<strong>[ Game -> Update ]</strong> - More info on <a href="#Mad Max">Game: Mad Max</a>
<p><em>Mad Max</em> has been popping up quite a bit in the news recently. This time, director <strong>George Miller</strong> gives us a quick update on the "announced" <em>Mad Max</em> video game. Apparently, nothing has been done about it except maybe sitting around and talking about the idea of it. From <a href="http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/03/ ... potential/" target="_self">MTV Multiplayer</a>:
</p><blockquote><p><em>Not much has been heard of the upcoming “Mad Max” video game since <em>Newsweek</em>’s N’Gai Croal <strong><a href="http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/levelup/ ... spx">broke news last year</a></strong> that “<strong>God of War II</strong>” director <strong>Cory Barlog</strong> was teaming with the film’s director, George Miller for the project.</em></p><p><em>But a recent interview between MTV Movies editor Josh Horowitz and Miller about Miller’s planned <a href="http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2009/03/05/ex ... ong>fourth (3D anime) “Mad Max”</strong></a> got into a little bit of video game talk.</em></p><p><em>Before providing a little update on the game, Miller made this
impressive statement about the potential for games: “Games were the
poor cousin to feature films when it came to storytelling but I think
it’s flipping. Games allow you be much more like a novelist.”</em></p><p><em>Here’s the rest of Josh’s exchange about games:</em></p><p><em><strong> MTV News: What kind of game do you have in mind?</strong></em></p><p><em><strong>George Miller</strong>: It’s a hybrid game. I’m really
interested in both the game-play but the actual emotional engagement.
I’m curious how much you can engage with the characters through the
game-play. It’s an opportunity to make a novel.</em></p><p><em><strong>MTV News: Timeline?</strong></em></p><p><em><strong>Miller</strong>: I’ve got a couple of years left. We’re in
the early stages writing and designing. A really good game you need two
and half years. And for good anime you need two years.</em></p><p><em><strong>MTV News: Are you a game-player?</strong></em></p><p><em><strong>Miller</strong>: Yeah, but not a very good one. You realize
that the day has come where our kids talk about games the way we talk
about movies and comics. Then I started to get into games and realized,
holy cow, there’s real potential here. A live action storyteller who
understands story can do a lot to influence the evolution of games.</em></p></blockquote>
<p>I'd be interested in playing it, but it's about as solid a prospect as FOOL right now. On another note, I just saw <em>Watchmen</em> on IMAX and it was great (althought the soundtrack could have used a bit of changing).
Mad Max Videogame: A quick update
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