We'll have to wait another 15 years for Fallout 3...

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We'll have to wait another 15 years for Fallout 3...

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

Like the subject of this post says, it looks like we'll have to wait another 15 years or so for Fallout 3... because that's when this <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2147879.stm" target="_blank">bloody huge rock</a> will crush us and devestate the world. Oh well.<blockquote><em>An asteroid discovered just weeks ago has become the most threatening object yet detected in space. <br><br>A preliminary orbit suggests that 2002 NT7 is on an impact course with Earth and could strike the planet on 1 February, 2019 - although the uncertainties are large. <br><br>Astronomers have given the object a rating on the so-called Palermo technical scale of threat of 0.06, making NT7 the first object to be given a positive value. <br><br>From its brightness, astronomers estimate it is about two kilometres wide, large enough to cause continent-wide devastation on Earth.

</em></blockquote>Oh well kiddies, get out your shovel and buckets and start digging! We'll need those vaults to be DEEP in your parents backyards... sure, it will be hard work, but just think... you'll be INSIDE Fallout 3! Hurrah! If Interplay want to make any more cash from the Fallout series, they've got some serious racing-against-the-clock to do now.<br><br>Cheers for that one, Geoffrey Chang!
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Post by VasikkA »


Let's keep our fingers crossed... for a direct hit!
Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

with my luck, it'll graze the atmosphere, break a little piece off, then that'll hit my house.

bastard meteor. thinks he's so tough....

Post by Guest »

seeing how its a .06 chance of hitting we dont have to worry i think..plus in 15 years we will have some kind of weapon to destroy it! :D
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Post by The_one-1 »

NO they wont have a weapon, I'll make sure of that.its going to devastate the world and its going to turn our world into fallout. SHIBBY!
Would you like to get high with that?
Dark Xenomorph

Post by Dark Xenomorph »

If you can say Shibby, then im saying Xenomorphic! :P
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Post by Forty-six & Two »

Juuust fucking great..... Earth: :arrow: :splat:

Well anyway... Me gona be at front row if this thing hits. I wana look death straight into its eyes and laugh!!! Then ill prolly wee wee in my pants as I feel on the oncoming shockwawe and the air being warmed to 1000000000* something degrees.

Urgh. :angel: Hey god.... is that you? :twisted: Crap..... :onfire:

Post by Haplo »

I don't care what happens, I will do what I have to do to survive...
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Post by Ixian »

The chances of anyone from this forum surviving a direct impact of an asteriod that's 2km wide is very very very puny.

In fact, the chances of any of us (inhabitants of planet Earth) to survive it are still very small.

I'm not talking about the impact itself but about the things it will change on Earth.

Oh and.....17 years is enough...LETS PARTY!!!!
Yeah, sure; whatever comforts you.
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Post by Megatron »

bah, Bruce Willis will save the day.

Just in case, make sure you have 2 water chips, geck and the patch though before you go into the vault.
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Post by James »

Erm, the error factor for the earth orbit intersection calculations assumes a current +/- of the 10 million km order of magnitude. Thats quite uncertain, even in astronomical terms.

But, just in case I may set about building a turbo-plasma rifle to cook raiders with...
"Ancient Greece was ahead of its time, and before our time. They had no TV, but they had lots of philosophers.
I, personally, would not want to sit all evening watching a philosopher."

Post by TheReaper »

Pyro wrote:Just in case, make sure you have 2 water chips, geck and the patch though before you go into the vault.
Don't forget your blue and yellow spandex jumpsuits. :D
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Post by Section8 »

To quote TISM:

Bash this up your ginger.
Don't you wish a comet would forget jupiter
and try for the jackpot and hit us instead?
We would all be cactus, but at least there is a bright spot
At least we'd all die knowing Doug Mulray was dead.
Poor old Tony Barber, he's an alcoholic,
at least that's the rumour and here's another one
I also heard that prick Alan Bond got packraped
If humans were destroyed at least that's been done.
Anyway, back to Tony Barber, he'd be off the bottle
just about forever if we were blown to bits.
We'd never have to watch another Workcare advertisment
we could just cry out "It's working!" as the fucker hits.
Celestial bodies time to do your duty
knock this stinking planet for a stinking six
You'll hear me screaming "Yeah! You fucking beauty!"
Humans are all arseholes except for the pricks.
Only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible, or the physiology of fear - the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or heriditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness.

Post by SoulReaper »

The Only way it would be like fallout is if everyone decided no other country should live through it and launch nukes everywhere if they dont do that well Just read a book Called Lucifers hammer
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Post by n305er »

I dowan to die!


Post by DrauGGor »

Prepare to die!!! siners!! :twisted:

and how are my own preparations?:
I already got my hands on one of those leather armors and trusty .44... not much, but enough for a good start

have fun in 19 years :lol:
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