences peacefully. This won a sad look from Orlkensor and crazed laughter from the Uroxi. We demanded that Orlkensor fight the Uroxi. Orlkensor refused to fight. “If I break my vow to Ernalda, how can you trust me to honor my vow to you?� We asked Orlkensor why the Uroxi sought him. “ I am grateful to you for taking me in. But please do not ask me more. I have sworn not to speak of this.� We asked the Uroxi what Orlkensor had done to besmirch his honor. “It is not your business,� the Uroxi said. “It is between the defiler and me.� We used force to drive the Uroxi off. Enraged, the Uroxi fought off the warriors we sent to drive him away. He wounded some of our fighters, and then said he would leave. “Orlkensor should not consider our dispute settled,� the Uroxi said. “I will not violate the sanctity of your clan hall by going in to get him now. But I shall get him. That I swear, by Urox’s horns.�
A clutch of big, funny-shaped eggs was left on our doorstep. They were covered with sheets that bore symbols and runes similar to the dragon-like stranger Mathrania the Magnificent, who had visited us few years ago. We decided to see what would hatch out of them, if anything. Seasons later the eggs hatched, and weird little lizards came out. We decided to try to raise the creatures, to see what they would become.
Einarth Milk-Eyes came to us with a prophecy that seemed to mean we must reenact our main deity’s heroquest, and six others. We were pleased to honor Einarth with gifts. Einarth said that our generosity was a first step on our new path, and gave us his blessing before wandering off again.
Priests of the Peluski clan accused tricksters of the Brown Boar of using trickster magic to direct a plague towards them. King Heorl was called upon to adjudicate the case. We closely questioned the priests and tricksters. Heorl said that the priests were clearly mistaken, and had wrongly identified the tricksters as the cause of their misfortune. Heorl ruled in favor of the Brown Boar tricksters. The tricksters thanked us for our mercy, and gifted us with a broken flagon, which they said would bring us good luck.
The strange little lizards grew up into strange big lizards. They caused many problems. Voskanandora suggested we’d try to train them as farming aids, similar to oxen. The people of the clan thought this was a good idea, because the lizards seemed strong. We succeeded in training the earthshakers as farm animals. We let our neighbors know of these strange animals that would aid our harvest years to come.
Three great Orlanthi wind lords came to bring us the joy of Orlanth. They asked for help in a task they would not speak of. We gave them silver.
Sora Goodseller arrived to tell us of three new tribes that had arisen in the wake of our new tribe. They were the Estarelder tribe, the Culbrea tribe, and the Torkani tribe. We sought an alliance with the Torkani.
Cruelly and without provocation, troublesome ducks burnt one of our barns. We demanded that Longtail, the High King of Rune Ducks, punish the arsonists. He promised to do so, and composed a curious poem, in an ancient style, praising our mercy.
We made peace overtures to King Orstanor of the Torkani. We said: “We must unite against the other tribes.� Orstanor said that this was a good plan, since the clans in Torkani tribe hated most clans of Culbrea tribe. We reluctantly agreed to declare war on the Culbrea.
Together with the Torkani, we declared war on the Culbrea. We argued that they should be given a chance to pay tribute before we made war on them. The others agreed that this was a good plan. Because we had suggested it, we were chosen to negotiate with the Culbrea king. He agreed that his tribe would pay tribute to our tribes. We distributed the tribute, and our tribe-mates cheered.
Our explorers went to the Orlanthi land of Tarsh. There they met an odd fellow who called himself the Prince of Masks, and said he would visit a magical catastrophe upon any clan in Dragon Pass we chose, in exchange for a gift of silver. We agreed to his proposal. Soon we heard that many herds of Antorling cattle were stricken with a mysterious ailment, and fell dead. Some of their weaponthanes also suddenly suffered a brutal magical death.
Antorling warriors kidnapped Jerernalda, the daughter of the chief, and took her back to their tula. We retaliated against the Antorling clan. We managed to drive the Antorlings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. Our warriors rescued Jerernalda. The people celebrated a great victory over our enemies.
Voskandora began the Ernalda Feeds the Tribe heroquest. During her quest she fought with Daga, the god of drought, bargained with elven spirits, freed friendly deities from imprisonment by evil gods and survived back to the mortal world. The people rejoiced, looking forward to overflowing bushels now that crop yields would improve.
Yinkin cultists offered to perform a ritual which would make better hunters out of our alynxes. They would be better able to kill disease-bearing forest rats, or so the Yinkini said. We asked what their price was and after some bargaining we came to an agreement. They gathered our alynxes together, and successfully performed their Yinkin ritual.
