But shit seems to be moving along quite nicely.
From the days when gamesites all over the world called it vaporware.
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/ ... em-Forever
One of those games where even the most hardened fan could actually feel sorry for the *investors*, first GI Interactive and then Take Two while in the words of Wireds Clive Thomson; the perfect stripper just kept taking time and money. Enough never being enough.
Today though things seem to be moving forward and this apocalyptic post-alien invasion world of pig cops and high-res babes might be coming your way by the mid/end of June.
Not much is known about the plot.
The latest leaks are from when 3DRealms still had the rights to the game and not Gearbox (the current developer).
If you're interested in those here they are:
http://csnation.totalgamingnetwork.com/ ... lkthroughs
On the official Duke Nukem Homepage the story of Dukes return is that of the aliens again invading and then after some time they try to steal all the women and drink dukes beer.
An event of much controversy at the moment is one in which you slap some sense into a woman to calm her down, the game being protested by the Womans Federation of America or something.
According to the features the game will be truly a free-form FPS with full interactivity;
Driving, playing basketball, playing arcades, tipping of strippers and what not.
The graphics seem awesome, the music is great and I trust the plot is far, far more developed than what the page discusses in regards to especially Duke Nukems progress as a character.
On the negative side there seems to be some worry among fans that much of the content is forced. Some of the voice active feels according to quite a few members of the official forum lackluster and to fake/scripted.
They seem to be pushing the borders of what is allowed and what is not in gaming not because it necessarily fits the atmosphere but because pushing borders will (they think) will get them sales.
Either way be sure to check out this title and try it out if and when it finally comes out. Nothing that's been in production for soon 13 years can be bad. And if it's good then it's gonna be mindblowing.