New Vegas Recommended Mods

Discuss Obsidian's Vegas Fallout game here. Also: Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter and other new dairy products from Bethesda's farm that don't have separate forums here yet.
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New Vegas Recommended Mods

Post by Manoil »

This thread is in the middle of a complete overhaul.

As Fallout 3 is slowly forgotten (GOTY seen in the bargain bin for a whopping $5) and the modding community shifts its attention to New Vegas, the creation of this thread is necessitated as its predecessor (Usermods which are making FO3 less shitty and more bearable) has become virtually obsolete (with possible future exceptions and additions). However, the composure and use of this page is identical to the previous one, its purpose is different; FO3's vanilla existence was horrid on a number of levels, especially to fans who's love of Fallout came from the original isometric, complexity-driven games. New Vegas not only did justice to those fans, but added complexities and improvements on so many levels that as it stands from release, it does not need modification. Modding a game so delectable is purely for additional enjoyment. And on that note, enjoy your modding.

Also to note: it's a shame, but I've been finding a lot of dead mods that were working on the Oil Rig, the Boneyard, New Reno, and other locations that had promise. Such a shame. As far as the radio goes, though, I'm looking for any mods that incorporate the Red Army Orchestra into a station. That'd be pretty boss.

Want to improve your game's performance?

(Still a great deal of sifting to be done, but feel free to check out those already examined.)

* = Very Large / Numerous Changes
* = Highly Recommended


Companion Configurator
Classic Super Mutants
Marcus Companion (Video)

Classic Weapons Pack**
Super Sledge
Plasma Grenades
Pulse Grenades
Flambe Varminter 450
Pancor Jackhammer
City Killer Shotgun
10mm Pistol (may create vendor conflicts)
10mm Sub Machinegun
Sniper Rifle
Gauss Pistol
M72 Gauss Rifle
MEC Gauss Minigun
HK L30 Gatling Laser
Enclave Special Issue Colt 6520

Classic Tesla Armor
Tactics APA (Project Nevada Patch)
Classic Style Vault 13 Jumpsuit (Armored/Standard)*
Power Armor sound
Power Armor Classic Balancing (ALT)

BoS sub-offices*
Vault 24 - To-scale vault*
Return of the Enclave (WIP)
Poseidon Oil Rig (Dead)
The Boneyard (Dead)
Buena Vista (FoT)

Original PipBoy Font
Classic Fallout GUI*
Molten Clouds Project

Gameplay Perception changes:
The Imaginator*
Project Reality* (Video w/ Old World ENB and Wasteland Flora Overhaul)
Realistic ENB**
Alternative Realistic ENB
Old World ENB*
Overgrowth ENB
Dynavision 3 Depth of Field
Enhanced Shaders*
HUD Modifier
"Jay's ENB"

Environment Alterations / New Locations:
Skyline / Weather
Weather Effects BETA* (Demo Video)
Electro-City Ambient Lighting Expansion*
"Realisitc Lighting Experiment"

New Areas
"World of Pain" Location expansion*
Rust Town*
Vault Home
Fallout Shelters
Broken Command Unit Hideout
Buck's Place (Home and Casino)
Train Car Hideout
Very Customizable Bunker Home
Freeside Studio Apartment
Red Rock Ranch

Modified Areas
Modest Lucky 38 Pres Suite Upgrade
Lavish Lucky 38 Suite Upgrade
Basic player home in Goodsprings
New Freeside Store*
Poseidon Research Facility
"Ladder Restoration" Sniper Nests
"Flora Overhaul" (model/texture overhaul and allows options on how much more plant life you want-- no abundances)*
Populated Casinos
Campground Safehouse
Freeside Expansion
NCR Base Expansion
Player-Owned New Vegas (Independent Post-House assassination)
NPC Expansion at 188
" " at Freeside
" " at Bitter Springs
Deathclaws Respawn at primary breeding grounds
Rebuilding Nipton
Tank Cockpit Hideout

Character and Item Interaction/Gameplay changes:
Custom Followers
Adolescent Deathclaw*
Simple Coyote Companion
"Astrid" Fire Gecko
Yao Guai
Two Cyberdogs
Securitron Companion (ALT)
"Four Legged Friends"
Vulpes Inculta-turned-follower (VIDEO)
Ulysses companion fix (if he survives Lonesome Road)
Custom Robot Followers