A family returning from a visit to the Blue Spruces were slain by Praxian Sable Riders. Only the young boy, Derik, survived. We sent a war party to kill Sable Riders. They found and battled the desert raiders. Our fierce warriors shouted the names of the slain as they pulled the nomads from their beasts and cut their throats. We recovered the loot they had pillaged, and more.
Our tribe was beset by bandits. We decided to organize weaponthanes from our own and other clans of the tribe to fight the bandits. The bandits were soundly defeated. Those who we did not slay on the spot fled like rippling squirrels, and were not seen again.
A milk-white calf was born into Orendal’s herd. Heorl took the blessed beast into his herds, gaining prestige. Our neighbors soon spoke of Heorl as the White Cow King.
The Antorlings fled their tula. They settled near the Fire Quartz.
We were approached by Illator, a noble of Tarsh. He sought mercenaries for a northern war and successfully hired many. When our warriors were serving as mercenaries up north, ducks came and stole from our herds. We approached the newly elected duck chieftain, Purefeather, and offered to end their tribute to us, if he would reign in the Duck cattle thieves. He agreed, and, to show good faith, compensated our losses.
We were raided by an enormous force of Tusk Riders. Some people blamed Thadart, the warrior with the Tusk Rider face, for betraying us to them. Thadart denied this accusation, and offered to ride out to negotiate with the Tusk Riders. We let him do this. Our patrollers watched nervously as Thadart rode out. For a moment, it looked as if the tuskers would ride right over him, but then they stopped, and parleyed. We anxiously looked on as Thadart gestured and snorted at the Tusk Rider leaders, and they gestured and snorted in return. Finally they turned away, and the assault was averted. Thadart returned to us, and everyone asked him how he had convinced them to leave. “I tricked them,� he said. He had told them he was an avatar of their ancient god, who granted protection to our tula. People rejoiced and respected Thadart more than ever, because he had saved our clan from a terrible bloodshed.
The warriors returned from the campaign against the northern empire. There, they saw King Arim’s magical twins drop a range of hills on the chaotic foe. They gathered goodly loot, and brought it back to us. With a feast, we celebrated the valor of our warriors. Our warriors composed great poems celebrating their deeds. Our carls toasted them, and observed that no one would dare steal from us now.
Voskandora’s ability at animal husbandry and farming knowledge were acknowledged to be of heroic level.
Illator of Tarsh came to pay us for our warriors’ mercenary services, but tried to get us to take foreign coins instead of the cows he promised. He sacrificed to the gods on our behalf, and the dispute between us was resolved.
Foreign warriors sought refuge among us. The ring said that they would allow a volunteer to sponsor them as guests. One of the wealthy farmers stepped forward, and said he would sponsor the foreigners. He conducted a Guest Ceremony, agreeing that he and his kinfolk would be responsible for their actions. The foreigners praised his generosity.
The forces of cold and darkness attacked our land with snow and wind. Our herds were threatened. We assembled a party of warriors to fight the ice demons. Desperately we fought them. Ultimately we prevailed.
Chalana Arroy priestesses came and asked us for the favor we owed them. We gave them the goods they wanted. They blessed us, and the people were pleased.
Oranda, a young and capable weaponthane and worshipper of Humakt the Death God, began the Humakt the Champion heroquest. Oranda saw Eurmal stab Grandfather Mortal with the new thing called Death. She took the sword called Death from Eurmal through flattery. Oranda traded the sword to Orlanth for a treasure befitting a cottar, the Silver Sheep. Oranda gave him the sword. This broke her oath to Humakt and she returned to the realm of mortals, shorn of all Humakti gifts, beliefs, secret myths, and rituals. We lost a thane and gained a powerful treasure that day.
The harvest was plentiful. After harvest several men gathered before the ring and said the women were not behaving properly. We held a feast in honor of the men. The women toasted the men, and all was forgotten.
Spirit-talkers showed up and asked if we needed anything from them. We asked them to sell us Spirit Fetches and Fear Spirits. We added them to our treasures.
Explorers found the encampment where Horse-Spawn held our people as thralls. We sent a rescue party to free all thralls held by the Horse-Spawn. The mission was successful. and the rest of our people were returned to us. Other thralls were freed as well, and they promised to praise us to their clan chieftains. Some of our warriors were wounded, but none were killed or taken to be thralls.
The Peluski chief accused the Boskovi chief of luring weaponthanes away from his clan, and demanded compensation. King Heorl was called upon to adjudicate the case. We closely questioned both chieftains. Orldag denied his rival’s claim that his weaponthanes had left him because he treated them with disrespect, but Heorl found his denials simply served to bolster Brenna’s version of events. The spirits of our ancestors said that the weaponthanes had left Orldag’s household on their own accord, because he had ridiculed their telling of the sacred myths. Heorl ruled in favor of Brenna. Brenna praised the sagacity of our king, and gifted us with a set of silver rings.
