How Special Encounters Could Be Remade in The New Fallouts

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How Special Encounters Could Be Remade in The New Fallouts

Post by Simplywayne90 »

In the Classic Fallouts, there was no "wandering the wasteland" you traveled using a world map with a grid, so while on the world map and traveling between one area to another you'd occasionally get interrupted by enemies randomly (a random encounter).

Special encounters were different though.

As Quoted From The Vault "Special encounters are random encounters, often non-canonical, and are unique compared to more common encounters which may consist of hostile NPCs. They usually serve as entertaining points of humor, though some are very dangerous (Mad Brahmins), while some grant access to unique, sometimes powerful loot (Bridge Keeper). Most of these encounters consist of humorous pop culture references or other games or even earlier Fallout games (The Cafe of Broken Dreams). "


I've started this thread with the hope that we can hash out a way to making the Classic Fallout encounters (Bridge of Death, Godzilla Footprint, Tardis, Vorpal Bunny, etc.) possible, and perhaps open the possiblites of new ones in the future.

All encounters should of course be tied to the Wild Wasteland perk, so that way players can play the game with or without encounters (Which are all silly since that is what they are all supposed to be)

I came up with two possible ways (Saying this now, I'm not a modder I'm the idea guy)

Method 1
Using New worldspaces (theres a mod with a blank one) and a script that activates on new exterior cells.

The details are this, the script has a chance of activating everytime you enter a new cell while your outside (so you can't walk into a building and encounter the bridge of death)

The script would up your chances of encounters by your luck skill, level should also probably be a factor so you don't get weapons and armors too early.

The script once activated, would give you a choice by using a standard message box, The box would say something like
"You have encountered a group of men banging halves of coconuts together (Monty Python), Do You wish to proceed? Yes or No."
Choose yes and your character is teleported to the worldspace of that encounter, does the encounter and leaves using an activator and message box.
Choose no and continue on your journey until the script promts you again.

This method would ensure no space is used that could conflict with other mods. And makes the encounters truely random, as there would be no specific cell to go to, to force the encounter.
Of course their would need to be certain cells that activate the script so you don't encounter things in towns or while fighting outside.

Method 2.
The encounters would be done similar to upgrading houses, by having the objects always present but disabled, and a script that activates either randomly or upon something like the 4th time the courier loads that cell.
Then by disabling normal area objects and enabling the encounters objects the encounter would appear. However this would make the encounter use possible conflicting space, and also would make them in one set location rather than truely random.
A second script would need to activate to disable all the objects again after the courier is done with the encounter, so as to minimize conflicts possibly.

So those are hopefully how special encounters may be done, as I said before, I can't even mod a bit, not even port mods, but this is what I could come up with. I look forward to any critisim since it'd make the community one step closer to Classic Fallout type encounters.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

----------------------------The Bridge Of Death--------------------------------------

The most recognized encounter is Fallout 2's Bridge of death.

Based on Monty Python's Bridge Of Death

Using a blank worldspace, making a canyon with a bridge. Perhaps using invisable walls so as to keep people from jumping off into the canyon.

And using the forcedialog script to make sure the player doesn't just immediately kill the bridgekeepr.

The actual bridgekeepr, would use robes like this, which would be very resistant to energy weapons.

He would have a large amount of HP, but no weapon.

To voice him you can use sound clip sites.

The three questions could be.

1. What is your name?
Answer: PCname

2.What is your quest?
Answer: To find the men who shot me. (We will assume you haven't killed them yet)

Now the third one I've been a bit undecsive
I'd suggest if possible, a way to make more than one possible third question,
Such as
What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow? (This would be voiced)
Then there would be Fallout Related questions.

And on all wrong answers there would be an instant kill script (that should work even if your in god mode) just like in the original.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

--------------------------------Cafe Of Broken Dreams--------------------------------------

The second most iconic encounter (and one of the most useful, since you got dogmeat in it.) is The Cafe Of Broken Dreams,
which was most likely a reference to 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams', where the movies main character sees dead people from his life.

There already is a mod in the works thats attempting to add Fallout 3 companions to New Vegas called Cafe of Broken Dreams ... p?id=38409,
I'm planning to ask the author if he'd like to be involved with making an actual Cafe. That way it'd be humorous and useful, just as it was originally.

