Wolfman Walt wrote:
I won't say "perfect" but it certaintly is relatively bug free. There's still afew weird bugs that the next patch or two should fix. The nice thing about WaR compared to Age of Conan is you don't have 60 patches per night that you have to download. Also, the PVP WORKS. The fact that those missing classes will be offered for free via patches is also kinda neato burrito since two of the classes I wanted to try got cut.
There's something to be said about planning though.. like I said, they cut off content, instead of cutting polishing like AOC did, and most MMO's before that.
That screws up the balance depending on their master plan. Will the introduction of new classes throw the game? Will they be balanced by the time they're released?
Isn't it unfair that some looked forwards to these classes from the beta, and wont get to play them before everyone else is miles ahead?
Time is limited, and being cut off from your friends is not fun at all while leveling.
"It's done when it's done" is a good timeline. At least it doesn't insult gamers for buying it from the start.