Interaction with NPCs / Followers
Killable Kids
"Caesar's New Regime" Legion Overhaul*
Coyote Puppy Alteration
ED-E trap-immune*
NPC clothing editor
Rex Sonic Bark Upgrade (OWB)
NCR Gear Overhaul
IWS (ode to Mars Mutant Mod)*
Subduing / Restraining NPCs
Near-Death/Bleed Out/Slavery Mechanics
Wandering NPC diversification
Raider Camp Diversification

New Combat Mechanics
Stealth Overhaul
Revamped AI tactics
More AI Tactics Adjustments
Critter AI overhaul
PHALANX Follower AI*
XSquad Tactics
More reactive NPC behavior (surrendering, etc; may need updates before being a viable mod)*

New/Altered Mechanics and Item use
Real-Time Settler, NV**
Original Chinese Stealth Armor stats
Feng Shui, NV
Standalone Sprint Functionality*
EVE Weapon Effects*
Bear Trap interaction
Crop Farming Mechanics
Robot/ Cyborg Companion Building* (Addon)
Egg Hatching
Write your own readable books
Reuse/Recycling of StealthBoys
NV Clinic Implant Upgrades
A Metric Shitload of Crafting Options*
Ammo Crafting
More Weapon Crafting
"Tuckered Out" Fatigue Simulator
Thermal Vision (compatible with NVSE)
Mask Breathing noise (for immersion only)
Impact Effects
Power Armor Mods/Mechanics
Whiskey Fiend
Ammo counter display
Train Systems/ New World Space
Crafting Improvement
Hacking/Lockpick immersion
Hack Festus/ Circumvent Star Cap Collection

Physiology/Appearance Changes
NPC redesigns (from the creator of "Project Beauty")** (VIDEO)
Honest Hearts Tribal Races
Old World Blues Lobotomite Races
Robot Race
Supermutant Race
Supermutant Diversification*
"Women of the Wasteland" Diversification*
Max Rockatansky custom race

New Moderate Beard
Simple Bald Head
Receding Hairline
Beard and Sideburn Pack
Eye Scar
Severe Scarring
Two Face-style Scarring

Animation Replacers* (Easy Alternative)
Chem Animation (VIDEO)
New Idle Animation

Power Armor Perks
New Perks aplenty*
"Skirmisher" Thrown Weapons Expansion

Radio Whitesnake
Old World Radio (11 Stations)*
Wave Radio, more 20s-50s era music with a giant tracklist
Lonesome Travels, Bluegrass
Legends of the West, Western and Gunsmoke Radio Serials
Courier's Radio, a Custom Player-Submitted Radio Station
Space Patrol Com Relay, a Space Exploration Radio Serial

Mixed Packs
TG's Armor Collection (Includes modern and vanilla-variants)
Tactical HK Weapons Kit
"Tools of the Trade" (w/ quest)
Tactical Flamer Pack*
MR Radioactiv's Weapon Pack

Weapons (Millenia is responsible for many of these)
Movie / Game Weapons
Jackal (Hellsing)
Eli's Edge (Book of Eli)
Tyranid Impaler Cannon (Warhammer 40k)
Uruk-Hai Machete (LOTR)
Quad Barrel Riot Shotgun (Shadow Warrior)
Robocop's M39R Auto
Resident Evil M92 Samurai Edge
Halo Reach DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle)
MGS4 Mk22 Tranquilizer Pistol
MGS Peace Walker Stun Rod
Star Wars DC-15S Blaster
Noisy Cricket, Men in Black (VIDEO)
Star Trek Classic Phaser
Alien Isolation Magnum
Aliens USCM M41A Pulse Rifle (no ammo readout)

Melee / Unarmed
Swords Pack
Machete Replacement
Mercenary Combat Knives
Survival Knife (Incredibly Useful)*
Thrown Ninja Weapons
Beam Katana
"Notta Knife" Tribal Machete

Spud Grenade Launcher
XM-20A Proximity Airburst Grenade Rifle
F-1 Grenade
Lamprey Mini-Rocket Launcher
Sleeping Gas Grenades and Mines

Colt M1911
Dan Wesson PPC
TT Tokarev
OTs-33 Pernach
Colt 1849
Manurhin MR96
S&W M29
Mauser C96
Beretta 92 FS
MNK-RHINO Gauss Revolver
Mateba Model 6 Unica
IMI Desert Eagle
Glock 17 Gen. I
Browning P35
Beretta 87

