Aonaran wrote:Retlaw83 wrote:The movie is not a direct comparison
You do realize the film is based shit that took place in Capetown's "District 6" in the 1970s, right? I'd call that a pretty direct comparison. The Aliens represent the blacks and they are depicted as dumb, hive-minded beasts.
You do realize the movie is political satire, right? The aliens are depicted as dumb, hive-minded beasts to reinforce the absurdity of what happened in real life.
Also the Coppola thing is bullshit, Coppola was of the same ethnic group
That argument falls flat on it's face because Blomkamp is South African and was around for the tail-end of Apartheid. Also, it's understandable that he would go with foreign gangsters instead of South African ones - the blacks and whites being buddy-buddy is part of the satire because in a fully functioning, normal country, that's typical how things are. The hope of quite a few South Africans is things can eventually become like that; at the end, the majority of white peoples' feelings towards blacks had nothing to do with skin color. It had to do with the fact the Apartheid system had turned most of them into little more than hive-minded beasts - ever hear of self-fulfilling prophecy? - and you couldn't trust any of them lest you ended up robbed, raped or murdered. I'm not saying that there weren't decent blacks, I'm saying the system was designed to strip humanity away at so many levels, and the people so desperate, that many basic interactions could cost you your life.
South Africans of all races have xenophobia for other African countries bred into them, even under the new government. They view themselves as more civilized because the only thing holding them back from being a first-world country is everyone being educated - and you just need to give that two or three generations to sort out. Using Nigerian gangsters would play better in South African theaters (which is really who this movie is made for at a cultural level) and not undermine the racial harmony aspect of the satire. And when you come down to it, it's just a movie and movies need interesting bad guys.
The legitimate question about the Nigerian gangsters is not if they were a cop out, but is the portrayal of the Nigerians a result of South African cultural bias or merely part of the satire?