New Forum Wide Rules
- King of Creation
- Righteous Subjugator
- Posts: 5103
- Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:00 pm
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New Forum Wide Rules
<strong>[ Community -> Update ]</strong> - News related to <a href=" ... ry=49">Top Story: New Forum Wide Rules</a>
<p>To address a number of issues, I have drawn up a new set of forum wide rules to keep things a bit more in line. Most of these are rules that have been around for at least the last 5 years, but I have updated and changed a few things around. Please have a read through the rules and post accordingly.</p><p>Forum Wide Rules
</p><p>At Duck and Cover, we believe in moderation. Your moderation that is.
To give you an idea on what we want and what we don't want, there are
the #5 Major Guidelines for you to abide by. For those who need it more
explicitly spelled out, there are the #27 Rules. Please note the use of
"Moderators discretion". That is deliberate as each Moderator has his
or her own personality and level of acceptance. What one Moderator
might think is okay, another may not. In such a circumstance, if one of
those Moderators decides to do something, their decision will be
If you have any questions, be sure to <a href=" ... ile&u=2382" target="_blank">PM me</a>.
The #5 Major Guidelines
</p><ol><li>We will not tolerate any posts on DAC that are racist,
pornographic, or otherwise NSFW. If you are unsure if your post might
violate this principle, it probably will. So either don't post it, or
PM a moderator to check.
</li><li>If what you posted is crap, it will be dealt with. This is
entirely subjective and we're willing to take the pain over any
perceived "bad decisions.”
</li><li>There are a few specifics we don't want that ruin the forum (quote pyramids, endless pages of images, etc.)
</li><li>We reserve the right to ban any user for a perceived major
transgression of the rules. There are also other forms of punishment
that may be enforced at the moderator's discretion.
</li><li>A Moderators decision will not be over-turned by another Moderator or Administrator.</li></ol>
The #27 Rules of Duck and Cover
<ol><li>If an image is NSFW don't post it.
</li><li>Pirating games and other media is illegal, and therefore links to and requests for warez are not tolerated.
</li><li>Posts designed to destroy a thread - such as large empty quote
pyramids or a huge repetition of images- will be deleted on sight,
regardless of the forum they were posted in. They cause problems with
the site as a whole and therefore they are not allowed.
</li><li><a href=" ... um.php?f=6" target="_blank">In The News</a>
will be a little more strict than the other forums. This is the section
that will hopefully be bringing people in to look at our views and
thoughts. It is a waste of time if users come to the news forum for an
update and run into a steaming pile of "no u r" etc...
</li><li>We believe in freedom of speech but there's no point having <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a> if people can post anything, anywhere, in any forum. As such, please keep most of your crap in <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>, while also referring to Major Guideline #1.
</li><li>While there is always a little room for a flame once in a
while, there are a few insults that will just not be tolerated. This
includes calling someone a “OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone,” “jew,” or “swell guy.”
</li><li>One-liners will not be tolerated en masse. Threads with
off-topic one-liners will likely have the one-liners split off and
dumped in <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a> (at a Moderators discretion).
</li><li>As a general rule, no thread will be locked in any forum except <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a>.
</li><li>As for <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>, please refer to the general rules in that forum.
</li><li>If you feel a user deserves to be banned or asshatted, PM <a target="_blank" href=" ... =2382">the boss</a> about it. Don't post a thread.
</li><li>Polls which have nothing to do with the thread (at a Moderators discretion) may be deleted or modified.
</li><li>Polls which are deemed to be nothing but crap (at a Moderators discretion) will be moved to <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>.
</li><li>Threads which contain nothing but crap (at a Moderators discretion) will be moved to <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>.
</li><li>Threads which contain some crap (at a Moderators discretion) will have the crap split out and dumped in <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>.
</li><li>Users who are banned, asshatted, or otherwise under suspension that create alternate accounts will have those accounts deleted.
</li><li>If a thread contains a single post which is deemed to be crap,
that post may be deleted (at a Moderators discretion) in an attempt to
ward off more crap that might follow. It is preferred that the user is
notified via PM when this occurs and a copy of their crap included in
the PM.