Assuming method 1 works. The Cafe would be set in a small world space with ruined buildings (Maybe copy and Paste Boulder City and Edit it so that there is a large ruined cafe.)

The Cafe would include memorable past characters (un-aged) from previous games, such as James and the Lone wanderer just assume the default look and that the wanderer was male.

Others would include persons from Fallout 3 having drinks together who wouldn't normally, maybe Three Dog and Col. Autumn as well as "discarded player models" (See video at beginning, "Why does it have to be a white hero? Can't a black man save the world?" lmao)

If it was done well it'd most likely become a very popular mod just by it self. There are other combinations of unlikely buddies, President Eden and Elder Lyon chatting, Liberty Prime and a Behemoth (They'd have to be scaled down, and could mention that their size was all green screen or something.) Maybe the guy From Vault 77 and his puppets? =]

Edit: Also over at Underground, I started a thread hoping to recreate Cassidy (Fo2 follower, Also Cass' missing father in New Vegas) and it seems like we are making some headway so he may be in the cafe as well.. (Which would be how he is alive and why he hasn't aged since Fallout 2)

Last edited by Simplywayne90 on Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

-------------------------------First Encounter With King Arthur's Knights-------------------------------------

The original makers of Fallout were apparantly fans of Monty Python since there has been several references in most of the games.

In Fallout 2 There were three special encounters involving Monty Pythons Holy Grail

1. Bridge Of Death (Mentioned Above)

And I'll post how the other two could be made right now since I'm talking about them.

The encounters would have to be in order otherwise it wouldn't make since so I'll go into how that could be done later.

The first encounter would be King Arthur's Knights's_Knights
(However in-game we would call it, a group of strange men in power armor. Since your supposed to get the reference in the dialog, not off the bat.)

It would be a small playing area (to fix the problem where you can see forever, I'd suggest surrounding the area with montains or large rocks to block the view of the blank world)
There would be 5-7 heavily armed men in power armor and one man standing in front of everyone else. (Since in Fallout 2 you could get their armor, and that should be the case here as well, kill them if you want but no reward for it.)
Again on approach you'd be forced into dialog with the one in front. His name will simply be "Strange Man"
Some of his dialog could be voiced using the sound clips from the movie,

His first line would be voiced
"Who are you?"
Your answer

This next line cannot be voiced unfortunately
"Do you know where we may find the Holy Hand grenade of Anitoch?"
(Now even though you may have the grenade you will not be able to say that you have it.)

[Puzzled, You point in a random direction and nod.]

"You know much that is hidden, o Tim" (I'd suggest using audcity to cut off the "O Tim" part of the sound clip)

And with that dialog ends, and the knights walk away and dissappear or walk out of sight, the courier then uses the exit and leaves the encounter using a scripted activator to return them to their inital location.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

--------------------------------The Vorpal Rat Encounter-------------------------------------

The second encounter would only become available to occur after the first one has been completed
(Perhaps a script line such as EncounterAuthursKnights=1 then Vorpal rat encounter becomes a possible encounter.)

This encounter was actually cut from Fallout 2, it was completed but not implemented and was restored during the restoration mod for Fallout 2.

In a second encounter with King Arthur's Knights you encounter them battling a giant rat. (As a parody of this famous scene from the movie.)

Heres the scene the encounter is based on from Monty Python

Anyways, this encounter would require a bit more work, mostly more scripting.

The setting would be small again, surrounded by large rocks (to block the blank worldspace view problem that occured in Fallout 3 when people made new lands) and there would be a cave in the rocks. (When I say cave, I mean a nook or small area, no need to make a secondary area.) and around the mouth of the cave would be tons of skeletons and human gore.

The knights would be busy battling the vorpal rat with very high advanced in-game weapons, the weapons and armor should still be unattainable.
(None of the characters would appear hostile to you. So you don't get murdered)

I'd suggest a very high damage on the rat so that if a player tries to kill the rat with normal weapons, they will be killed instantly.
Then somehow make the knights and rat either essintial (and script a death for them) or have godly amounts of health so no one dies too early.

