James Cameron on Terminator Salvation

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James Cameron on Terminator Salvation

Post by PiP »

<strong>[ Film & TV -> Interview ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#James Cameron">Person: James Cameron</a> | More info on <a href="#Terminator 4">Film & TV: Terminator 4</a>

<p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0629334/">McG</a>, the director of the upcoming new Terminator film claimed recently that he got a "blessing" from <a target="_blank" href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000116/">James Cameron</a>, the "father" of the series.</p><p> </p><p>Cameron had this to <a target="_blank" href="http://www.aintitcool.com/node/39018">say</a> on the film and the "blessing":</p><p> </p><blockquote><p> <em>There's been some discussion at AICN and elsewhere of me rescinding
my so-called blessing of T4 and that's not the case. The truth is <strong>there
never was a blessing</strong> to rescind, and there's been some kind of
misunderstanding between me and McG, perfectly innocent I believe. He
asked me in a phone call when I was shooting in New Zealand earlier
this year if I would be a supporter and creative participant in the new
film. I said sure, send me the script and I'll give you my thoughts.
And I warned him that free advice is usually worth what you pay for it.
For whatever reason I never got the script and to date I haven't seen a
foot of film other than what everybody's seen in the trailer, which is
not enough to form an opinion. <strong>So I have zero basis for supporting or
dissing the film.</strong> As I said in an interview, for all I know it could be
a masterpiece or it could be a big steaming pile. I think all people
heard was the steaming pile part and concluded I was against the film,
which I'm not. In fact, it might be very good, an opinion based solely
on what Sam Worthington has shared with me. He's nobody's fool when it
comes to material, and has absolutely the lowest bullshit quotient of
anyone I know, and he has repeatedly told me that he reckons the film
is going to be good. I know him to be very critical (in a healthy way)
of his own work, and an actor who always aspires to excellence, so I
know he wouldn't praise the film if he didn't feel it.</em></p><p><em>Obviously I can't give my blessing (whatever that means anyway ) to
the film completely blind. But <strong>I'm predisposed to be supportive based
on Sam's involvement and his judgment, because I believe in him</strong>. So
there you have it. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that it's not a
steaming pile.</em></p><p><em>
Jim out</em></p></blockquote>
<p>Like Jim, I'll wait with my opinion for the actual film. </p><p><img width="212" height="350" border="0" align="middle" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... vation.jpg" />
</p><p> </p><p>Spotted @ <a href="http://aint-it-cool-news.com/">Ain't It Cool News</a></p>
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Post by VasikkA »

"Bless" you "father" Pip.

Reminds me of the way Bethesda got their "blessing" from Cain and Fargo.
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I don't really dig how they always try to get the original creators blessings since when the movie/game comes out it ends up missing some of the critical points of the series or whatever.

I think Cameron thought T3 was good but went in a different direction than how he would have taken it.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Didn't Arnie said Salvation sucks?
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

As always I :google: have the scoop on this one.

Arnie says of early screening of some scenes- "They showed me some footage, but I don't have a feel for the movie. I didn't see enough. I wasn't sure who the Terminator was. I don't know if there is one or if he's the star or the hero. These are the things that determine the success and how the strong the movie will be..... I still don't know how it will play out with this one."

He doesn't sound too excited about it, and that's good enough for me to skip it. Oh and that McG guy who sucks. As I always go with my main chick and as it always costs me about forty bucks, a movie has to have great potential to warrant the tickets. This one doesn't seem to. Oh and T3 sucked hard IMO as well.

I think the last really fantastic movie I hit on in theatres was There Will Be Blood. That's how you make a fucking movie!

Oh and can I also say that I think the overall idiocy prevalent in U.S. is seeping into our cinema. Movies that could be good if left to talented hands seem to need fucking with in order to appeal to utter morons with absolutely no comprehension or patience for story and character evolution.

oh and random question- Why can we not make a good western anymore?
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Post by Manoil »

Dogmeatlives wrote:Why can we not make a good western anymore?
Burt Reynolds is aging rapidly
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