Fallout Tactics Character Portrait Modification

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Fallout Tactics Character Portrait Modification

Post by digitalmetal »

I found a way to edit the character portraits in Fallout Tactics to where you can replace both male and female portraits used in the game and downloaded portraits. The first step is to copy the 'gui_0.bos' to a subdirectory, and rename the extension *.bos to *.zip. Next, open the 'gui_0.zip' and look for 'CORE_rec_hm*.zar' or 'CORE_rec_hf*.zar'. Extract any or all of the files to Fallout Tactics/Core/Gui/Char. You need to make the Char subfolder since one does not exsist. The final step is to rename any new portrait that you download or look in the 'gui_0.zip' and look for 'CORE_PaladinSolo.zar' and rename it to 'CORE_prefab1.zar' and the next time you load Fallout Tactics and start a new game, the portraits that you renamed will be in the Character Portrait selection. The PaladinSolo portrait will make you character look like the Power Armor in the main menu.
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

Oh the temptation to make a sarcastic remark.

I'm in a good mood so I'll behave, welcome to the wonderful addictive world of FOT mapping and modding digitalmetal.

Anyone else think it's a little odd having a character portrait showing your character in PA when you've only got leather armour? ;)
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Post by PaladinHeart »

What about a character wearing power armor that has a normal character portrait? It can work both ways. All the armor in FOT should have been done without a head/face cover since portraits were included. Like the BOS generals were done. Except with more combat animations of course :P

I've known how to replace character portraits for some time, but have not felt so inclined to do so. However, it is a plethora of miscellaneous faces that you can use in your campaign so its good info for anyone that didn't already know about it.

I've done this with most of the FOt files so I can edit anything I want. I have deleted a few things though, that I felt were unneeded.
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Post by jacquely »

How can I draw a metaphysical portrait of myself? We're talking about philosophy in class, and we have an assignment to draw a metaphysical portrait of ourself, aka draw our soul. It's a project grade, and i'm pretty lost. I can't figure out what exactly i'm supposed to draw. Can anyone give me some hints? Please and thankyou.
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Last edited by jacquely on Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

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Post by Retlaw83 »

Either a spambot written by someone with English as a first language or just a stupid person.
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Post by Jeff »

jacquely wrote:How can I draw a metaphysical portrait of myself? We're talking about philosophy in class, and we have an assignment to draw a metaphysical portrait of ourself, aka draw our soul. It's a project grade, and i'm pretty lost. I can't figure out what exactly i'm supposed to draw. Can anyone give me some hints? Please and thankyou.
draw swastikas all over your body, eyelids and all
that's what i'd do
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Post by Manoil »

Gimp Mask wrote:
jacquely wrote:How can I draw a metaphysical portrait of myself? We're talking about philosophy in class, and we have an assignment to draw a metaphysical portrait of ourself, aka draw our soul. It's a project grade, and i'm pretty lost. I can't figure out what exactly i'm supposed to draw. Can anyone give me some hints? Please and thankyou.
draw swastikas all over your body, eyelids and all
that's what i'd do
highlight of my day. Thanks for the lulz

I don't really know what to identify this SDF as. Kind of stuck between the possibilities of a spambot (maybe concealing links until it has posted a certain number of times), a troll, or a genuine SDF. The latter two seem more likely but if it ends up being the first we're talking a SkyNet-level threat here
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Post by pelynda »

How does a digital camera adjust landscape and portrait pictures? How does a camera know that its taking a portrait or landscape computer? Because, say if you are taking a picture in, no mater how you rotate it, how does the camera know you are taking a portrait picture?
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