Inside the cave should be a Holy Hand Grenade ... p?id=38436
(This grenade should have a different item ID than the original HHG's, also the link is to a more holy grenade look.).
It could be scripted to forceEquip on you when you pick it up. And when thrown should use a large nuke explosion effect (in case you suck at throwing and miss it can stll be reasonable that it kills the rat anyways), but (if possible) be scripted to only cause the rat to die, and not cause the knights to become hostile and kill you and your followers.

You could include dialog with the Knights afterwards, but as there was none in the original encounter I have no idea what to suggest, perhaps a called Excaliber that does moderate damage. (Could just be a machete and he'll call it a sword. He bangs coconuts together, for goodness' sake)

After all that is over the courier uses the scripted activator and leaves the encounter as usual.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

---------------------------------The Tin Man Encounter-------------------------------------

This one is an obvious reference to "Wizard Of Oz"
It's a very simple encounter but its still kinda enjoyable.
In-Game It should be titled "You encounter a man in power armor."
The Tin Man will have on remnant armor (since originally he wore adv. power armor)

When you first enter the encounter all you will see is the tin man and setting, you approach him and are forced into dialog (but he can't move remember that)

All he says is "Oil can.......oil.....can...."
That ends the first dialog

He won't able to move at all until you give him the "oil can" (which you can model from scratch or find something in game to make into an oil can)
So I'd suggest some sort of script the disables all of his idle animations and paralyzes him. (Also make his armor unattainable and him essential)

The setting would be small so that you would be able to find the oil can easily,

Once you get it you approach the man again and its (the oil can) removed from your inventory.
The script keeping him still would now be disabled and he will walk to you and initiate dialog
Simply saying "I'm Freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!" (Fallout 2 Original Dialog, I'm not that silly)
(Heres where you can change things a bit.)
Maybe he gives you some stimpacks or food, nothing too nice, but you get XP for helping him.

Then as usual you take the scripted activator and return to your intial position.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

--------------------T.A.R.D.I.S Encounter--------------------

Now heres an encounter from Fallout 1, if you don't know what a TARDIS is, well I pity you.

Heres a video of the original encounter

So I'm not going to explain how this one will be done just yet as I'd perfer to get the main Doctor Who Modder Demeggy involved first before I say another thing.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

-------------------------Giant Footprint Encounter------------------------


A parody that Godzilla like creatures are roaming the wastes.

This is a reference to a (very) short film "Bambi Meets Godzilla", the content of which you can probably guess from the picture I've put here.

The actual footprint would need to be adding either by a custom model.
Or possiblely by editing pieces of the ground in order to mimic the look of a giant footprint.
(By lowering a footprint shaped piece of terrain, this is probably the easier way)

Inside the giant footprint should be a bloody corpse. Squished to hell or just make him torn apart and bloody and gory.

On the body should be a Japanese jumpsuit (Just rename the chinese one), a stealth boy,
and a note saying something like

"Damn it-san I came to America to get away from things just like this!!"

And thats the encounter, nothing really happens its just supposed to make you laugh a bit at the irony and whatnot.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

-------------------------Nanuk And His "Little Tribal"------------------------

This is not an actual special encounter, but I feel that people would like it.

It'd be a two part encounter just like King Arthurs Knights (Mentioned Earlier).

In the first encounter, which in-game we will call "A Female Raider with a Male Slave"

Where in the encounter you are immeditately attacked by a female raider named Daisy, if possible she should look as sluttly and nasty as possible.
The slave will be distant enought so that you can kill Daisy without hitting him and making him hostile.
After she's dead you will be forced into dialog with the male slave, whose name will be "Nanuk"

Here is the dialog he will speak (voiced)

"Ohhh! You please free Nanuk? Daisy not nice to Nanuk's "Little Tribal," She do bad things. Things that hurt. Nanuk now have bad rash that smell. Please free Nanuk. I need to see medicine man soon. I run now,. Must find shaman quick."

Heres a video with the proper voice dialog. (Its not copyright to use a sentence is it?) ... re=related
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

-------------------------Nanuk And His "Little Tribal" Part 2------------------------

This is not an actual special encounter, but I feel that people would like it.

