The whole event was pretty kickass, although there were about 75,000 too many people. Gordie from Stand by Me was there, and a few other gaming industry "celebs" like Adam Sessler, Morgan Webb, Tim Schaefer, and Ron Gilbert.
I got to play Diablo 3 for a bit, and it was kosher. I also played Left 4 Dead 2, and it's really no different from 1 except now you can fight with swords and axes that are no use on any of the special zombies. The new zombies are pretty cool, but they don't radically change any of the gameplay.
Scribblenauts looked cool, Dragon Age had a top-secret booth that you had to wait in-line for 6 hours to get into, and Bioshock 2 had a booth with no actual game and just some contest that involved amateur detective work. Cave Story and Muramasa: Demon Blade for the Wii looked fun, and Bethesda had a booth for a game called Brink that looked like a fallout 3 mod and they had a playable demo of Doom 2.
There were lots of cosplay nerds and regular nerds, but the cosplay ones bothered me the most. Speaking of, does anyone know what these fucks are dressed up as?
I saw about 50 iterations of this group, and I feel like I'm missing something.