Kashluk wrote:Works in an arcade. Just like Stepmania or DDR has no glamour inside your apartment, neither are rail shooters fun unless there is a social event and gathering of friends in a neutral, outside enviroment involved.
Actually, yes, even I can have fun on a rail gun game in an arcade environment, when I was 13.
In my drunken stupor last night I must have forgotten that.
Still, learning that Dead Space will be a light gun game is disappointing to say the least. To me, it takes away nearly all of what made Dead Space cool. The shooting was not revolutionary (outside of aiming for limbs rather than heads) as we've seen the style before in Resident Evil, Gears of War, and so on. With a rail shooter you don't get the claustrophobic over the shoulder viewpoint, the freedom of movement, the hectic zero-g or vacuum environments. I guess I just hate having control taken away from me, which is why I must hate flying or taking public transportation so much.
Rail shooters have always seemed stale to me, as I grew up on Wolfenstein and Doom.
And the Wii, for all of it's faults, can be effectively used for a proper shooter. It just so happens that most 3rd party efforts on the Wii are piss poor. Metrioid felt natural on the Wii, and we'll see if the Conduit can follow in that tradition. They don't have to settle for a rail shooter when the tools are available for an actual shooter.