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Post by jimmypneumatic »

So... despite all my advances, no one will sleep with me. Is sex really that taboo that it has to be this hard to get laid? Or is it my 1 charisma? Even the dominatrix ghoul prostitute wouldn't do me, she sure took my 25 caps in a hurry though.

I'm not asking for a birds and bees type discussion... It's just that the closest thing I've had to sex in the game so far is 3 thugs trying to rape me in an alleyway, which quickly turned into a bloodbath, near east Freeside...

Post by Kashluk »

Try other prostitutes, mebbe? I think Cass, Arcade and Victoria are easy pray as well? Cass and Arcade are into men and Victoria is into women.
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Post by popscythe »

Retlaw83 wrote:If you tried the game instead of crying and assuming it's another Fallout 3, you'd see invisible walls aren't present in NV.
What I mistook for blatant falsehood on your part in your "review" has been revealed as your inexperience and ineptitude with the actual game you are defending. What a fucking tool.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

You need to quit getting mad at video games and grow up. Calling people "tools" makes you sound like you're sixteen or something.
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Post by Tofu Man »

Kashluk wrote:Try other prostitutes, mebbe? I think Cass, Arcade and Victoria are easy pray as well? Cass and Arcade are into men and Victoria is into women.
Bah, Veronica won't do shit unless you get her a dress. Goddamnit I made a 8 CHA female char to get teh free lezbian sexeh-time not to bloody PAY for it.
So... despite all my advances, no one will sleep with me. Is sex really that taboo that it has to be this hard to get laid? Or is it my 1 charisma? Even the dominatrix ghoul prostitute wouldn't do me, she sure took my 25 caps in a hurry though.

I'm not asking for a birds and bees type discussion... It's just that the closest thing I've had to sex in the game so far is 3 thugs trying to rape me in an alleyway, which quickly turned into a bloodbath, near east Freeside...
Try the Golden Globes, they don't care 'bout CHA so long as you can ENDURE it. Geddit?!?! :drunk:

And guise no need to go all aggro on Popshite when he's just saying what we're all thinking.

Having said that, stop being a dick about it, Pop.

Can't we all just get along? :hug:
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Tofu Man wrote:Can't we all just get along? :hug:
Have we ever?
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Post by Psychoul »

Ok, so after my first 30 min i thought it was pretty amazing. Instead of the sound of an Orchestra for the in-game "ambience" like in F3, it actaully sounds like ambience. I swear i heard some sounds from fallout tactics and fallout 2, which were really good.. it fit the environment very well.
Im currently playing on Hardcore mode, since i liked the idea of having to sleep and eat and drink, and it has been a good experience. (Doc Mitchell=Colonel Tigh (BSG) xD) The dialogue at least has been improved, not much i can tell, as i am only 30 min in. Way better than uninteresting and useless dialogue. NPC's ataully give you usefull information when you talk to them, like Power gang stuff vs the NCR. And some names, which i had to write down, of people who live on the strip or something.
Even though i dont enjoy the map markers entirely, it doenst feel like its holding your hand through everything.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

popscythe wrote:What I mistook for blatant falsehood on your part in your "review" has been revealed as your inexperience and ineptitude with the actual game you are defending. What a fucking tool.
Considering you seem to have zero experience with the game you're knocking, why is what you're typing worth anything? Answer is, it's not. Go telemarket some car insurance and write some emo poetry about people with talent not tailoring what they make for your skill-less ass.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I only use energy weapons now. Skill 100. I have a gattling laser, gauss rifle, plasma caster, plasma defender, and everything else in between. It just feels right.
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Post by Username »

Man you're scaring the kids in athat armor. I don't think you should have it in town.
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Just ask Melissa, if her accent hasn't paralysed your brain

Post by Blargh »

Fun FACT : Invisible walls are plentiful in New Vegas.

It cannot be denied. :drunk:
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Re: Just ask Melissa, if her accent hasn't paralysed your br

Post by jetbaby »

Blargh wrote:Fun FACT : Invisible walls are plentiful in New Vegas.

It cannot be denied. :drunk:
I've run into many and they can definitely be frustrating.
off topic? OMG YOU'VE BEEN CENSORED... yet you're still posting. MYSTARY!!!!

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Post by Retlaw83 »

I agree if impassable walls = unclimbable mountains in between roads.
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Post by Stalagmite »

I regret giving Cas my .44 cos she wastes all the ammo missing her target whilst I'm blowing holes through practically everything besides Deathclaws with Benny's 9mm pistol, Maria, at level 16.

I'm almost tempted to finish her quest then let the Van Grafs fry her.
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Ranger Station Echo ! :gnasher:

Post by Blargh »

No, impassable walls as in arbitrary invisible barriers strewn across the Mojave with little regard for logic and none for basic decency. Consider firing up the GECK if you remain resolute in wrongness.
The companions are all quite terrible. Far too much of a hassle to keep intact for ultimately dubious returns. :drunk:
Last edited by Blargh on Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranger Station Echo ! :gnasher:

Post by Retlaw83 »

Blargh wrote:Consider firing up the GECK if you remain resolute in wrongness.
Firing up the GECK seems like a lot of work to track down something that hasn't pissed me off as a natural thing during the course of the game.
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Emphasis on seems.

Post by Blargh »

It is only a matter of time and sand. :drunk:
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Real politics would be immeasurably improved were -

Post by Blargh »

Also, Vault 11 ducky ? Confirm/deny. :drunk:

Post by Kashluk »

Vault 11 = awesome.

And when it comes to companions, I find Boone + Power Armor the best possible choice. His default weapon is a high-dam sniper rifle, I haven't found anything to match it's DAM since Boone aways prefers to keep his own no matter what guns I throw at him. He's great at head-shots, even at longer range. With decent armor he won't even die so quick. The only real con is that you can't bring him with you to Caesar's Legion -related quests. He will kill them all, no matter what.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I was invited to go see Caesar at the Fort. Will he still fire on legionnaires as soon as he comes within range?
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