It'd be a two part encounter just like King Arthurs Knights (Mentioned Earlier).

In the second encounter, which will not be availible until the first encounter is finished, In-game we will call this one "A Familiar Man and His "Little Tribal""

Here we see our favorite Tribal Nanuk again this time he will have on scribe robes, and he appears to still have problems, as you approach him, he will force dialog on you.

Here is the dialog he will speak this time (voiced)

"Brotherhood Shaman is as bad as Daisy! He gave Nanuk "Invasive Swab Test" that realy hurt! Nanuk no take Brotherhood shamans pills to get rid of rash! No trust man who cause Nanuk great pain! I will dip "Little Tribal" in oil and chase away the evil spirits with fire!"

Your reply should be something sarcastic...along the lines of "Okay Nanuk, you do that. I'll just be going "away" from the crazy tribal I met just now."

End dialog, and exit the encounter, and thats it for Nanuk. (Unless you want to add a third encounter with a burnt skeleton name Nanuk =P We could call it "A Familiar burned corpse, and his Little Tribal")

Heres a video with the proper voice dialog. (Its not copyright to use a sentence is it?)
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Re: How Special Encounters Could Be Remade in The New Fallou

Post by Retlaw83 »

Simplywayne90 wrote:(Saying this now, I'm not a modder I'm the idea guy)
That's the problem with this shit. Guys like you spew your fantasies and expect other people do the work to make your dreams come true.

If you can't make a mod, don't suggest a mod.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

-------------------------------An Encounter With The Thriller-------------------------------------

Okay so I've had this idea for along time, and I didn't know I wasn't the first, but I'm glad so I can now show you what this would look like almost exactly! Hooray!

In this encounter, which in-game we will call "You encounter the Thriller and his followers"
you find a group of ghouls dancing in impossible ways, as a song fills the air,

The one in front (being non-feral so he can equipt clothes)
He should have on either a retextured merc charmer outfit to look like the red jacket in the video, (If someone wanted to do the extra work)
Or perhaps a suit and fedora?
Some sort of outfit that Michael would wear.

The rest i'd suggest be feral and glowing ghouls to keep with the original music video, but the video I've included looks good too.

Using Umpas animations this encounter would be fun and relitivaily easy to make. ... p?id=35297
NV Dance, Umpa Animation Mod Port
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Who are you and why should we care?
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

Honestly, I'm nobody, not even a modder, just an idea guy who had a good idea.

Anyways, While I'm new on this forum I'm a highly praised member of both the nexus forums and the F3underground forums for my works and ideas.

And Why you should care on this post is if you ever enjoyed Fallouts 1, 2 or even bits of Tactics, then this post should be wonderful to you. However I know alot of people have only ever played Fallout 3 and New Vegas and know nothing of the originals.

However please feel free to ignore me, for the most part I'm going out of my way to get the method out there for more people who are diehard fans and would like to see things like this out there.
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Post by Alister McFap II Esq. »

Simplywayne90 wrote:T.A.R.D.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Simplywayne90 wrote:I'm a highly praised member of both the nexus forums and the F3underground forums
No one gives a fuck.
However please feel free to ignore me, for the most part I'm going out of my way to get the method out there for more people who are diehard fans and would like to see things like this out there.
No, you're spewing what you'd like to see in a game and hope people with the talent and knowledge you don't have gift it to you.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

Not true, I'm not asking anyone to make it and I already have completed the Guardian of Forever encounter with people who were interested a while back.

I can understand being hostile to newcomers which is why I'm not offended by the flaming. And I can guess none of you are interested but then why read?

Anyways later I will update this thread despite the intial responses for those who are interested in this topic.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

If the initial response to a thread like this has been this positive for you it'd be best to give up now, son.
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Post by Simplywayne90 »

Well I might as this has to be the worst response to any post on any forum I've ever posted, however I feel it'd be unfair to people who may genuinly be interested if I gave up due to 2 or 3 people being ignorant.

Still I've also got a post on how to create trackable footprints for enemies in game that I may post later.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

See, the problem is you're making the mistake that anyone would be interested. If you knew anything about DAC you'd know doing this shit isn't a great introduction.
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