</li><li>The <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a>
forum is for site feedback. Threads that are deemed to be otherwise (at
a Moderators discretion) will be moved to a more appropriate forum.
That's likely to be either <a href=" ... m.php?f=42" target="_blank">General Discussion</a> or <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>.
</li><li>Threads in <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a>
that have been dealt with will be locked. This makes it easy for
Administrators to identify the outstanding issues that are yet to be
resolved. This is the only exception to the "we will not lock threads"
</li><li>Users who make requests in the <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a> forum of a frivolous nature may be asshated (at a Moderators discretion).
</li><li>Some avatars will not be accepted. Anything which is overly
offensive (at a Moderators discretion, but anything that is
pornographic or racist for instance) will not be allowed. Users with
such avatars will be notified by PM and either asked to change it or
have it changed by an administrator.
</li><li>Some signatures will not be accepted. Anything which is deemed
to be overly large or offensive (at a Moderators discretion) will not
be allowed. Users with such signatures will be notified by PM and asked
to change it. NOTE Signatures are hereby disabled until further notice.
If you see a signature and this is still here, then it's because we
forgot to erase this.
</li><li>Users who fail to adhere to a Moderators request may be asshatted and /
or have other privileges removed or modified (at a Moderators
discretion). Such things include their avatar, signature or custom
title. If a user persists in their failure to adhere to the request,
then they may be banned (at a Moderators discretion).
</li><li>A Moderators decision is FINAL and will not be over-turned by
another Moderator or Administrator, no matter how much you whinge.
</li><li>If a user feels they have been harshly or unfairly dealt with
by a Moderator they may complain via Private Message ONLY to an
Administrator (we suggest <a href=" ... ile&u=2382" target="_blank">the boss</a>).
Complaints that are NOT made in this fashion will not be taken
seriously and will likely be ignored. This means that any threads or
polls made in any of the forums will be ignored by the staff. It is
important to understand that a Moderators decision WILL NOT be
over-turned by any other Moderator or Administrator. We will however
endeavour to work out any perceived problems and develop a better
policy for similar situations which may occur in the future.
</li><li>Over-time, Moderators may wane in their abilities. If such a
situation occurs, we will be on the look-out for suitable replacements.
If you believe such a time has occurred or that a Moderator is failing
in their task, it is requested that you Private Message <a href=" ... ile&u=2382" target="_blank">the boss</a>. Do not post a thread about it, especially in <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a>, or you will be thrown to the wolves.
</li><li>These are the rules. If you believe they conflict with your
own feelings on how a forum should be managed, Duck and Cover may not
be the place for you. If so, you may wish to give some serious
consideration to leaving.
</li><li>Folks should be able to enjoy the forums and not be overly
policed but "more gently guided". Hopefully, setting a good example and
some common sense moderation will do the job.</li></ol><p> </p>
<p>To address a number of issues, I have drawn up a new set of forum wide rules to keep things a bit more in line. Most of these are rules that have been around for at least the last 5 years, but I have updated and changed a few things around. Please have a read through the rules and post accordingly.</p><p>Forum Wide Rules
</p><p>At Duck and Cover, we believe in moderation. Your moderation that is.
To give you an idea on what we want and what we don't want, there are
the #5 Major Guidelines for you to abide by. For those who need it more
explicitly spelled out, there are the #27 Rules. Please note the use of
"Moderators discretion". That is deliberate as each Moderator has his
or her own personality and level of acceptance. What one Moderator
might think is okay, another may not. In such a circumstance, if one of
those Moderators decides to do something, their decision will be
If you have any questions, be sure to <a href=" ... ile&u=2382" target="_blank">PM me</a>.
The #5 Major Guidelines
</p><ol><li>We will not tolerate any posts on DAC that are racist,
pornographic, or otherwise NSFW. If you are unsure if your post might
violate this principle, it probably will. So either don't post it, or
PM a moderator to check.
</li><li>If what you posted is crap, it will be dealt with. This is
entirely subjective and we're willing to take the pain over any
perceived "bad decisions.”
