Wannabe Indie Game Dev, I need help about FOT

Mapping & modding Fallout Tactics and reviewing maps thereof.
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Wannabe Indie Game Dev, I need help about FOT

Post by Cakester »

Hey guys working on being an Indie Developer.

What is the trick to extracting all the FOT art by mass?

What are the tile dimensions?

What kind of advanced graphics systems does Tactics have in comparison to Fallout 1 & 2 and what sorts of updates would improve Tactics' engine?

What would be the ideal way to compress the art for my own engine I am writing that will be familiar to potential modders?
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Post by Jeff »

just stick to raindrops and magic bushes mang
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Goatse Messiah
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Post by Retlaw83 »

If you want to develop something using an existing engine, use a 3D engine instead. The thing that makes Tactics hard to mod is that you can't add new art for characters easily.
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- the Vault Dweller
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