Homemade Chechen Rebel SMG
Anarchy SMG

Dragunov SVD
Dragunov SVU - OTs-03 (Bullpup)
FO3 Infiltrator/Perforator
HK416 Pack
Barrett 98B
CETME LC2 Spanish AR
SKS Simonov
Steyr AUG
Steyr Scout
Type 64
CZ805 Bren
Walther WA2000
FN FAL w/mods
Vepr-3V VPO-134
Remington 700
ZM LR-300
Gewehr 43
Cayman Rifle
Vepr-3V VPO-134 Hunting Carbine
Famas F1

Sawed Remington 870
M37 Ithaca Pack (Alt Pack)
GR-P1 Combat Shotgun
Trench Gun M1897
Trench Gun M1912
"Mare's Leg"
Catalyst AAS
Saiga 12-k
Armsel Striker

Heavy Weapons
M249 SAW
Heavy Weapons Pack* (Videos: "Nasty Grandpa", "Grinder")
Bren Gun
M27 150mm Recoilless Carl Gustav
M2HB Browning
Jaguar MSX200 LMG
VelociRaptor GR500
Sapphire Rifle
Lewis Automatic Machine Gun

Unique Weapons
Shrink Ray
Crossbow (Silent, craftable) (ALT)
Tesla Rifle
VT-191 Murdelizer*
Fallout 3 Railway Rifle (ALT)

Additional Weapon Mods

EMP Ammo Expansion Pack*
12 Gauge High Explosive

Clothing / Armor
Game / Movie / Comic items
The Bandana
Doom Marine's Armor
HEV Suit
The Saboteur's Outfit
Dead Space 2 Engineer RIG

Power Armor Variants
Boomer's T-57c PA
Vault-Tec Power Armor

Combat Armor Variants
Courier Armor Variant
Jury Rigged Armor

Clothing / Uniforms
10 Pack
Mixed Clothing Pack
Wasteland Seeker
Ghillie Suit
Gunslinger Outfit
Tactical Outfit (female)
"Modern Gunslinger"
"Graham's Armor" (Ulysses/Joshua Graham armor mashup)

Bandanas and Head Wraps
Resting Goggles
"Glacier" Glasses
Global Gas Mask Pack

Gear and Accessories
Tactical Holsters
Sidearm Holsters
Slung Katana
Worn Boxing Tape
Wasteland Scarf
Tactical Backpacks
Ray Ban Wayfarers

Misc Items
Enhanced Binoculars
Craftable StealthBoys
Handheld PipBoy 2500 (non-canon but aesthetically interesting)*
Portable Turrets*
Gadgets and Placeable Scenery*
Ultra-Modern Building Resource

Rockwell Descent (no voice acting)*
Beyond Boulder Dome*
Expansive Enclave Quest/Faction growth
Boom to the Moon
Additional Legion Quests
Casino Heists
Campy-Sci Fi Moon Exploration

Lulz (not necessarily tasteful but entertaining nonetheless):
Enclave Commander, NV (uses classic Enc APA)*
Hunter S. Thompson status
Midwestern BOS Faction addition*
Tron-like PipBoy
Corgi Companions
Flyable Vertibird with weapons*
Power Fist Set
Hokuto Skinken, Kung-Fu Bastard of the Wasteland
Possibly the funniest mod description yet*
Chinese Assassin Hit Squad

Modder / Miscellaneous Resources:
Vault Resources 1 2
Sandcrete Architecture
Enclave Machine Resources
Miscellaneous Resources
Classic Fallout Architecture
Mounted Heads
Sign Lettering
City Design Kit
Hive Kit
Construction Builds
Bunker Prefabs
Parking Lots
Tron/Futuristic Resources
"Nadesco Valley"
Critter Resources
Companion Creation Guide
Island Resource
Animation Resources

Total Conversions / Overhauls:
Project Nevada**
Mission Mojave*
True Wasteland Economy
Wasteland Economy/ Statistical Overhaul

Weapon Retextures**
Bozar Retex
HR Lockpick Interface
Blood Textures
Legion Retex
World Retextures**
Rock/Sand Retexes
Cloud/Sky Retex
Mist/Fog Retex
Mutant Retextures
Sentry Robot Retexes
ED-E Retex
Foliage Retex
Armors (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
Metal Armor Retex
Bighorner Hi-Res
Last edited by Manoil on Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:27 pm, edited 67 times in total.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

I still haven't played the game. When I do, should I mod it?
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Post by Blargh »

Of course. By default it is insufficiently kawai.

