Elderscrolls V in 2010?

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Elderscrolls V in 2010?

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[ Game -> Article ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Fallout 4">Game: Fallout 4</a>

<p>It looks like Bethesda's next big project will be the <em>Elderscrolls V</em>. While many of you might have thought<a href="http://fallout.bethsoft.com/" target="_self"> they already made it</a> (har har), those wanting orcs and elves will have to <a href="http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/42627 ... -V-In-2010" target="_self">wait til 2010</a>.</p><blockquote><p><em>Paul Oughton, publishing executive for Bethesda, also said that
although the market for the Wii and DS has opened up more varied
publishing opportunities, the company doesn't have any current plans to
release titles for Nintendo consoles.
</em></p><p><em>"At the moment we've got Fallout 3 for this year and potentially
there's a new Elder Scrolls title in 2010," said Oughton. "At the
moment we're not that interested in the Wii. We're going to stick to
PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. We'll continue to pursue three or four titles a
year and go for big titles," he said of the company's publishing plans
for the future.</em></p></blockquote><p>I just can't see them using the <em>Oblivion</em> engine again for the next installment, which obviously means they'll have to make a new one. This, in turn, is really disappointing, because it means that <a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx/forums/viewtopic.php?t=22116" target="_self"><em>Fallout 4</em></a> will almost undoubtedly be built using the ESV engine rather than a dedicated <em>Fallout</em> engine.
</p><p> </p><p>Spotted @ <a href="http://ve3d.ign.com/">Voodoo Extreme</a></p>
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It could be but I dont think so. ESV will most likely use a modified Oblivion/Fallout engine if it indeed will be out in 2010 since it would still be in this console generation. Fallout 4 would be pushing it most likely into the next generation of consoles and Bethesda would have to get a newer engine or really ramp up the previous engine with graphic flair and stuff.

I'm pretty sure Bethesda's ego is hurt after all the complaints about animation and graphic stuff since that is their pride and joy, I bet todd howard is cutting his wrists right now. Any engine they make again will probably address that.
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Post by WORLDonFIRE »

POOPERSCOOPER wrote:It could be but I dont think so. ESV will most likely use a modified Oblivion/Fallout engine if it indeed will be out in 2010 since it would still be in this console generation. Fallout 4 would be pushing it most likely into the next generation of consoles and Bethesda would have to get a newer engine or really ramp up the previous engine with graphic flair and stuff.

I'm pretty sure Bethesda's ego is hurt after all the complaints about animation and graphic stuff since that is their pride and joy, I bet todd howard is cutting his wrists right now. Any engine they make again will probably address that.
I agree about the engine.Bethsoft is (in)famouse for putting what they learn from old games into new games.but bethsoft has always had horrid animation.and like the graphics thankyou
Fallout:3 they changed it now it sucks!
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

WORLDonFIRE wrote:
POOPERSCOOPER wrote:It could be but I dont think so. ESV will most likely use a modified Oblivion/Fallout engine if it indeed will be out in 2010 since it would still be in this console generation. Fallout 4 would be pushing it most likely into the next generation of consoles and Bethesda would have to get a newer engine or really ramp up the previous engine with graphic flair and stuff.

I'm pretty sure Bethesda's ego is hurt after all the complaints about animation and graphic stuff since that is their pride and joy, I bet todd howard is cutting his wrists right now. Any engine they make again will probably address that.
I agree about the engine.Bethsoft is (in)famouse for putting what they learn from old games into new games.but bethsoft has always had horrid animation.and like the graphics thankyou
Contradiction? Fucking idiot.
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Post by Mismatch »

Good to hear that they have decided to go back to fucking up their own franchise again. Why rape others babies when you can rape you own.
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Post by VasikkA »

RPG of the Year 2010
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Post by Dreadnought »

10/10!!! B)
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