A delegation from the Antorling came to our tula to suggest a peace settlement. We said to them, “We are always ready to talk.� The leaders of the two clans could not resolve the long-simmering disputes between us, and no peace was made. If anything, the talks made bad feelings between our clans even worse than they were before.
We were raided by the Antorlings. We drove the Antorlings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. Derik the Praxian-Hater distinguished himself in the fighting.
Warriors of the Peluski demanded safe passage through our tula so they could attack the Brown Boars. We offered to make peace between the feuding clans. The assembled warriors guffawed, a hunger for death echoing in their laughter. “The only way to make peace with them is to kill them all.� “Please do not involve us in your feud,� we asked them. Reluctantly, they agreed that they should not force us to fight their fight. They retreated from our boundaries.
A woman called Saraska Bright-Eyes came to us and said she would unify the tribes of Dragon Pass. We promised her nothing.
We were raided by the Antorlings. As the battle began, Korol remembered a powerful dream he had the night before, a dream that could have meant victory or defeat. He fought so well that the Antorlings thought better of us after the battle, saying we couldn’t be all bad so long as Korol was a member of our clan. We drove the Antorlings off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula.
Korol’s combat skill was acknowledged to be of heroic level.
Derik, whose family was slain by Sable Riders, became a singleminded young warrior, unpopular with the older weaponthanes. We sent Derik on a raid against Sable Riders.
We were raided by the Narri. We released the fear spirits from their gem, and they gibbered and raved among the Narri. Many of them ran away before the battle, chased by the spirits. We drove the Narri from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.
Derik is back, elated. He and our warriors snuck up on a Sable Rider encampment and caused much mischief before sneaking away again. They cut the traces on the Sable Riders’ mounts, and scattered their herd animals. They punched holes in waterskins and loosened every knot they could find. No one saw them, and they managed to steal a few goods while they were there.
Dunorl, of the Estarelder, came to our tribe’s moot with Saraska Bright-Eyes at his side. At the moot, Dunorl argued for a confederation of the tribes, with Saraska as the Queen of Dragon Pass. He said that all of the prophecies ordained it. We argued against this. Our words helped sway the other clans. We hooted down Saraska and Dunorl, scolding them for their rank foolishness.
Baranthos came to ask us for a gift of luck and divine favor, reminding us that we owed his clan, the Bayberries, a favor. We gave more than the customary amount. Baranthos said that the Six Brothers were good friends, and that his people would not forget this.
Elendra, an Ernalda priestess of the Estarelder tribe, came to report that her tribe was plotting war against ours. Their king did so in support of Saraska. We sent a delegation to confront King Dunorl with our knowledge of his plans. Dunorl realized that there were many even in his own tribe who did not support Saraska, or we never would have learned of his plans. He dismissed Saraska from his presence. Some of his people were upset, but wiser heads cheered him.
We raided the Antorlings and eluded their patrols. Enothea noticed that the Orlmarth warriors who joined our raid were in danger of being routed from the field. She could not help our allies, but they managed to help themselves and fought on instead of fleeing. We drove the Antorlings from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula, taking large herds of cattle with us. This raid hurt the Antorlings bad.
Derik Single-Path told us he was leaving to seek new challenges. We gave him a parting magical blessing. He thanked us for our generosity. “Your blessings will aid me in my journey,� he said. “It will be a long one, because I do not know exactly what I am looking for. Perhaps, after I find it, I will come back here and tell you what it was.� Then he took his leave of us.
Jorator came to complain that his bride Eonislara had broken a promise to stay faithful to him before they were married. He wanted her bride price back. We tried to mollify him without paying him. At last, he admitted that Eonislara had committed no real offense against him, and promised to raise the child as if it were his kin.
Our explorers went north to Tarsh and learned that Varstapoor, son of Arim, had become king of the Tarshite tribe. His sister, Vestenbora, was venerated as a great priestess of Maran Gor, the destructive goddess of shaking earth. While in Tarsh, Heorl participated in a drinking contest, and beat all comers. He was rewarded with several silver torcs, and with a magical treasure. The treasure was the Veil of Chalana Arroy, which would soothe hearts torn by the lust for vengeance.
A two-headed calf was born; the people saw it as an ill omen. We sacrificed to Uralda for protection from deformed cattle. The god-talkers said that Uralda had heard our pleas.