</li><li>There are a few specifics we don't want that ruin the forum (quote pyramids, endless pages of images, etc.)
</li><li>We reserve the right to ban any user for a perceived major
transgression of the rules. There are also other forms of punishment
that may be enforced at the moderator's discretion.
</li><li>A Moderators decision will not be over-turned by another Moderator or Administrator.</li></ol>
The #27 Rules of Duck and Cover
<ol><li>If an image is NSFW don't post it.
</li><li>Pirating games and other media is illegal, and therefore links to and requests for warez are not tolerated.
</li><li>Posts designed to destroy a thread - such as large empty quote
pyramids or a huge repetition of images- will be deleted on sight,
regardless of the forum they were posted in. They cause problems with
the site as a whole and therefore they are not allowed.
</li><li><a href=" ... um.php?f=6" target="_blank">In The News</a>
will be a little more strict than the other forums. This is the section
that will hopefully be bringing people in to look at our views and
thoughts. It is a waste of time if users come to the news forum for an
update and run into a steaming pile of "no u r" etc...
</li><li>We believe in freedom of speech but there's no point having <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a> if people can post anything, anywhere, in any forum. As such, please keep most of your crap in <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>, while also referring to Major Guideline #1.
</li><li>While there is always a little room for a flame once in a
while, there are a few insults that will just not be tolerated. This
includes calling someone a “OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone,” “jew,” or “swell guy.”
</li><li>One-liners will not be tolerated en masse. Threads with
off-topic one-liners will likely have the one-liners split off and
dumped in <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a> (at a Moderators discretion).
</li><li>As a general rule, no thread will be locked in any forum except <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a>.
</li><li>As for <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>, please refer to the general rules in that forum.
</li><li>If you feel a user deserves to be banned or asshatted, PM <a target="_blank" href=" ... =2382">the boss</a> about it. Don't post a thread.
</li><li>Polls which have nothing to do with the thread (at a Moderators discretion) may be deleted or modified.
</li><li>Polls which are deemed to be nothing but crap (at a Moderators discretion) will be moved to <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>.
</li><li>Threads which contain nothing but crap (at a Moderators discretion) will be moved to <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>.
</li><li>Threads which contain some crap (at a Moderators discretion) will have the crap split out and dumped in <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>.
</li><li>Users who are banned, asshatted, or otherwise under suspension that create alternate accounts will have those accounts deleted.
</li><li>If a thread contains a single post which is deemed to be crap,
that post may be deleted (at a Moderators discretion) in an attempt to
ward off more crap that might follow. It is preferred that the user is
notified via PM when this occurs and a copy of their crap included in
the PM.
</li><li>The <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a>
forum is for site feedback. Threads that are deemed to be otherwise (at
a Moderators discretion) will be moved to a more appropriate forum.
That's likely to be either <a href=" ... m.php?f=42" target="_blank">General Discussion</a> or <a href=" ... m.php?f=49" target="_blank">The Wasteland</a>.
</li><li>Threads in <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a>
that have been dealt with will be locked. This makes it easy for
Administrators to identify the outstanding issues that are yet to be
resolved. This is the only exception to the "we will not lock threads"
</li><li>Users who make requests in the <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a> forum of a frivolous nature may be asshated (at a Moderators discretion).
</li><li>Some avatars will not be accepted. Anything which is overly
offensive (at a Moderators discretion, but anything that is
pornographic or racist for instance) will not be allowed. Users with
such avatars will be notified by PM and either asked to change it or
have it changed by an administrator.
</li><li>Some signatures will not be accepted. Anything which is deemed
to be overly large or offensive (at a Moderators discretion) will not
be allowed. Users with such signatures will be notified by PM and asked
to change it. NOTE Signatures are hereby disabled until further notice.
If you see a signature and this is still here, then it's because we
forgot to erase this.
</li><li>Users who fail to adhere to a Moderators request may be asshatted and /
or have other privileges removed or modified (at a Moderators
discretion). Such things include their avatar, signature or custom
title. If a user persists in their failure to adhere to the request,
then they may be banned (at a Moderators discretion).
