the_BlackPipMan wrote:traits period is a dumbing down of table top RPG games. its there to make the game easier. (since you usually take traits the boosts your strengths, and the weaknesses are usually not even relevant for the character.
I wish Jinxed always made my games easier.
Heaven forbid that they actually put some work in and balance the things. Arcanum did this very well, as personally I was someone who always had a character who picked up a 2nd or 3rd skill style by the end of the game, depending on what I wanted to do. Fallout Tactics even did this reasonably well with mutant traits. There really isn't any reason why they couldn't sit down for 10 minutes and brainstorm about "this trait seems too awesome and not sacrifical enough... lets gimp it a little".
For a game series that had alot of freedom, they sure do like cutting down options.
i'm not going to say that FO3 does have that caliber of dialog.
but how can you possibly know it wont?
Bethsoft has never done decent dialog in a game. Ever. If you ask someone to make you a cheese sandwich and they piss all over it every time you do, what makes you think they'll actually make you a cheese sandwich the 5th time you asked for one? It's an application of logic that is in use (hopefully) every day. Conversely people expected good writing from BIS, because in the past they had proven they could. If they do pull it off, good on them. It only took them some 10-15 odd years to finally fucking do it.