What is next DRM or Third-party to add to Future Fallout?

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What is next DRM or Third-party to add to Future Fallout?

I like Starforce Encryption.
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Toss in some Ubisoft DRM (Uplayâ„¢)
Add Gamespy Arcade!!!
Total votes: 4

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They call me Bum Tickler
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What is next DRM or Third-party to add to Future Fallout?

Post by Cakester »

So far there is GFWL for Fallout 3. And both GFWL and steamworks for Fallout New Vegas.
Posts: 6303
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:11 pm

contragulations you have achieve level DIE

Post by Blargh »

Glass cock. There should be a device that terminates the user upon (or perhaps moments before) completion (defined as arbitrarily as is feasible) of a game. How else will THEY be truly confident that the software in question won't be uploaded or inducted into the second hand market ?

It's the only way to be sure. :drunk:
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