By way of a FOR INSTANCE. :drunk:
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Goatse Messiah
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Post by Retlaw83 » and things like fixing Veronica so she levels with you are essential mods, not this crap that adds more weapons into a game that already has an absurd amount of weapons.
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Alister McFap II Esq.
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Post by Alister McFap II Esq. »

Sprint mod.
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Post by Superhaze »

Alister McFap II Esq. wrote:Sprint mod.
Who gives a fuck?

Secondly (firstly?) issnt there a mod that removes pretty much all weapons, ammo, and makes everything shit and rusty, adds junkies and removes the posibility of anything positive happening? Like, you know, a post nuclear shithole? Constant radiation from the second you start the game, max 10-12 bullets to every gun. No power-grid. I mean ffs, fallout:nv is just such a goddamn happy go lucky easy going playhouse of fun and headshots.. :chainsaw:
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Alister McFap II Esq.
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Post by Alister McFap II Esq. »

Superhaze wrote:Image
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Post by Superhaze »

I would like to feel a bit more of that while playing fallout, yes. My life is good enough as it fucking is. Dont need a computergame to keep patting me on the back telling me how awesome I am for working the WSAD like a pro.
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Post by Stalagmite »

Superhaze wrote: I mean ffs, fallout:nv is just such a goddamn happy go lucky easy going playhouse of fun and headshots.. :chainsaw:
<strike>Oblivion with guns Obsidian style /thread</strike> disregard that, I suck cocks
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Post by Manoil »

Retlaw83 wrote: and things like fixing Veronica so she levels with you are essential mods, not this crap that adds more weapons into a game that already has an absurd amount of weapons.
Thanks for the heads up-- I have yet to devote more than an hour and a half to this. New weapons are never a bad thing; unnecessary, maybe, but not bad

I'll get back to sifting through the shit (thank you for reminding me, Blargh) tomorrow after classes
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Post by Blargh »

:aiee: SANDSTORMS :dance:

'Tis pretty good. The 'End of Time' effect is quite :rofl:, though. Fortunately, it, along with (all ?) of the other effects can be toggled on a case by case basis. :drunk:
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Post by Gecko »

Unlimited Companions

I didn't understand why i can get only 1 robot and 1 humanoid companion and why i can't have 2 humanoids or 2 robots or 3 or mixed... So i downloaded this mod and now i can enjoy the game.
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Post by Stalagmite »

Stalagmite wrote:
Superhaze wrote: I mean ffs, fallout:nv is just such a goddamn happy go lucky easy going playhouse of fun and headshots.. :chainsaw:
<strike>Oblivion with guns Obsidian style /thread</strike> disregard that, I suck cocks
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Goatse Messiah
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Gecko wrote:I didn't understand why i can get only 1 robot and 1 humanoid companion and why i can't have 2 humanoids or 2 robots or 3 or mixed... So i downloaded this mod and now i can enjoy the game.
Because the companion perks are stupidly powerful.
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Wolfman Walt
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

While I see the purpose in limiting it to two companions, I don't see why you had to be limited to only one of each type. I was hoping you could get two humanoid companions instead of getting a humanoid and either Rex or ED-E.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Probably some form of game balance. Let's face it, having two gun/powerfist toting companions would be completely overpowered.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Probably, although it's funny since I hear a lot of "Companions suck." ...Except Boone. Boone could take on all of Caesar's Legion single handedly and ask for more.
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magnifique plastique

Post by Blargh »

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Post by shdowhunt60 »

Why is it that none of these "classic weapons packs" NEVER include a MP9 10mm sub-machine gun or a Colt 6520 (or something like that) 10mm pistol?
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Post by Superhaze »

Why are there so many "makes [insert character] cuter", or [give character] bigger tits/pecks? Wading through the shit at the nexus makes me cringe at the people who play fallout. Anime-characters, chicks in metal-bikinis, packs that makes their hair all shiny and pretty and the endless amount of adding sexy clothing. Since we all know what is important in the wasteland. Being cute, wearing sexy clothing and getting raped by a scruffy raider in some fanboys trans-gender sex fantasy.
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