Hammer Gets Interviewed

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Hammer Gets Interviewed


<strong>[ Community -> Interview ]</strong> - News related to <a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx/archives.php ... ry=44">Top Story: Next Blockbuster Mo Money</a>

<p>Legendary DAC member known as Hammer to us has just been interviewed;</p><p><strong>1. How did you get into the Fallout community? </strong></p><p> </p><p>
A: I got into the
Fallout community back during the old V13 days. I ended up signing up
to their forums during my time playing Fallout: Tactics on GSA. I don't
really remember much about those days other than constantly trolling
St. Perveribius and Rosh by saying the most asinine shit in a
deliberate attempt to make them write long run on sentences that nobody
really gave a shit about.

I succeeded 9/10 times. That was until I was finally banned anyway.

<strong>2. What did you like most about the Fallout games? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
I enjoyed the setting really. When I first heard of Fallout I
immediately thought "Wasteland! Finally!" and was instantly hooked. In
the end it was the open ended game play, gritty graphics, and
compelling storyline that truly made me a fan.

<strong>3. What did you think of FO3 or it's DLC? If you didn't play them why not? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
I can't say much about FO3 that hasn't already been said. I gave up on
the franchise as soon as I saw that fucking downie Todd Howard
promoting the game.
4. You supposedly sued the government and won, can you tell us about that for the record? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
It's a long story. Too long to really answer here. Let's just say it
was a legal battle that ended up spanning 5 years and just recently
came to an end in my favor. Thanks to Uncle Sam though I've been living
easy and buying a new Alienware every 3 years!

<strong>5. You have your own clan called the Enclave, can you tell us about it and how it has been doing lately? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
The Enclave was a Rainbow Six clan formed back in 1998 by me and a
group of friends. Ironically I never played Fallout 2 when I picked the
name and was actually going on the literal meaning of "Enclave" - We
ended up forming as just that after being removed from a major gaming
clan in Rainbow Six in the Mplayer days. Since then we've always played
at a high competitive level and managed to hold the Championship for
two straight years on Mplayer before its final collapse and transition
to GameSpy Arcade. Having completely commandeered the R6 scene and with
Mplayer&rsquo;s sellout to Gamespy Industries We ended up looking towards
Team Fortress Classic for our next game. However, we failed to achieve
the instant success they had in Rainbow Six. After a few months the
decision was made to join CLQ and start partaking in tournaments. Soon
after, SOPs or Standard Operation Procedures were established for TFC
maps such as Well2, NML, CZ2 and others.

The Enclave was
responsible in creating several of the most popular maps in TFC
tournament history such as the Wstland series (1, 2, 3 and 4) and the
ever popular and self titled map "Enclave" which was used in nearly
every single league after the fall of the CLQ.

The climax for
The Enclave in TFC was our victory in the 10v10 CLQ championship match
against "DNoD" - the top tier clan from QTF and previous CLQ champions
for 99'. This was considered by many to be the most controversial
championship of the CLQ in that the clan who won it did so on a map one
of their members made. After a two year CLQ championship reign, many
members were experiencing severe burn out. many left and were never
heard from again and the lost passion to play quickly lead to the
Enclave becoming, according to many of its members, a shell of it's
former self.

We went on for about a year doing absolutely
nothing until a few of our remaining members got into "PlanetSide"
which was Undoubtedly the Enclave's claim to MMO fame, The Enclave
quickly became the most effective yet controversial outfit in all of
Emerald/Konried. It&rsquo;s reputation for being a brutally effective yet
culturally uncouth group of players spread across multiple communities
and their presence lives with the remnants of the PlanetSide player
base to this day.

The Enclave pioneered and improved upon the
most tried and true tactics and strategy on both a global and planetary
scale. The Enclave unlike no other outfit was capable of pulling off
impressive feats of organization, at it&rsquo;s prime it&rsquo;s numbers swelled to
over 300 and with this they were able to run the most effective
combined arms operations in all of PS.

Early in 2005, with the
advent of BFR&rsquo;s and dwindling interest in the game, the Enclave decided
to leave. In little over 1 year The Enclave accumulated 6.9 million
outfit points, the highest on its server across all three sides to this
day, beating out outfits with twice as many members and who played for
twice as long as The Enclave did.

Ever since PlanetSide we've
been playing WoW. Only just recently have we left it. We're alive and
well and still kicking. We've recently been accepted into the beta of
"Global Agenda" and look forward to testing that. Apparently one of the
developers knows of us from PlanetSide and personally invited us to
help with development of the game. I remain skeptical, but we'll see
how things turn out.

