Static, full 3D or hybrid as of now?

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Static, full 3D or hybrid as of now?

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

I just spotted over at <A href="">NMA</a> that <b>Billy Boy Fox</b> of those wacky <a href="">Static</a> guys is asking <a href="">if Static should go full 3d</a>? Here's his post:<br><Br><blockquote>Ive got another question for you all. We have been developing Static with a prerendered bkgd. Now, though its a beautiful render, there have been some real technical problems with using it and 3D characters. Though the 3D characters are easier to make, and look better all around in the long run (easier to manage and update), the bkgd looks good as a prerender too.<br><br>Recently there have been a few games (Dungeon Siege, Never Winter Nights) that have made 3d environments look just as beautiful.<br><br>Also- opening it up to a 3D environment will allow the game to more easily modifiable, though it may not stand out as much against the DS, NWN, and Darkstone type games out there. I had hoped to compete against the upcoming Lionheart title, which also uses 3D characters, and 2D prerendered bkgds.</blockquote><br><Br>At this point, whatever it takes to finish, Bill. Whatever it takes to finish.
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

C'mon guys, head over to the Static site and register your opinion on the poll. The developers could use a good idea of the number of people interested in the game. Right now there are only 16 people that filled out the poll. If we don't show them there are more people interested in the game they may not go through with it.
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