DeathRace 2000 Review

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DeathRace 2000 Review


I saw this on friday but I forgot to make a review and my inner megatron went raging so here I am. The movie had some cool driving combat and thing but a lot of the stuff in between wasn't so great and someone in the crowd even went "come on" for the next race. It had that guy with the cool voice in it that megatron likes, hes pretty cool. Tyrese Gibson is in it and hes pretty bad this time, makes his character kind of flat.

I never saw the original one, was that a pretty good movie? I don't know if I want to watch it cause it might not have the state of the art stuff that I'm used to okay.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Stop scooping poop here and write a decent review for a change.
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Can you guys link me to a review I did that was good? People keep saying I've gone down hill or something. I try not to describe the movie and go solely on my opinion. I generally think all movies are okay unless they are really good or really bad.
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Post by sarge112 »

POOPERSCOOPER wrote:Can you guys link me to a review I did that was good?
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Post by Edward_R_Murrow »

Looks shittier than the jersey shore. Old one was funny and satirical, this one just looks dumb.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

POOPERSCOOPER wrote:Can you guys link me to a review I did that was good? People keep saying I've gone down hill or something. I try not to describe the movie and go solely on my opinion. I generally think all movies are okay unless they are really good or really bad.
The problem is that you tell us what you thought of the movie, which is OK... except that you haven't told us what the movie is about.
Next time, give a brief plot synopsis, without giving away spoilers, of course.
Rank it with movies of the same genre, how does it compare to them.
What you thought was good about it.
What you thought was bad about it.
Why you think that this movie was a must-see, if it was?
Maybe even add in like a final rating, i.e. the :psychosniper: and :subhuman: numeric systems are well known throughout the forum.
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Post by cazsim83 »

The poll that stainless (?) did has 9 for you doing more reviews, and 0 against - so that's pretty good, man.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

POOPERSCOOPER wrote:Can you guys link me to a review I did that was good? People keep saying I've gone down hill or something. I try not to describe the movie and go solely on my opinion. I generally think all movies are okay unless they are really good or really bad.
Your reviews are hot, but the movies your review are shit D:
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