</li><li>A Moderators decision is FINAL and will not be over-turned by
another Moderator or Administrator, no matter how much you whinge.
</li><li>If a user feels they have been harshly or unfairly dealt with
by a Moderator they may complain via Private Message ONLY to an
Administrator (we suggest <a href=" ... ile&u=2382" target="_blank">the boss</a>).
Complaints that are NOT made in this fashion will not be taken
seriously and will likely be ignored. This means that any threads or
polls made in any of the forums will be ignored by the staff. It is
important to understand that a Moderators decision WILL NOT be
over-turned by any other Moderator or Administrator. We will however
endeavour to work out any perceived problems and develop a better
policy for similar situations which may occur in the future.
</li><li>Over-time, Moderators may wane in their abilities. If such a
situation occurs, we will be on the look-out for suitable replacements.
If you believe such a time has occurred or that a Moderator is failing
in their task, it is requested that you Private Message <a href=" ... ile&u=2382" target="_blank">the boss</a>. Do not post a thread about it, especially in <a href=" ... m.php?f=28" target="_blank">Site Feedback</a>, or you will be thrown to the wolves.
</li><li>These are the rules. If you believe they conflict with your
own feelings on how a forum should be managed, Duck and Cover may not
be the place for you. If so, you may wish to give some serious
consideration to leaving.
</li><li>Folks should be able to enjoy the forums and not be overly
policed but "more gently guided". Hopefully, setting a good example and
some common sense moderation will do the job.</li></ol><p> </p>
- Wolfman Walt
- Mamma's Gang member
- Posts: 5243
- Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 1:31 pm
- Location: La Grange, Kentucky
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- King of Creation
- Righteous Subjugator
- Posts: 5103
- Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:00 pm
- Contact:
- Dogmeatlives
- Living Legend
- Posts: 3193
- Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:35 am
- Location: Junktown, Phil's doorstep
"# While there is always a little room for a flame once in a while, there are a few insults that will just not be tolerated. This includes calling someone a “fag,â€� “jew,â€� or â€swell guy.â€� "


Wasteland Radio, with Charlie C.
- Wolfman Walt
- Mamma's Gang member
- Posts: 5243
- Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 1:31 pm
- Location: La Grange, Kentucky
- Contact:
- Dogmeatlives
- Living Legend
- Posts: 3193
- Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:35 am
- Location: Junktown, Phil's doorstep
yes, that true!Wolfman Walt wrote:Also, "OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone"? Really? I don't think anyone has ever been offended by that word in the history of the internet. Hell, didn't we have actual gay people callin folks "OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone" at one time?
Wasteland Radio, with Charlie C.
- Wolfman Walt
- Mamma's Gang member
- Posts: 5243
- Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 1:31 pm
- Location: La Grange, Kentucky
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- Manoil
- Wastelander's Nightmare
- Posts: 3701
- Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:05 pm
- Location: Drifting Onward
And similarly, those wordfilter edits that made every word/letter in a post turn into an enormous phrase, as we saw during DU/RPG Codex attacks? There has to be some kind of reprimanding for sabotaging the site should it happen againMismatch wrote:What about posts designed to destroy entire forums?Posts designed to destroy a thread
- King of Creation
- Righteous Subjugator
- Posts: 5103
- Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:00 pm
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- Smiley
- Righteous Subjugator
- Posts: 3186
- Joined: Thu Apr 18, 2002 11:20 pm
- Location: Denmark. Smiley-land.
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I'll just surrender to piss off Nico once more. That way everyone gets punished.Manoil wrote: What about posts designed to destroy entire forums?
And similarly, those wordfilter edits that made every word/letter in a post turn into an enormous phrase, as we saw during DU/RPG Codex attacks? There has to be some kind of reprimanding for sabotaging the site should it happen again
Last edited by Smiley on Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Testicular Pugilist
- Dogmeatlives
- Living Legend
- Posts: 3193
- Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:35 am
- Location: Junktown, Phil's doorstep