Momma's Ship Interview by Ausir

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Momma's Ship Interview by Ausir


<strong>[ Game -> Interview ]</strong> - News related to <a href=" ... ry=45">Top Story: Not a DAC Exclusive</a>

<p>Polish superstar Ausir has interviewed a guy from Bethesda about the upcoming DLC;</p><blockquote><p> <em><strong>English Version</strong></em> </p>
<h4><em>Aliens in previous Fallout games, as well as in vanilla Fallout 3,
were mostly small easter eggs, with hard to find alien spaceships or
weapons. What made you decide to make a full-fledged add-on focusing on
them and how does it fit with the rest of the Fallout setting?</em></h4>
<p><em>In the base Fallout 3 game, we have the crashed alien spaceship,
Recon Craft Theta, so we had already lain the groundwork. And that's an
actual location, not really an Easter Egg, so it does imply some kind
of extraterrestrial presence in the game world.</em></p>
<p><em>Beyond that, using the Alien theme just felt really natural for us.
UFOs and aliens are a big part of 1950s pulp fiction (who can forget
the UFO crashing into the Capitol Building in "Earth versus the Flying
Saucers"?), so featuring that in a DLC seemed like a great way for us
to explore that element of the fiction.</em></p>
<h4><em>Mothership Zeta sounds like it will be a more linear,
combat-focused add-on like Operation: Anchorage, unlike, for example,
the more exploration-focused Point Lookout. Will it also feature any
non-combat situations that will require the use of skills like Speech
or Science?</em></h4>
<p><em>While the focus is definitely on staying alive and escaping the
ship, the high-tech nature of the environment means there are
situations where having a high Science skill will absolutely be to the
player's advantage. Skills like Speech, and even a few of the perks,
won't be necessary on the quests, but will provide some extra ways to
explore the environment of the DLC.</em></p>
<h4><em>We know that the main quest in this add-on will be to escape from
the spaceship. How many side-quests and achievements can we expect from
it? </em></h4>
<p><em>There aren't any explicit side quests, but Mothership Zeta is a
pretty big place. While you'll be receiving three of the four
achievements from completing the main quest line, you'll have to do
some searching off the beaten path to get the last achievement. And
it's worth exploring just to see everything that the aliens are up to
-- they've been doing some pretty strange things.</em></p>
<h4><em>We know that there will be other abductees on the spaceship,
somehow preserved despite coming from various time periods. Will any of
them be historical figures like Elvis or characters known from previous
Fallout games?</em></h4>
<p><em>The folks you'll run into are all fictional, with their own stories.
They may have some connections to other experiences you've had while
playing Fallout 3...</em></p>
<h4><em>How varied will the aliens themselves be? Will we see any other
alien creatures aside from ones looking like the one found in the
Fallout 3 crashed UFO, e.g. the wanamingos seen in Fallout 2?</em></h4>
<p><em>There are a few different variations on the aliens, with some more
prepared for combat than others. Some of the aliens are simply workers
on the ship, and aren't looking to cross paths with escaped prisoners.</em></p>
<p><em>And then there's the matter of what the aliens are doing, why
they're here on Earth in the first place. They're abducting people and
experimenting on them for a reason, and you'll run into the results of
some of those experiments. </em></p>
<h4><em>The alien weapons known from vanilla Fallout 3, as well as the
disintegrator and atomizer mentioned so far in Mothership Zeta previews
are all energy weapons. Will all new weapons in this add-on be from
this category, or will we also see new small guns, big guns, etc.? </em></h4>
<p><em>The Disintegrator and Atomizer are both Energy Weapons, yes. We do,
however, have new weapons for several other categories, including
Melee, Big Guns, and Explosives. And not everything you'll find on the
ship comes from the aliens. </em></p>
<h4><em>Let's talk about PLAYSTATION 3. Will the delay in DLC release for
the PS3 affect the release date of the Game of the Year edition for
that platform in any way?</em></h4>
<p><em>No, GotY release is not affected and is on-track, as is the release for PS3 DLC starting in Sept.</em></p>
<h4><em>Can we expect any extras from the GOTY edition aside from the five add-ons themselves? </em></h4>
<p><em>It'll be the original game plus the 5 DLCs</em></p>
<h4><em>Have you considered releasing a bigger add-on, like the GTA4
episodes, or your own Shivering Isles, in addition to these smaller
<p><em>No, we decided to do DLC that was this size for Fallout 3 as it was
a good fit for our production process and getting lots of content out
in a timely fashion, rather than making folks wait a long time.</em></p>
<h4><em>Did you initially plan to release only 3 add-ons, or did you always
plan there to be five of them, but wanted to keep the last two a
surprise? Is there any chance for more Fallout 3 add-ons beyond
Mothership Zeta, or will Fallout fans have to wait for Obsidian's New
Vegas to see new Fallout content?</em></h4>
<p><em>Things change along the way. We never stay married to one course.
But while you never say never, I think it's safe to say Zeta will be
the last DLC for Fallout 3.</em></p></blockquote><p>You can read the superior Polish version <a target="_self" href=",94534,6 ... html">here. </a>
</p><p>Spotted @ <a href="">#fallout</a></p>
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But who is the guy?
<a href="">Duck and Cover: THE Site for all of your Fallout needs since 1998</a>
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rad resistance
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King of Creation wrote:But who is the guy?
Some asshole from Bethesda.
Cow Cud is a twin.
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King of Creation wrote:But who's the man?
call me daddy B)
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

who be playin' wi' momma's sheep?
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