<strong>6. A lot of people seem to hate you on the Internet, why do you think that is and can you share some stories with us? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
I think its a combination of me just being better than them backed up
by the fact that I'm generally an arrogant and obnoxious asshole. As
for stories? Well, here are a couple of the most notable ones.

December 2003 the Planetside server Konreid was merging with its sister
server Emerald as a part of the &ldquo;Battle Concentration Initiative&rdquo;. The
leaders of each of the three empires staged a meeting on a small plot
of land south of Planetside's largest landmass: Cyssor. The meeting was
purely ceremonial and was meant as a place for all 3 sides to meet and
take screenshots during the final hours of their server. The Enclave,
being strictly loyalist to the Terran Republic, would not have any part
in it. So during the climax of the event, which was to be a massive
screenshot, 3 liberators manned by members of the Enclave flew over the
island and decimated everyone on it, thus beginning hostilities between
The Enclave and some of the Planetside community.

Late in 2005
a little known planetside player name Raider05 was reported to have
&ldquo;died&rdquo;. A massive funeral procession was held for this in game. Former
members of The Enclave, as the Planetside phase of The Enclave was
officially disbanded, took it upon themselves to bomb the &ldquo;ceremony&rdquo;.
The resulting debacle is considered one of the more intense in the
history of online gaming. The situation eventually developed into the
permanent banning and blacklisting of many The Enclave's members from
all SOE games.

Oh darn. I guess I'll never get to play EQ2 now. <img border="0" src="http://www.enclaveoilrig.com/forums/ima ... on_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

<strong>7. Why did you leave DAC and the Fallout community? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
After I gave up on the Fallout franchise and started taking the Enclave
to higher levels of competitive gaming I almost forgot about Fallout
entirely and saw no need to continue posting on the DAC forums. While I
remained there (and still do remain) lurking nothing really has
compelled me to post. But I mean really, what did I contribute? Other
than pointing out the obvious flaws in Kashluk and his complete and
total lack of musical skill and almost homoerotic sense of fashion or
my attempts to enlighten the misguided pinko liberal euro-trash commies
in the error of their ways I never really contributed a whole lot
"Fallout" - Just seemed better for me to leave.

That and some spook deleted my amazing signature.
8. What do you think of Megatron and the rest of Mammas Gang? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
A: 'Dey seem like sum reel gangsta ass niggas, not sum' fukin' industry sellout niggas dat u seein' on MTV nowadays. Chea.

<strong>9. Rosh once killed a man making him a pretty hardcore guy, how many men have you killed when you were in the military? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
I think anybody who keeps a score card of how many men they've killed
while being on active duty in the military is most likely a liar.

<strong>10. What games have you been playing on your own time and what games are you looking forward to? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
I've been playing allot of ARMA2 and DowII until the GA beta starts. I
am honestly looking forward to Blizzard's new MMO - I figure WoW gave
me nearly 4 years of fun and this new one should be able to do the

<strong>11. Are you still interested in single player RPG's or have you gone completely online only? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
Pretty much online only. I haven't seen a good single player RPG since
the Geneforge series and that was Shareware. Garbage like Bioshock,
Mass Effect or any of the other new "RPG" games out there just don't
interest me.

<strong>12. What do you think of DAC in respect to NMA and/or RPGcodex? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
I like DAC a whole lot more than NMA. And I only visit RPGCodex to post
retarded flame bait threads that make all of the mouth breathing, self
proclaimed RPG purists rage. Here, let me give you an example.

"My Top 5 reason on Why Mass Effect is the best RPG Ever
1. Amazing Graphics - WoW! It's like watching a movie!
Heart pounding action - I never get tired of turning a corner and
fighting off a horde of Geth, it really gets my blood pumping!
Top noth voice acting - I can't think of a better person to voice
Joker, the games hot shot pilot other than Seth Green. 10/10 Bioware!
Compelling Story - I never played a game where I felt compelled to read
a prequel novel for. This games story was full of twists and turns and
came to an unexpected end. Till this day I feel chills just thinking
about that climatic ending. Bring on Mass Effect 2 PLEASE!
5. Open
ended - You can complete a bunch of quests in a variety of ways and
they all impact the story. I don't think to date any game has ever been
able to do that. Another two thumbs up for Bioware."

normally that's all it takes for them to stop admiring their mint
condition "PlaneScape Torment" CDs and use their stubby little snot
crusted fingers to post about how wrong I am and why I'm a stupid kid.