On Korol’s suggestion, our weaponthanes captured three elves. Korol wanted to start a war with the plant-men. The rest of the Clan Ring sent a delegation to the elf camp to negotiate ransom for the prisoners. We accepted their offer of healing herbs. We released the prisoners, who departed, melting into the woods. Korol was furious, but the people were happy to get the healing herbs.
A bold young warrior named Garnath sought a duel with a champion of our clan. We told him that a duel was not a duel unless something truly valuable is wagered. We put up our treasure, the Grey Net, against his bet of the Helm of Karse. Korol accepted his challenge. The two fought a ferocious battle that seemed to go on for hours. Finally, our champion struck a harder blow than intended as Garnath turned the wrong way. Although we tried to heal the bold young fighter, it was too late, and he expired. We took the treasure we were owed, and sent the rest of his belongings back to his clan in Heortland. Our weaponthanes were pleased to see the Helm of Karse added to our clan treasures, though sad at the way it came to us.
We heard that the terrible Praxian hero Jaldon Goldentooth was cutting a swath through Dragon Pass, and heading our way. We prepared ourselves by laying traps for Goldentooth’s horde. Goldentooth’s horde bypassed our tula, but ravaged our neighbors, the Mule Deers.
Our traders saw that the Mule Deers had been devastated by Jaldon Goldentooth’s raiders. We offered them the services of our weaponthanes. They were more than grateful.
Derik Furman, now the leader of a band of nomad warriors, sought our help in the battle against Jaldon Goldentooth. We lent him warriors. He praised our clan as brave and wise. Our warriors left with him the next day.
The Pharaoh’s sorcerers came to us looking for the Orladnast clan. We attacked them. Although a wailing bolt of evil magic killed one of our warriors without leaving a mark, we slew the sorcerers before they could wreak any further harm.
Derik Furman’s warriors brought him into our clan hall, gravely wounded. He had slain Jaldon Goldentooth. We sent for Chalana Arroy priestesses to heal Derik. Priestesses were hard to find; Jaldon’s raids had wounded hundreds of people, so they were in great demand. But we found one healer willing to treat the one who had laid death’s champion to rest. Derik regained consciousness a few days after the treatment. Within a week, he was able to stand. Within two weeks, he was able to spar with his warrior companions.
Derik left us, but before he went he offered us a gift. We said, “You have given us enough of a gift already, by destroying Jaldon.� Tears appeared in the great warrior’s eyes. “Clan of my birth, again you honor me.� He dried his eyes and extemporized a song. He sang it in an unearthly voice, and it was about our clan and his love for us. It was not long before clans throughout Dragon Pass were singing this song. Most of them changed it so that it was about their clans, but they still knew which clan the song was really about.
Yerestia, a young warrior of our clan and Ferena, a young warrior of the Antorling clan said that they had made themselves blood sisters, and that we should follow their example and end our feud with the Antorlings. We decided to make peace with the Antorling clan. The Antorlings refused to end the feud.
Horse-spawn women came to tell our priestesses that they had a new leader, a woman with earth powers who was called the Feathered Horse Queen. We gave them gifts. They said we would be glad we had gifted them. After they were gone, the warriors said we should not have paid such tribute to an enemy.
We discovered a large cache of bones and ivory in one of our tula’s valleys and found fused lumps of iron in the hills nearby. Our crafters were pleased with these new materials.
The Boskovi came to us and said that it was time our tribe made war on the Beastfolk. We went to the moot to argue for war against the Beastfolk. The other clans clattered their swords and gave the war-whoops.
A war broke out between the Colymar and Culbrea tribes, causing disruption of trade. We offered to broker peace between the warring tribes. Korol persuaded the king of the Colymar to attend a peace parley. Heorl convinced the king of the Culbrea that it was time to stop the war.
The time came to decide what role the Six Brothers would play in the war against the Beastfolk. We volunteered to spearhead the attack. We lost good warriors, but led our tribe to carry the day. The insignia of our clan was the last thing that many of the beastmen saw in this life. We were given a generous share of the spoils. Since the Beastfolk are poor, this was a generous share of not very much.
Our holy people saw great scars appear on the surface of the chaotic red moon. We warned our neighbors of the possibility of supernatural trouble. It turned out that they had seen the scars, too, though no one could agree on what they meant.