<strong>13. What are your thoughts on Fallout: New Vegas? </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
A: I couldn't give two fucking shits.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Thanks Hammer (aka BuzzCutPyscho). </strong>
</p><p> </p>
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If you want to visit his clan website its http://www.enclaveoilrig.com/

You may just have what it takes to join!
Join us on IRC at #fallout on the gamesurge.net network.
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Post by Hammer »

Much appreciated. Site is being re-done to reflect our switch from WoW to GA. So most of the content on the front page is not current.

It'll be done in a few weeks.

I'm still around DAC - I just lurk now, hardly post.
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Post by jetbaby »

A champion of the wasteland, to be sure.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by Stainless »

In December 2003 the Planetside server Konreid was merging with its sister server Emerald as a part of the “Battle Concentration Initiative�. The leaders of each of the three empires staged a meeting on a small plot of land south of Planetside's largest landmass: Cyssor. The meeting was purely ceremonial and was meant as a place for all 3 sides to meet and take screenshots during the final hours of their server. The Enclave, being strictly loyalist to the Terran Republic, would not have any part in it. So during the climax of the event, which was to be a massive screenshot, 3 liberators manned by members of the Enclave flew over the island and decimated everyone on it, thus beginning hostilities between The Enclave and some of the Planetside community.
I laughed my arse off the first time I read about you doing that. Still got the screenshots?
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Post by Hammer »

I am sure somebody does somewhere. I don't unfortunately. The funeral bombing however is on youtube.


I didn't film it and I actually wasn't in TeamSpeak the time it happened. It was pretty funny regardless.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Good stuff, I miss your hardcore rants a bit, Hammer.
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Re: Hammer Gets Interviewed

Post by Rosh »

Hammer wrote:A: I got into the Fallout community back during the old V13 days. I ended up signing up to their forums during my time playing Fallout: Tactics on GSA. I don't really remember much about those days other than constantly trolling St. Perveribius and Rosh by saying the most asinine shit in a deliberate attempt to make them write long run on sentences that nobody really gave a shit about.
*chuckles* Fun times, but at least gave the community some amusement.
I think anybody who keeps a score card of how many men they've killed
while being on active duty in the military is most likely a liar.
This I agree with, though it is an old holdover from medieval times and some still practice it. In the context of myself, it was in regards to a possible threat against me, and I had to say I really don't have any problem taking out someone so foolish as to threaten someone trained to do so, if they were to try to act upon their threat. 30 acres and a bit of lime makes for some of the greatest body disposal.

Aw, fuck, you're doing it again... Cheers. :drunk:
I am sure somebody does somewhere. I don't unfortunately. The funeral bombing however is on youtube.


I didn't film it and I actually wasn't in TeamSpeak the time it happened. It was pretty funny regardless.
Honestly, no better way to commemorate someone in the game. :D

Reminds me of this.
Now working on Fallout: New Undermountain!

They promise to spend only a year on this title - only a year less than the original Descent to Undermountain!
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Re: Hammer Gets Interviewed

Post by Hammer »

No I agree 100% about self defense. All trolling aside. For Christ sake I've had a CCW since I was 21.

In the interest of professionalism I've just never talked or bragged about my experiences.
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Re: Hammer Gets Interviewed

Post by Rosh »

Hammer wrote:No I agree 100% about self defense. All trolling aside. For Christ sake I've had a CCW since I was 21.

In the interest of professionalism I've just never talked or bragged about my experiences.
As much as folks blow that one little detail out of proportion, I've really never talked about mine. I still find it amusing, though.
Now working on Fallout: New Undermountain!

They promise to spend only a year on this title - only a year less than the original Descent to Undermountain!
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Post by Stainless »

What's a CCW?
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Post by Aneurysm »

ccw - concealed carry

Good interview pooper, I still remember when I first started lurking here, checking out dac everyday just to see the posts between hammer and kashy.
:dead: In remembrance of Porcu :dead:
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Post by Nicolai »

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Post by MR Snake »

Hammer is so before my time here at Dac but I already like him. Also Rosh sucks balls.
Do these glasses and my two chins make me look sexy?

Post by Kashluk »

The same old scooter as he always was. Some things never change.

These interviews are very nice. Thumbs up for Pooper!
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Post by Hammer »

Your avatar gives me a new found respect for you.

Post by Kashluk »

Well, a lot has changed since 2003. Your signature pic does not really awaken similar feelings towards you, however.
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Post by Hammer »

Shut up you spook.
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Post by jetbaby »

Hammer wrote:Your avatar gives me a new found respect for you.
Kash became a goddamn national hero. No joke.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Making those interviews is the best idea since making megatron an admin :dance:
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