We served as intermediaries at peace negotiations between the kings of the Colymar and Culbrea tribes, Hiord and Loricon. We told them, “We should all build a town together, so all will prosper.� Hiord was silent for a long time. Then he said, “It is a very strange idea, but for some reason I think I want to agree to it.� Loricon was also puzzled, but finally agreed. “It is a new thing, and we have learned to distrust new things. But you make it seem as if there is little risk in trying.�
With the kings of the Colymar and Culbrea tribes at our side, we embarked on the building of a town. We sacrificed to Issaries, god of markets. The god-talkers said the signs were clear; Issaries smiled on our town. We chose to give the town a new kind of name, and agreed to call it Korolton. Korol had become a tribal symbol of rise to power through justice, courage and vigilance. And like our ancestors had named Heortland after a mortal, we decided to honor Korol in the founding of the first town in Dragon Pass.
Progress on the building of our new town continued. We sent delegations to Heortland to find craftsmen and artisans to live in the new town. Our missions found many people eager to come to our new town and help bring about its prosperity. The clans of Dragon Pass celebrated us for finding these people, and for creating opportunity by bringing them here. The artisans themselves gave us fine gifts, so that everyone would know of their skills.
Korolton was completed, and the people of the various tribes were happy. We dedicated the city to Issaries. The god-talkers said that the signs were auspicious, and that Issaries would bless Korolton. People from outside the clan said we were wise to seek the blessing of the Trading God.
We learned that the Torkani and Estarelder tribes were fighting a losing war with the Telmori. We sent a delegation to tell Hauberk Jon we would make peace with the Telmori if he would in turn agree to build a town. Korol and a coterie of warriors made their way to Hauberk Jon’s last known encampment. On the way, they were attacked by Telmori warriors. Our warriors successfully fought them off.
Korol found Hauberk Jon. Korol said to him, “We made peace between warring tribes; we can make peace with the Telmori.� “It is harder to make peace with inhuman enemies than Orlanthi,� Hauberk Jon said, “but, then again, Hiord and Loricon are themselves said to be as hungry and clever as wolves.� He said he would trust us to try to make peace overtures on his behalf.
Korol, accompanied by warriors, found the Telmori encampment and entered it, interrupting their funeral rites. Korol groveled like a junior wolf acknowledging the supremacy of the pack leader. The Telmori growled at us. Some of their chieftains and shamans ran up and bit Korol and his companions, drawing blood. But they did not kill Korol. Slowly, Korol won their trust, and they said they would make peace with us, if Korol could revive their slain chieftain.
The Telmori took Korol to the bier of their slain chieftain. Korol said he could lift their curse. Korol told them that they would no longer be doomed to wander the earth, for Heorl was creating a new kingdom here in Dragon Pass, and they could be part of it. “It will not be magic that lifts this curse,� Korol said, “but talk of peace, which is its own kind of magic.� The Telmori were swayed by this prophecy, and agreed that they would come and talk peace, once they had chosen a new chieftain to replace Vraling Creekleaper.
The Telmori leader Kostajor Many-Whelps led a peace delegation to our clan hall. We offered them territory. Kostajor Many-Whelps said, “Long have we wandered, as if under a curse. Your offer of territory ends our curse, so we will make peace with you.� The people of our tribe were overjoyed to hear of this peace, and the people of the Torkani and Estarelder tribes were glad that the Telmori war was finished.
As Korolton grew, the kings of the Colymar and Culbrea tribes squabbled over the right to demand gifts from its artisans and traders. We said to the kings, “We must create a town ring to settle such disputes.� They thought on this for a while and then said, “We are fighting because there is no one to make final decisions in this new town. You are right; the only way to preserve this town, which makes wealth for us, is to create a town ring.� And so the three tribes made a town ring, each of them seating some of its own members on the ring.
Horse-Spawn surrounded the town, warfare on their minds. We attacked the Horse-Spawn. The walls of the town proved no obstacle to the enraged Horse-Spawn. Their fiery arrows sailed over the walls. Their great-leaping steeds jumped the walls as grasshoppers jump over twigs. The fighting was fierce, as our forces battled around the town square, up and down the streets, and in and out of the buildings.
We lost good warriors, but one by one we slew the Horse-Spawn and their terrible mounts. We took a generous share of the spoils, and no one disputed our right to it.
Derik Poljoni, also known as Derik Praxian-Hater, Derik Single-Path and Derik Furman by our clan, married the Feathered Horse Queen of the Horse-Spawn and became King of Dragon Pass. This made us think about our own accomplishments since arriving in Dragon Pass. We consoled ourselves with thoughts of our legendary deeds; in our own way, we were more accomplished than Derik, our kin, and his people. Heorl said that our success in trade and diplomacy distinguished us from others. Korol said that we were well-esteemed by most of our neighbors and feared by the rest. But we all still knew that the golden age of Six Brother clan and Ded Rabiid tribe had come to an end and a new age was about to begin.